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Posts posted by eurobeat

  1. Anyone who say Game Maker is incapable of large scale, professional projects, hasn't seen this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I've been using Game Maker for about three years, and I've made a lot with it. I've also seen what other long time users have made with it. It's surprisingly powerful if you know the coding part fairly well and have a registered version. :lol:

    yup not all game engine are incapable of large scale especially now a days.
    sample using blender game engine
    another sample using same engine
    another sample

    u just need to learn to navigate the soft and learn python script note: python is easy to learn and use, blender has good IDE, good hotkey

    for jmonkey engine sample screenshot
    sample screenshot
    jmonkey: a high performance scene graph based graphics API that uses LWJGL and JOGL(opengl binding)

  2. if your looking an anime to watch?!my recomendation:claymore: action, 1st season complete, 2nd season ><(24 ep i think)blood+: don watch the movie version it zzzz, complete(50 ep)toradora:funy, melodrama, school days, complete(25 ep)spice and wolf: deep, serious, 1st season comlete, little echi, 2nd ongoing(1st season 13 ep)minami ke: very funny, complete i think short(13 ep)birdy the mighty:cool action animated, not complete(2 season, total of 25 ep)Seirei no Moribito: good story maybe, completenote: not in orderi dont like 50+ ep anime; im getting tired of waiting and watchingi prefer short ep :lol:

  3. Yes i would Prefer this way because its much easier than doing a own Look and Feel but when you create a own look and Feel you can change the Design of all Buttons in you Programm even the Buttons that are used in the programm bevore you created the new Look and Feel
    i have a question too
    he wanted to set up a background image to his new Button how can i do this? when i extend From "JButton" ?

    overwrite the "paint(graphics g)" method

  4. if u want to learn to make a game using java read this http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/~ad/jg/ <<< there some short explanation to in your question
    u can stop reading after chapter 6

    if u want 3d game programing or using openGL in java game progaming check this out

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ JOGL

    and for game engine that use JOGL
    http://jmonkeyengine.org/ game engine

    if u want a sample game code

  5. @inverse_bloomno im not a prankster and second i dont read a comic book. also there a lot of fun thing to do rather doing some prank. i just get impatient cos the book that im reading seem it never to tend to give what i want.and also i got insecure if it realy possible since when i use a software bandwidth limiter(i forgot the software name) the software able to identify the ip destination (where the data will be send) and also able to identify the ip resource(where the the data came from) and i question my self how will be able to identify it? base on it the possible answer is that ul have an access in that data, since the format/packets that send and recieve over the internet if im not mistaken it contain an ip destinationdo i need to make a program? is using java, c++, vb will be enough? or only assemble language can do that?to make clear to my question i just want to get all the data that my computer send and recieve over the internet if possible. any ideas or something like read about "book name" wil be well apreciatedman i feel that i post in a wrong forum >,<

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