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Posts posted by palladin

  1. Look at you head section in new page:

    <link href="style/zach.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

    This is lead to yuo css style where style of this links can be defined. Meybe you just forgot to copy this zach.css file. And dont forgot, he must be in "style/" subdirectory.

    Second thing, this:

    <style type="text/css"><!--body {	background-image: url(file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Logan/My%20Documents/bg.gif);}

    The bacground image link lead to you bg.gic on you hard disk so only you see background image, no one other :unsure: . Change them to realitve link.


    Notice from rejected:
    Added code tags

  2. Well, the title and description wasn't that good.


    I need to know a HTML/PHP/JavaScript/CSS code that can change the CSS used for my site.


    Instead of using the defaut CSS style, the user can select another style instead of the default one, which will be used on all pages that have the code, and be remembered by using cookies. So, next time the user visit my page, it will load the CSS file the user choosed last time. If it can't find anything in the cookies, it load the default one.


    Hope you understand what i'm looking for, and I hope you can help :unsure:


    Got in php, writing from memory :D


    for: http:\somepage.php?style=1

    somepage php.code<head><?php$style = 1;if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['style'])) {$style = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['style']);}if ($style == 1) {print "<link href=\"styles1.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"}if ($style == 2) {print "<link href=\"styles2.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />"}?><head>

    Try this :D if not work write :D

  3. Who say is games are somthing hard to write ?!? :rolleyes: here//---------- code ---------uses windows;click1: integer;click2: integer;isclicked: boolean;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin if (!iscliced) then begin click1 := GetTickCount(); iscliced := TRUE; end else begin click2 := GetTickCount(); Label1.Caption := IntToStr(click2 - click1); iscliced := FALSE; end;end;//---------------------------And need form with one Label named Label1 and one Button named Button1 wit above code included to OnClickEvent;///////////Thi cool game show how fast player do dubble click B) in miliseconds :D:lol:B):(B):(:(

  4. You two guys are ever try make some cash from internet ?This is always take much time :rolleyes: no one get millons, even if trust in evry text like 1 000$ per month, 50$ per clilck :lol:. Me, personnaly, try not smile when i see offer like this. The truth treasure in web is Cents :D cent by cent and half cent :( + patience. This lottery is for fun. And players decide is he wanna winn evry day 0,001 Cent :] or One person once on week 5$ B)

  5. No one say i'm not get profit from this :rolleyes:even if give all income from advertise to players.


    Most advertise firms give two kind of pay. Real cash and virtual cash only can spend for advertise. Virtual cash generated by traffic. So real cash for players and virtual cash for me. With them i can promote my other sites :D


    And this is not a lot job for someone who know what he do :lol:

  6. maybe. :rolleyes: but how do you plan on offering prizes if you play it for free? and how do you intend on paying winners (via paypal, egold, etc)?


    Well the source code is almost done, i need only serwer with MySql for tests. And the secret is in number of players. Cash come from advertises. (100 players can generate 1-3 $ in one day). Players bet numbers 10 from 80 spending 1 ticket per roll.


    2 form 10 : 1 ticket

    3 form 10 : 2 ticket

    4 form 10 : 4 ticket

    5 form 10 : 1% pull

    6 from 10 : 5% pull

    7 form 10 : 10% pull

    8 from 10 : 20% pull

    9 from 10 : 30% pull

    10 form 10 : 80% pull


    All players get 6 tickets per day for free. Evry time when someone win somthing (mostly tickets) must collect winnings clicking on advertise. Thets how pull growing up.


    And pay out with world wide players can be only by paypal, e-gold ... and other this kind tools.

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