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Posts posted by dundun2007

  1. I have found that the hybrid cars are somewhat of a good idea but they need to do a lot more improvement for a few critical reasons. First of all the batteries that they make for these cars require an intensive amount of toxic gases to be emitted so is it really helping out that much? Also the repairs these type of cars are outrageous right now because of how expensive those batteries are to replace in the cars. Yes the hybrids may get 40+ mpg but there are several traditional cars out there right now that get 40+ as well. I dont think its worth the money for the car and the effort in making the batteries for the cars in the long run it may not even be helping at all.I do however like the new Chevy Volt. Great idea for a car to cruise around town and run errands. It has a 80 mile run on a fully battery charge and then switches to a very efficient gas motor that will charge the batteries back up and still get you great gas mileage. I just think we should switch to hydrogen in my opinion. Im sure everyone knows that the byproduct of a car that is running on hydrogen is just simply water.

  2. Yes i suppose that changing the timeout settings in the registry will shutdown your computer faster but could also cause some problems because your not allowing it enough time to close all the programs that need to be closed and complete its process. I dont recommend changing your registry settings, they make it embedded into the registry for a reason because it should be left alone at the default. I mean if your in a real hurry to shutdown windows then hold in your power button for a few seconds. I also dont recommend during that because it will bring up a windows failure screen everytime you start it back up but its definatley that one of the fastest ways to shut it down, besides unplugging it from the wall of course!

  3. A water engine is very unrealistic, it probably exsist but it would serve no purpose. The water engine would have to do vast amounts of water to propell a car and the car size would increase by like 5x to beable to support enough water to last as long as a full tank of gas. On the other hand though the fuel cell is becoming very popular and the by product of hydrogen of course is water. The main issue with these fuel cells is that its extremley dangerous, although they have done a good job of reducing the risk with a very secure cell. Although when a hydrogen station explodes its alot different from a gas station, it would cause a much greater explosion. Take for example the hydrogen bomb thats what could be caused if something were to go terribly wrong.

  4. I dont know how much i would trust a very new type of car that hovers above the water. If something went wrong then i dont really know what you would be able to. Its not like a boat you cant do a quick fix or paddle your way to shore. I am assuming that if the propellers stopped working then the car would simply just sink underwater which doesnt seem to appealing to me. There is a car out there though and has been out there for a while that can go partially underwater. The H1 hummers that they used in the war has a snorkel on the top of it. The snorkel is used for it to go underwater up to the point where the snorkel is which isnt far from the top of the vehicle. That was quite some time ago that they came out with the H1 too, but in my opinion if i want to go on the water ill buy a boat and car for alot less than a unstable mixed combination costing $900k.

  5. Yes, there are many different tastes that are associated with water. The taste of water depends on where it comes from and whats added to it because there is some places that add additives to their water. Well water which my grandparents have up north tastes alot different than the city water that i am use to drinking down here, although then i agree that bottled water each has a unquie tastes to it as well. I guess if you truley had pure water each and every time then it would in fact tastes the same each and everytime, like nothing.

  6. It takes alot of time for them to actually process your site. I was suprised mine only took around a month to be added which i thought wasnt too bad. Also they review your site and sometimes they will never add it because of the content on the site or if the site doesnt have enough information to even be worth publishing on their search engine. Whatever you do make sure you use metatags so that when the spiders review the site it brings up some keywords, helps out alot when people are searching on google for your site to have a better chance of coming up.

  7. I did skip class every so often in high school whenever i had a project due the next day and wanted another to do it because i waited until the last minute. I didnt skip that much in high school but im in college now and in my freshman year i found myself skipping class at least once a week because i had morning classes and i was way too tired or was not in the state of going to class because of the previous events the night before :P

  8. I think that Microsoft is a virus and that there function is to try and beat out everyone else that is trying to make something of themselves. I dont understand why Microsoft has to fight over the smaller companies for the win when Bill Gates who is the richest man in the U.S. still needs more money? I guess thats how business is and a business can never have enough money its kinda sad really.

  9. The xbox 360 is defiantley a good buy today. You can now get the premium verison for around $350, which is highly recommend. The premium verison is like $70 more and it comes with wireless controller, hardrive, headset, ethernet cable, and now they have even added hdmi to there new premium 360's. If your looking for some games to get halo 3 is defiantley up there and is a must have if your a halo fan. I would also use look for games that you like, there are alot of good ones out there. I was disappointed in the madden 08 for the 360. I am a huge madden fan and in the 08 verison they got rid of tournment mode which is a big deal to me and if you play 2 player on a single xbox you can see every play that your opponent picks, because you only use A to pick your play instead of the traditional A,X,Y,B. All in all though you wont be disappointed when you buy the 360 and get halo 3 because thats a perfect matchup right there.

  10. I have tried this before as well and i know for sure that they don't pay. I tried this program for about a month and i earned close to $50 but they refused to send me my money because they said i broke one of the TOS, which i know i didn't and they wouldn't tell me what rule i supposedly broke.

  11. Well there are a few things you can do to help your business along. Like for example with my online store in order for it to get out there to the public and for people to notice it you have to advertise. First thing you want to do is make sure you submit your site to the search engines so that way they have some kind of public display. Then you want to see if you can get into banner exchange, or do the ppc. I earned alot more traffic and sales on my site when i put up my banner on other peoples website, i then submitted my products to froogle and shopping.com plus i was on many popular search engines.You also need to focus on the site itself of course, a professional look and with the tools Xisto offers your sure to build a nice site with the right knowledge. You may have to spend some money in order to get things started with an online shop and credit card portal but it takes money to make money.

  12. Yes, it is worth it now because they have made some major improvements on it and added the HDMI to it which makes it even more worth it. Now the 360 has been dropped and it costs 350 instead of the 400 for the premium system and the core system has been dropped to 279 instead of the standard 300 before. I am guessing they might drop it a bit more once the Christmas holiday comes along just because they want to make more sales so they usually drop the price a little to make it more appealing. It probably wont be much of a drop but there will be a little bit of a drop. So overall i would say that the system is worth it, if you are a gamer then its worth it by far.

  13. Yeah i use to play about 5 years ago and i checked like a year ago on my account and i couldn't remember the password. So i tried to do that password recovery thing and they asked for my birth date which i lied about at the time so you could get onto those cool boards at least i thought were cool at the time. My user name is dundun2007 try to hack into it or something because i cant get in i would just like to get it so i can see what its all about now.

  14. I will tell you exactly why people don't mind their own business because they are nosy and they feel as though they need to know everything thats going on and if they don't then they feel like they are missing out on something. Also curiosity is the same part of it pretty much, its happen all the time theres really not much you can do about it, its just the way some people are.

  15. Ha, yeah thats pretty interesting, today to use your AC cost so much money i can barley afford it. I just try to keep the use of it down unless i absolutely need it so thats one way to save by not using it all the time when you don't have to. Yeah the ceiling fan keeps pretty good circulation also if you have box fans to place in the window that will help keep a constant circulation and cool down the house.

  16. its funny because i cant see how someone could think that you dont need school. How do you think the millions of jobs are filled that run our economy and everyday lives. If there was no school people wouldnt beable to specialize in a certain career and people wouldnt know the first think about...well anything.

  17. i keep getting this error when trying to access my site "Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory." I am guessing its because i dont have fantisico e-commerce on my cpanel.Take your time i am in no hurry just thought i should express the problem.

  18. As we go about our everyday lives things seem to just pass by and technology is all around us. When we go into a grocery store and the cashier scans the items we don’t think how that scanner works, and where the information goes. Sometimes we use credit cards to process our transactions when we are paying for our bill, but how does this all work? Computer’s abilities are often overlooked whether it is at the home or the office. Most people don’t realize all the work computers are doing when you are browsing the Internet or typing a paper on Microsoft word. The command codes used to script these programs contain thousands to millions of lines of code, so every time you go to click on something a new command must be executed. The whole computer process, which you could say, started back in the 300 B.C all came together today, and we use it everyday of our lives. In today’s world phone calls, businesses, drive thru, cars, and everything from online gambling to online shopping is being done with the use of the computer. Anywhere you go today you can find the use of a computer somewhere. Every new car today along with older cars comes with computer systems that your whole car relies on. From this newfound technology in which we run our country on, there is also centuries of development and work behind it. The computer first started with a machine that could calculate math problems known as a calculator to us today, but known as the difference engine to Charles Babbage in 1833. The main purpose of the machine was to calculate astronomical tables. The machine was never built because the government ignored his ideas. In 1940 an idea of the Analytical machine, which claimed could perform any mathematical calculation. The machine was built but there were too many bugs and defects that made the machine incompatible of doing a lot of mathematics. The U.S Bureau of the Census liked the Analytical machine but wanted it revised to make it easier to take a population census. Herman Hollerith stood up to the challenge and redesigned Babbage’s machine in 1890, which he called the Hollerith Tabulating System. The government liked his progress making the machine and funded him the money to continue it. The Tabulating machine was a hit and became a corporation in 1896. By the late months of 1924, the Tabulating Co. changed its name to IBM, which we now know today. The first computer costs over a million dollars, and the first personal computer was around 10,000 dollars. The computer system used punch cards to record numerical data. “The computer took up a whole room and consists of; 19,000 vacuums, weighed over 30 tons, and consumed over 200 kilowatts of energy. In comparison the first calculator had a 5 horsepower engine, measured 2x51 feet, weighed 5 tons, and contained hundreds of miles of wiring, which could do less math than a calculator we use today.” IBM created the very first realistic personal computerized machine called the Mark II, which ran on an operating system called DOS. There were many operating systems out at the time but the one most popular and cheapest was DOS at $40. From there Microsoft very quickly released DOS 5.0, which would provide more space and programs in1991. From this point started the revolution of computers that is still going on today. Soon after the releases of the IBM computers a company called Apple emerged. Apple Company was the first company to massively produce and sell personal computers. “The first computer model they were selling costs about $2880. The specifications on the computer was 4.77 mhz, 16kb of ram, 160kb floppy disk, and a mono 8 inch display.” It was far different than today’s 2500 MHz, 10000 KB of ram, and 80000 KB of hard rive space. From the point when personal computers became popularly known the computer world was in a drastic change that would affect the world for years to come. Today over 60% of the metropolitans in the U.S have families with access to computers. Likewise General Motors has a 1:2 ratio of computers in their workplace for their employees. The Microsoft Corporation hit big with its operating system and had 3 major changes in their lives. In 1992 Microsoft’s stock reached a record high of $113 a share, it shipped windows 3.1 and sold the most number of copies, and established a separation from IBM and became an independent company. With Microsoft in control they sent out over 1,000 upgraded computer components from 1990 to 2000. In 2006 a computer record was released followed by many statistics that astounding the computer companies. “The annual search revenue was around $4,000,000,000, ? of Americans spent 12 hours on the computer a week, Spam on the internet increases 60%, 70% of Americans said they would rather shop online than go to a store, and windows newest release xp had 50 million lines of code, which grows over 20% more each year.” As soon as the business world noticed the drastic change in computers in the 1990s a revolution of the business world was soon to come.Today we use computers everyday, we dont think about how it all started or how many years and hard work there is behind every program, operating system, and website, that make a computer what it is today.Any thoughts?

  19. yeah they do space the new game systems out quite a bit usually around 4 to 5 years. The reason they keep coming out with new game systems is because people get bored of today's game systems and want something new. Everything gets old and people are always going to want new things, just like the companies are always going to want more money so it works out for the both of us.The more interesting question about growing technology is computers, if you buy the top of a line computer right now, there will be a faster and better computer out within a month sometimes within a couple of weeks. It just goes to show that people have the need of wanting new things.

  20. Yeah i believe that most people do it to feel some as though they are the superior specie. I have heard of serveral cases of this animal cruelty and it does bother me in a lot of cases but although in some cases i can see that if animals that were stray and left by someone else should be picked up by animal control and put in a pound. From the pound alot of the puppies or cat or whatever they end of finding dont get proper homes and in alot cases are killed by the pound. I know for a fact that this happens and its sad. Although alot of people already have pets and theres only much help you can do, alot of people just cant save anymore from the pound.I currently have 3 cats and 1 dog and all 3 of my cats i got from the pound when they were only a few weeks old. The guy who helped me at the pound said they were about to put the cats to sleep because they couldnt afford to get them the proper shots and food that they needed.

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