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Posts posted by Dart-kun

  1. Hello, I just started looking at Xfire. Looks really nice. Is the slow down really that bad? Also, a few games I play aren't on that list. Mainly Shattered Galaxies. That makes me quite sad... though I'm still going to try it out. Only because minimizing in MapleStory is annoying.

  2. Xbox LIVE has a fee. PS2 Does not. Understand? But really, I also dislike the Ps2 and going online. Though Resident Evil Out break File 2 has never failed me yet. Which is rather amazing.Second. Yes mods wreck games, hacks and the like are the reason most people do not like online. So, I think consoles should leave online alone. Computers are always better for online anyways.

  3. It's a good tutorial if not a tad short, and pretty simplistic.I recently searching for a hit counter aswell, and ended up finding one that records unique hits each day. So if someone was to Visit my site, it would count 1. No matter how many times they refreash with 24 hours, another hit won't be counted. But after 24 hours, it would raise to 2. It's pretty nice, was just a PHP counter, but it was good. But I ended up losing it, and not being able to find it.Perhaps next time you could make one like this? I'm sure alot of people would like it aswell.

  4. I have Gamcube, a PSX, a Gameboy Pocket, a NES, and a genesis.Gamecube I bought with my own money when I was like 13. (favourite game, Super Smash bros. Melee)PSX, I got as a gift from my uncle. (fave, Final Fantasy Tactics)Gameboy was a birthday present. (fave, Pokemon Red)Genesis and Nes were from my uncle/aunt who no longer played them. (fav. Sonic 3 & Knuckles, super mario 3.)

  5. I loved this game, I really should go play once again. I have every expansion, and used to play it all the time. I really wished I saved my rollercoasted dubbed "Icey Jet" almost perfect Rollercoaster that took me a while to get very good. Very addicting, but I really wished they would keep going with it. It's so sad, that once I got starcraft, and more RTS's (Real time stratagy) PC games, I never touched RollerCoaster tycoon again. *goes off to find it*

  6. Shouldn't this be in website showcase or something some'm? Also, weak hosting service dude. The flash games, limited, are alright, besides your own work, which is quite blah. On the stuff page, the CSS cursor effects are overrated. So overall, weak games compared to other sites, preset layouts are blah. Good luck trying next time.

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