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Posts posted by xuan

  1. Let me first say that I am a girl who does wear light makeup on a daily basis. In my opinion, I think that makeup does make a girl look prettier, provided that she knows how to use the makeup. Makeup shouldn't be used to completely change how a person looks; rather, it should be used to accentuate features. Oftentimes, I do believe that using heavy makeup is unattractive, simply because it is hard to do it right.I think that most girls don't realize how pretty they are naturally, instead preferring to cover themselves in powder, foundation, and the like, believing that they can hide a part of themselves that they don't like. What many people don't realize is that in attempting to cover what they don't like, they are actually making it more noticeable.So does makeup actually make a girl prettier or more attractive? I think that it depends on how the makeup is used and applied. If done correctly, it can make a huge difference. If not, well...let's just say that natural is the way to go.

  2. My favorite sport to participate in is swimming, since I absolutely love the water. I also enjoy playing tennis, but it's much harder to play tennis against myself, and I don't have as easy access to tennis courts and a tennis partner.In terms of my favorite sports to watch, I like watching gymnastics (due to having done gymnastics when I was younger) and ice skating. And thanks to my friends in college, I now enjoy watching American college football.

  3. I work as a pharmacy technician, so there doesn't seem to be much opportunity for me to demonstrate leadership on a daily basis. But when we get sick calls and the like, I help to organize the other technicians and redistribute the job duties so that all the work gets done, and also encourage my fellow co-workers when things get rough. However, I feel as though there isn't really good leadership in my department, especially with the ineffective communication between the upper management and the staff due to the disagreements between the managers themselves.

  4. Hello! I am yet another new face here, though Xisto may not be quite as new to me. I've been hearing a lot about Xisto in my search for a free web host, but due to the required forum posting, I've been very hesitant to join. However, after trying out a ton of free hosts, I've finally decided to give Xisto a shot, since being an active forum member is a small price to pay for quality hosting. ;)It's nice to meet you all, and hopefully I'll be more active as I find my way around the forum!

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