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Posts posted by jamjamnorman

  1. Wow a lot of people sure are confident about themselves! :P I may be wrong but the trend usually says that most people would vote "NO" in such a poll. I think it's just plain coincidence that most of the people who voted till now are against the trend - maybe the majority of the people who would vote "NO" haven't seen this poll yet! ;)


    well I could be wrong. Anyway it's good to see people who can keep away from their phones. I'm not that addicted to my phone (it's just a basic model no camera/browser/music) but I still feel uncomfortable without it at my side!

    I agree. my phone isn't anything special so i don't need it all the time

  2. C++ is the ONLY professional game programming language. The main reason is the speed and flexibility. C++ is derived from C, which isquite a low level language compared to the others being mentioned here. However, C++ is (IMO) quite a steep learning curve. I started with VB (im not proud of that) but it was easy to pick up and once you have learnt your first language it becomes exponentually(sp?) easier to learn each language after that. I usually use C#, but that is because with C# I can use XNA Game Studio to make games for my Xbox 360. There is also the fact I am not entirely confident in my programming expertise in C++ although I'm getting there ;)

    And if you are going to complain "I'm 15", I'm 13 and everything I've learnt has come from trial and error. Because who reads help files? :P

  3. Like every piece of software, this one is misused a lot. Many people use these to get around sites that are blocked and to which they have no access (reason may be that they were banned, etc). These proxies are effective on almost all sites, but now-a-days the more popular sites are well-designed to deal with these proxies and they simply ignore requests coming from such proxies. So it would be no use on some popular sites such as myspace and facebook. But there are some powerful proxies which can get past virtually any kind of blocked site. These are, of course, rare and even if found, one should restrain themselves from using it.

    I would usually agree with this, but then you hear about things lke the great firewall of china, where the chinese government blocks sites against it's beliefs. That being said, it should not be used for some 13 yr olds trying to look at porn on the schools network. That is a big no-no.

    Javascript is used to change a proxy's address from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    to something like
    this particular example is using base 64 encoding(http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp) but there are many others like rot13, which is a simple ceasar shift 13 places

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