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Posts posted by Indego_Media

  1. Mr Dee, just logged in to see your post. we both know that I've been where you are with the heart condition. the sleep apnoea thing is just to ensure you are getting enough oxygen when you sleep at night. usually the test is run at night. they hook you up to a few sensors and a nasal tube that monitors the your breathing output, the most difficult thing about this process is that breathing tube stuck under your nose for the night while you try and sleep. good luck with it. I'd dare say that your Specialists will find that unless you snore quiet a lot, and i'm sure Nanna will have told you if that is the case, that there is little to worry about there. It took them about 3 years to sort out the correct levels of medications for me, and we now things are good and looking up. so much so that i'm slowly starting to reduce the level of medication needed to keep the world a happy place.good luck to you and all the upcoming events.. Say Hi to Nanna for me as wellCheersJase

  2. Morning All,


    received a Tweet today from @LadyGaga about her New Foundation "Born this Way" founded by her and her Mum, Lady Gaga has always stood for those less fortunate, the new foundataion can be found here https://bornthisway.foundation/ the aim of which is very clearly stated



    This Way, Towards Bravery

    Where Youth Are Empowered.

    This Way, Towards Acceptance

    Where Humanity is Embraced.

    This Way, Towards Love

    Where Individuality is Encouraged.


    What really interests me about her new foundation is that she is finally putting her voice behind what has been supporting her for the past few years. It has always been the kids on the outside looking in that have found comfort in her work, she has helped bridge the gap between awareness and understanding on topics of sexual orientation, diverstity and the ones that society for what ever reason have pushed aside. During her push into world domination she has built a following of millions of @LittleMonsters who relligiously follow her every move, Given that she is ranked as one of the most powerful females in the music industry and indeed the entertainment industry, Her interest in creating a better life for those that are not as lucky as you and I is a welcome change.


    While Gaga has been building her empire of social awareness quietly in the background, the rest of us who are exposed to commercial media daily have had to continueously endure the daily antics of the likes of Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan, Today the Australian media is all a buzz about the presence of the EX-Mrs Kris Humphries (Kardashian) here to spruk her wares for the launch of her and sister Kloe range of hand bags, and of course the on going puke-a-thon that is Lindsay Lohan's in again out again leagal battle, would seem that the Australian media are more focused on some pill popping drunk out of control Disney chick, than to really take the actual social concerns of our world seriously.


    Of recent times, our Media Community has spent time focusing on all the issues that don't really make a difference, we are constantly bombarded by Political antics, Celebrities Misbehaving and ofcourse Royal Scandle. But have you noticed that not once have then publicised any of the "Say Something" Campaign or Given us a Positive Spin on any really socially effective changes that we are facing.


    I really think its time that the New Room / Producers of these Programs started to focus on the positivite and socially rewarding efforts that are happening in and around our communities.. It would be nice to wake up one morning and be greeted by the Breakfast Televions shows, Publicising Decent people, good deeds, and communities pulling together for a good cause, instead, we hear about the drugs and violence, the criminal activities of the not so nice part of our world.


    You have to wonder what in the world is wrong with us, when we as a community crave news that shows the worst in people, shows people breaking promises, laws and ethiscs. all because it makes better ratings.....




    I sit here writing this blog and wonder if the community could stand a week of good news or if they would start to go into withdrawl with out thier hit of celebrity stupidity to calm thier nerves?




    I'd be keen to get your feed back on this one?




    In the mean time check out this latest call to action from @LadyGaga



    Posted Image




    ''There is no oil too thick as to Destroy the Imagination." -Lady Gaga

    My 8 ft V Mag Cover! #Don'tPolluteTheDream

  3. Hi Nanna,i'm not sure if bramble is the same sort of thing as black berry bush that we have here in OZ but i find the best way to deal with it is to burn it. once its burned back you can get in and clean out all the bits you don't want and it will sprout again next season. it also give you a change to clear away all the weeds from under the bush as well.As i said not sure if it will work with bramble..CheersJase

  4. Ok, this is really starting to suck. How can I ever gain any hosting credits if anwii's posts keep getting deleted? It's so slow here these days, there's virtually no one to have a conversation with and besides all that, I rather enjoy argueing with anwii.

    Hey SheepDog, i think we all enjoy a qood stouch with Anwii from time to time. i do agree though if they keep deleting his posts then we will have very little to actually chat about....

    Hey hope you and you puppies are doing well



  5. I find it interesting that this topic string has popped up again,,,,given that I have a vested interest in Xisto - Web Hosting, and have been an active contributor to the forum both in the last 12 months and 3 years ago.... I can understand Anwii's frustrations with the drop in activity and the ongoing battle with Spam.It will be a definate loss to this community if many more of the active contributors leave for greener pastures, however I find it very difficult to continue to contribute to a site that last week had no activity for 3 days... Durring this same time I was despirately trying to resolve clients issues with hosting and yet again there was no support at all...Its just such a real shame as I've send many clients to host here, and as of yesterday, 3 of my clients are no looking to relocate to more sustainable hosting solutions.... A real shame, i was a member or Xisto and am hosted here and in Xisto - Web Hosting, unfortunately when it comes to client support, i can no longer see a reason why I should endure the greif that hosting with xisto continues to offer... Hopefully things settle down and return to the service levels I expect and was recieve over the past few years, becuase if they fail to improve I will have no other option than to find a hosting solution that does not cause me or my clients any issues.Lets hope that things look up for xisto, KS and Trap members... It would be a shame to loose such a great community....cheersJase

  6. Hey sheepdog,I'm with you on the red tape that small business has to deal with.... as for the idiots that hassel us over our dogs etc they need to be put to sleep....I don't know who it was that told me a long time ago, but they said that there is an ideal situation, if a govt like our respecive countries currently have with large unemployment, large homelessness, and massive debt.the solution was simple. start building homes for the homeless. this would bring a shortage in builders and trade related staff, as well as an increase in the demand for matterials and services around the housing industry. this demand would then create a drive to employ more people and ofcourse with all new jobs and sales of product increase government revenue via taxes.Its a win win for everyone.... Seems too simple doesn't it.... sometimes the simple things in life can be the most satisifing...cheers Jase

  7. I think I put more faith in my own ability to sense trouble, and my aim. :D

    I agree that you need to be self aware and ensure that you don't put yourself into a situation that may result in a bad event occuring, However the actual idea of Online Dating being more dangerous then actually goiong to a bar drinking alchol and maybe meeting someone else who has been at the bar also drinking and taking god knows what, then depending on your promiscuity level, going home with that person is far more dangerous wouldn't you say.

    In fact if you wanted to pust the envelop to the edge of this discussion, the actual action of breathing in certian circumstances can be just as lethal.... :)

    At the end of the day i think if Online Dating allows you the time and convienence to meet someone special, develope a relationship with them and assit in you finding happiness then i'm all for it, but then again i'm also for going out and having a good time with a group of friends and maybe just maybe meeting the man of your dreams while stading in the cue to buy the next rounds of drinks......

    I think we all want a bit of romance and companionship in our lives and it really shouldn't matter if that is facilitated in a noisy night club, your local tavern or online with your favorite MP3's playing in the back ground while ur wearing your PJ's.......

    its all about perspective and if your not hurting anyone and your not allowing anyone to hurt you then its fine by me.....


  8. hmmm a vacation and a dental visit, sounds like fun..... its been a while since i've had a real vacation, the last one was to bali, in the febuary of 2002. We stayed 1 block away from the main blast, so its kinda spoiled our fav destination.but i think a vacation is always a good thing just have to agree with Sheepdog its not easy shutting down the mind and getting away from all your day to day troubles and enjoying the break.and when you have animals to care for its even harder as you need to find someone to look after then while your gone and you worry about them as well.......I so need a vacation and a house sitter that can handel my kids (dogs) while we are gone...... any offers for a few weeks in country Australia looking after a few kids for me ?

  9. Glad to see you back posting again Indego_Media. Didn't see you around for awhile and was afraid we'd lost ya! I'm glad the internet dating thing worked out for you.

    Hey Sheepdog, yes i'm still here just got busy for a bit there.

    I agree it can be dangerous but so can crossing the street or driving your car to a cafe' so either way its all about ballance, trust, faith and belief in human nature being better then people give it credit for.


  10. does online dating work? yes and i'm living proof that it works, I met my partner over 10 years ago online. we are still together, and online was the only way that I would have met him. He was not Out and online was the only place that he could comfortably talk to other gay guys.So yes it definately works and not just for Gays. one of my best friends got married to her husband that she met online. they've been together for 4 years now. there are loads more stories out there like ours. However you do need to be careful and make sure you take precautions before meeting someone. just a little common sense helps in most cases.As for those of you in this thread that have said its silly or wouldn't but have not tried it, you need to remember that every person in the world needs different things and just because your ideal way of meeting someone is not online, doesn't mean that it won't work for someone else. I don't get why people have to be down and anti something when they haven't even tried it? if you haven't tried it then really you have no opinion on the subject so stop putting your negative issues onto other people. I get that your intitled to your opinion but stop trying to inforce your ideal's on to everyone else its just not fair, especially when you have very little idea what you are talking about.I'm sure you've heard the saying if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all, maybe its time some of you negative people remembered that.

  11. Hi Ive been approached by a friend to start up work in this online business http://www.iwowwe.com/main_page and I guess I wanted to find out other people's opinions on it, it sounds pretty good but if anyone has anything to say about it could you please let me know thanks

    Hi Konrad,

    a few more details would be use full, what kind of job have you been offered, what are the terms of the position and how well do you know this Friend?

  12. Hi Bani,yes i saw the "rage" on the other vent topic list. I will also admit its not my cup of tea, but hey at least he tried to create a new image, the location / welcome box is a bit naff, the layout is bland and honestly i dont see the point of a stripped down version of KS anyway.Keep venting Bani, we have all done it at some time, and maybe between the regular users of KS we could point out some key design ellements, functions and features that we would like to see in KS, then KS may grow into a resource that we all love and enjoy using.J

  13. ha. yea, your funny bani. yea, i see it on your screen shot. i took a second look in my browser and noticed that i don't have a welcome box. weird.

    Hello Anwiii, maybe its just you that he doesn't want to know your location..... i'm not so keen on the new lay out to be honest,

    there are a few things that you have all said prior to now and I agree with most of them, what i think would be constructive is if we were to maybe be nice and suggest how we think he could make it better instead of being so down on his design.

    Bani, i get that your not impressed but given your level of interest in this new "development" maybe it would be nice to constructively advise him on what the community would like to see.

    How about that as a new line of discussion instead of the current negative angle

    Just a thought.

  14. Relationships get stale, and if your not careful you mistake boredom for falling out of love. the spark that everyone is talking about doesn't just keep its self alight. it takes work and energy from both parties. I do think that there are times when people grow apart, when you have been with some one for some time, you may have changed, you may have decided that the course that you were traveling along no longer is right for you. Unfortunately this often means that couples split up if the other person is not willing to try change or compromise.I do believe that relationships take work, I know from experience how easy it is to let the "Spark" die, I also know how hard it is to keep the spark alive once the relationship has hit a major flat line.In all honestly if you love the person that you are with, and they love you then nothing is impossible, the sad part to that is that when you first fall in love with your special someone it quite often isn't love at all its more then likely to have been lust, and the spark from lust is harder to keep alight. Love is supposedly eternal so the spark from love is somewhat more manageable the that of lust's. the difference between love and lust well lets leave the sex out of it, lust encompasses all the newness and shinny parts of a new relationship, quite often when lust is presence the little things "habits" that people have they either don't notice or the ignore thinking its a little quirky idiosyncrasy that they have, the down side to this is that when it stops being first dates and romantic weekends away, and the day to day happenings kick in, those little quirky features that you tolerated, now start to annoy you beyond belief, this is when you either need to find the things that you Love in your partner or start to have open direct discussions with them. cause brushing it under the rug will only allow it to grow and fester like an infected wound..... and we all know that an infection not treated correctly can kill you.......In short there are most likely X number of reasons for a relationship to break down, and long term it may just be that one day you woke up and realized that your life is not what you want any more...... you owe it to your self to be honest and composed when talking to your partner about your feelings, weather its been 12 months or 12 years, it will still hurt if you can't work it out. You also owe it to you and your partner to make sure that your compromises are not all consuming. you need to know that there is balance in the relationship, that there is trust and genuine belief that you are both wanting the same thing.To grow old together, happy with the life that you have lived. If this is not how you see your life progressing then its time to agree to move on. long term or not it will never be an easy decision.............my thoughts anyway. :) hugs

  15. I could be signing my own death sentence here.... but I'm on the other side of this discussion, I was the cheater, and yes it was my fault, I was bored, my partner was never there and the opportunity just developed with a friend who became more then a friend. I still loved my partner, still do. We are still together, but everyone is right its hard work and the trust is the hardest part its gone completely. Now my life is an open book but if I'm acting differently or have changed my routine then they assume that I'm cheating again, I know my partner loves me very much, and that is why we are still together, I can't imagine my life with out them, these days cheating is the furthest from my mind. Strangely enough i think we have a better relationship today as we are more open and honest about how we are feeling and when things aren't right we speak up and say something instead of me going to friends to talk and my partner just ignoring it. There's an old saying it takes two to tango and its very true, if your in a relationship and one party cheats then there is usually something missing from that partnership and its not always the cheaters fault, granted they made the move to cheat and they committed the act, but if the relationship was a happy and healthy one to start with then there is a fair chance that they would not have drifted else where.In my chase my partner said i cheated on them, i never had sex with the other person, i never even met the other person it was an only relationship but still i said and wrote some things that were not nice about my relationship, about my partner and given the chance I'm not sure if i have met the other person that I would not have gone ahead and had a physical relationship with them.I think if i had done that there may very well not have been any option to return to my partner and our relationship.For those of you who are so sure about no taking back a cheater, I suggest that you make sure that you have given it enough thought on the situation and what may or may not have lead to the cheaters reasons for drifting from thier relationship.Any way just my 2 cents worth. Don't flame me for my honesty.... or what i have done in the past.....

  16. Great, list, thanks for sharing! i knew about cabbage, celery and onions, but it's nice to see a lot longer list for some variety. But on the zucchinni, I don't suppose it would be a negitive if it is deep fried would it? :rolleyes:

    Hmmm well that depends on the occasion i suppose don't those southern ladies deep fry everything and some of them have bodies to die for.... And it most definately doesnt seem to hurt those southern hunks either with thier southern drawl and 8pack muscled bodies....

    Sheepdog I figure we can deep fry anything we want as long as we spend the next 6 hours chasing after the Kids, puppies and what ever else seems to monopolise our lives..... It all comes down to Balance, If we burn more fuel than we take in we loose weight, its when we take in more fuel then we need that our asses start to look like Big Mama's :) so Deep Fried Marsbars and 8 hours of chasing animals should keep us in check :)

  17. Hmmm i wish my cav's had read the same breed standard that you know about.... My lounge may be still intact if they didn't distroy it :P I do love them, I know what you mean about wimpy dogs, I used to have collies and rotties, but when I moved out of home I couldn't take them with me so these days my partner and I are happy with the smaller breeds, But I have a soft spot for BIG dogs, Afgahns and most of the Larger Spaniels are just fine.My Partner refuses to get an Afgahn as the grooming would kill us...... He does most of the grooming and Showing. He's very passionate about it all. Has a trick for just about every coat type and has spent many hours and hundreds of dollars working on getting the right mix of product and technique to get the coats the way that he wants them for show...... Keep at it with search for a breeder who will let you have some new lines I'm sure you will find one, good luck with the breeding program, Its hard work and made even harder when some breeders don't test or advise what issues they have in thier lines....

  18. Hello Eragon,good to see your back on topic, Yes there are similar stories round the globe about Dragons, and different cultures all have similar references, but the same can be said for many mythical creatures and some not so mythical, if you look into the history or writings of any culture, and compair it with another culture you will see similarities, be it dragons, vampires, Religeous figures etc, the lines of comparison are all very similar, if you are talking about the worlds ability to know or replicate events with out actually seeing whats happening on the other side of the world, then given this similar time / event line then you could be correct in beleiving that mythical and spiritual creatures and beings were omni present. As you know from my past postings I beleive in the dragon spirit as well as thier actual presence in times gone by, I also believe that there is similarities in many of the worlds wonders. With regards to Dragons and if they exist today, unfortunately I don't beleive we will ever be lucky enough to be graced by thier beauty and power again, I can only hope if they do exist that I will live to see them again, However I think this is unlikely, well no in an actual dragon form, possibly as a spirit guide or energy source. It would please my very much to have someone prove me wrong and show me that they still exist, that would be a wonderful supprise in this very cold world.Jase

  19. Hey Eragon,Nice to see you introduce yourself here. we've spoken a bit last week, and I agree with Anwiii, your a very intelligent person, extremely creative as well and I like that, there is so much that i'm sure you have to tell the world, I'm also certian that inside KS you are protected to an extent, so go on write away, the spelling will get better and if you want I'm sure someone here will help you with it as well, Have to agree with Anwiii on the stories, you need to do it via a blog so that it can be tracked back to you KS has a Great Blog Facility, so use it.... if you want someone to check your stories for spelling before you post them, shot it to me via PM or email and I will check it over, you also seem to be in a bit of a rush at times when posting, i would suggest that you try not to post anything of importance when your rushed as it seems to effect the information you are trying to put out. All in all your a wonderful person and I'm more than happy to have you as a friend. Take care we can talk soon about your love for Dragons and more....CheersJase

  20. How long is the quaranteen period where you are? Austrailia? What kind of dog are you getting?

    We have been breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for the past 9 years and in the past 9months we've moved into the Havanese breed, Our new boy is a Havanese, great bloodlines and all going well he'll be a Canadian Champion before he leaves to come over to Aus. The Quananteen period here is 30 days from arrival but he has had to have all of the tida tests and usual stuff done and been clear in Canada for the past 5 months. so all up its a 6 month delay before we actually get him, He will be our 4th import.

    It costs me a small fortune everytime my partner decides we need new blood...... But I wouldn't have it any other way :)

    The cavies are fairly easy to groom but the havanese are a full time job. they need to be brushed everyday, they have a silk like cost that doesn't malt, so the only time they loose coat is between 6 - 12 months when they go through coat change and then you need to physically drag out all the old coat over the period so that the new coat can grow through and so that the old coat doesnt knot and matt up.... its a huge job and can be very time consuming but its what you do if you want show dogs.....

  21. Hey Sheepdog,My partner is just like you doesn't like soaking either not keen on the heat from a hot bath, but a warm to cool bath will have the same effect with the salts, they help draw out some of the toxins produced durring activities (using muscles you don't usually use :P ) its incredable how a simple 10 minute soak can take away the aches of the day. But if your pool was full and working then strangely enough a soak in a pool with an above average ph level will do the same it works on osmosis effect on the body drawing out the toxins.Anyway hope your feeling better.

  22. Hello Eragon, I'm confused Saphira? Is yours ? Having been a wicken for as many years as I am old I'm curious as to how you became a guardian to a dragon. This usually a birth rite, passed down through the generations. And it is 9 generations since the legend of the last dragon was seen in this relm, so again I'm asking you. Which dragon line do you come from. The european or the asian lines? As for the issue with "white" and "black" magic. In part you are correct however, what you have overlooked is that each and every person has the capability to produce dark or light magic, it is all dependant on the intention and end result, even people who mean well may do more harm with an ill placed white light spell if the full consequences are not considered. Whislt I agree most enlightened beings make a conscious decision to work towards light or dark energy. We are all capable of both. Its all part of the greater ballance. Obviously with guidence and a solid training most enlightened beings choose a path but we are all capable of either function. I would like to know more about saphira if your willing to give me more details. I look forwards to more chatsRegardsJase

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