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Everything posted by RazorICE

  1. Or maybe try updating your PHP version? I don't know, it may help, it may not, it probably has nothing to do with it, but, *shrug* there's a possibility it could work.
  2. At my school, I have no idea what kind of computers they are, but they're more powerful than mine, and mine is a pretty new (a few months old) computer! They have a bunch of programs on them, including Photoshop, all of Microsoft Office, Macromedia Flash and Dreamweaver, and loads of other cool stuff.We even have Counter Strike on the computers (no lie, we get to play CS in class (since it's the last week of term at the moment))!But yeah, we use the computer labs a lot in our school, there are 6 computer labs total: one in the library, one in the science block, one in the technology block, two on the second floor and one on the third. So, basically any class can just head off to a computer lab if needed (though some are booked for some lessons). Anything that we need to use computers for, or a computer can facilitate us, we use the computer labs.There are even some class rooms that have computers (though they are older computers, probably 3 years old or less).We also have a lot of technology classes, including: Internets & Intranets, Digital Images, Multimedia, Computer Applications, and Computer Programming.Though, I think it would be awsome if every student got a laptop from the school
  3. I listen to anything but ©RAP, Country, and most Hip Hop.My favourite band is Linkin Park, who do rap, but not a lot, which is why I like them.I also enjoy a lot of techno music, The Chemical Brothers, Laziest Men On Mars, Eiffel 65, and even Moby.And I like oldies songs.Especially Jazz.I love Jazz, and I love "Baker Street".
  4. Hmm, I honestly have to say the brown one, though I think the blue one would be best if it was a darker blue, not so bright like that...
  5. Here are my poems I had to write for English homework. Please don't be too harsh, I know I suck, but still it's not really that easy to write poems. Note: Wild Beasts was written from sentences found in the book All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque. Fated Children Turn, my Fated Children, Watch and mourn for the helpless cries, Watch the men and women die Don't let them lie: war is terrible, It''s not patriotic, it's murder Weep, my Fated Children Let the doves fly, Let this war end Don't fall, my Fated Children, Don't let the bad men get you, Don't let the tunnels collapse, Stop the dying Millions of souls rising to Heaven, As the soldiers battle in Hell Shattered cries, stabbing pains, Charging into battle, ripping into shreds The wounded, the dead, The corpses, the lead Sleep, my Fated Children Wait for the end, the end of mourning, The end of it all Rise to Heaven, fly No Mercy With an evil smile, he slowly lifts his gun Squeezing the trigger, as his victims run Tripping, afraid to die, his victims weep and cry Remorcilessly, he crushes hopes and dreams, Shattering lives The women and children, the elderly too He sprays lead wildly ripping through Silent screams, clutching hands He never underestands He has no mercy Never tiring, he keeps on firing Splattering red all on the floor He doesn't care; it isn't fair Ending lives, many hearts he tore Hearts to love nevermore Dying, killing, falling, tripping Too much death, no mercy Wild Beasts His face has an expression of calm He says nothing; he is entirely alone now He still breathes, his face is wet Alone Thin, miserable, dirty The hours pass quick if a man broods The bones have not lasted out Meaningless words, he is not the first His eyes roll, it can't be helped The others have turned pale We have become wild beasts.
  6. Man, I absoloutely love the ragdoll physics in CS:S. If you don't know what I mean by ragdoll physics is this: when you kill someone, they don't just fall to the ground in a pre-animated sort of death, they fall realistically, and sometimes end up in funny positions. Do you guys have any pictures of funny ragdoll deaths? Here's mine: Hiiilarious.
  7. My favourite books are the Scarecrow series by Matthew Reilly (an Australian author), though I also enjoy his other books and any Sci-fi books by Michael Crichton (Prey, Jurassic Park are the best), as well as Stephen Baxter (Space, Evolution are the only ones I've read). The Scarecrow series (Ice Station, Area 7, Scarecrow) are Action Thriller books that focus on a US Marine named Shane Schofield, call sign: Scarecrow. These books have probably the best action sequences I've ever read. Ever. Here, take this for example (quote from Area 7): And that's just one of the extremely mild scenes. Prey is about a bunch of micro-machines that were accidently released and are causing chaos to a team of programmers in a factory in the desert in Nevada. Jurassic Park, well, I'm sure you all know what Jurassic Park is about. Space is about the discovery of aliens and a man's journey into the future, while Evolution is about the evolution of primates to humans, and then beyond (500 thousand years into the future).
  8. Well, I used to play Outwar (outwar.com), but it sort of got boring.I also used to play Kings Of Chaos, but that got boring as well.Now, by online games, do you mean games that are on webpages, or games that you can play online (multiplayer games, such as, hmm, World of Warcraft for example).I like some flash games, but I dunno, some of them bore me a lot. Though I make my own too (they're stupid though).As for multiplayer games, I like first person shooters (Counter Strike: Source, Unreal Tournament 2004) and MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games such as Anarchy Online, and World Of Warcraft (which I haven't played but heard is really good)).
  9. By downloading a template, I am guessing you downloaded a .zip file with a .fla and a .swf in it?If so, you need Macromedia Flash to edit the .fla, the .swf is just the movie that isn't editable.If you don't have Macromedia Flash, and you can't afford it, I'm afraid you probably can't edit it, unfortunately (though I highly suggest buying Flash, it's an extremely useful tool).Well, that's my advice anyway.
  10. As HmmZ said, PHP is compatible with every browser. It is a server side script, which means that when you say on your browser http://www.yoursitehere.com/, the server which hosts your site will automatically make the php page into html, which is read by all browsers. The problem could be either with your coding, or with any Javascript you may be using (I had this same problem, I was coding a PHP rpg type game, and it used some javascript to open and close boxes, worked fine in Firefox but not in IE). Maybe you can post the code here so we can take a look?
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