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Posts posted by Ne0n

  1. since Xisto lists everybody's birthday, i think it would be a good idea for a script to send a happy birthday message to the users who have a birthday that day. i get birthday messages from other sites and believe it or not, it gets me back to their website even if i had no intention of going back for a while....or EVER for that reason.

    Invision Power Board does have a modifciation that you can install on Xisto that will send out emails on people birthday, I think it is personally a good idea and I am sure some other members for instance like you will agree to this.

    it would not only be good to personally acknowledge ones birthday(everyone like to be noticed on their birthday), but it will allow users who forgot about this forum or users who haven't been here in a while, to remember this place and come back and visit.

    It's like the other day when I havent been on a forum for a year and I recieved a birthday email from them, I am active on that site now.

  2. Hello everyone? have you ever played this beautiful RPG/Adventure game into your Game Boy Advance or Visual Boy Advance?Well I recommend for you to play it if you are not familiar with this one, This is a very great cool adventure game for Mario and Luigi that I have ever played, Mario and Luigi is leveling up and the main mission here is you are fetching someone
    who steal the voice of Princess Peach, Aha the voice of Princess Peach here turn into bombs words what I mean is when she
    is saying something the letters are falling into the grounds and booms..

    I personally haven't played this, But if you say it is a good game, Why not? I shall try it.

    I found myself having some difficulties playing this game. The battle Scene is like in the final Fantasy, And I like the Bros Combo they are doing a jump attack throwing each other.

    I hope I dont have any trouble :/, All games are made harder now days, Much harder.

    I am now stuck in some level, Ok guys gotta go finish it, Try it

    What level is that? You could give me a heads up... :)

  3. Well I am now really pissed off at the state of New Jersey. I read this morning that come 2011 there will be no more salt water fishing from Docks Piers or the shorelines, only from your own boat or a party boat.

    I have never fished there to be honest, I can understand what you mean and I personally think that this idea is ridiculous.

    This really pisses me off being a fisherman who loves salt water fishing and being I do not own a boat, that means I would have to use a party boat at $35 to $45 USD or pay the $35.00 and another $16.95 for a trout stamp.

    Is that how much it costs? :), Much more expensive there then where I live.

    Is this what it all has come too? MONEY! New Jersey is the only state in the nation that has a price to fish from even there shoreline. Yes it will bring in money for the state but it will also hurt the state as well.

    In the worst cases anglers wont fish at all and/or just go else where. Its to bring money in and rip people of like most states/country's.

  4. i think the topic is appropriate because all i see these newbies doing is posting BLAH BLAH BLAH comments. recently i have seen 1 or two line posts to threads that don't even help the thread starter. it's just a bunch of b.s. wrapped in 2 lines. i see people arguing about topics being closed because that are 1 year old. at the same time, i see those same people posting in topics a year old. when a new user comes online to introduce him or herself, all i see in response is how they should follow the rules and don't spam when THEY SPAM THEIR OWN SELVES!

    Members that post in old Xisto's threads that are a year old or older should be warned, This is what I personally think and others have there own thoughts.
    When posting in a category such as 'Introductions' is ok, But if you keep on repeating the same reply over and over again just changing the members name is very bad. :)

    i have made my fair of mistakes. heck, i still do because i am somewhat more blunt than i have to be in my own opinion. i guess this thread i am starting is no different in my bluntness. but i have come to love this place. respect it. even respect others when i don't always agree.

    Me too have made many mistakes, Probablly the worst member Xisto has registered. This thread is very respectful as you say.

    the top 20 posters on this forum are ALL MALE! also, there are no female moderators. something says a lot about that too.

    Again this depends on such things like, Are they a good moderator? Has she got the time? Would she like to become a moderator? I cant see the administration team turning down females that want to be moderators.

    nothing is perfect.......but this forum could be a stronger community. and it's up to the admins and the mods to continue their efforts....dedicated to a successful forum

    Correct,I think they are always open to suggestions like this.

  5. I like your design, It just looks abit to childish, Maybe it should be more modern.




    For the search font I would personally use somthing much more modern or sightly older such as: Harabara or Alte Haas Grotesk.

    The search font could use your logo font, Maybe a good mix :).


    Also you could change your page title from:






    Little things such as that makes it alot better.

  6. I did not get this email, However certain people I know of did.
    Bit strange.

    Unique Visitors MetricInclude the Unique Visitors metric in your Custom Report or Advanced Segments to see how many actual visitors (unique cookies) visit your website. You can select Unique Visitors as a metric against any dimensions in Google Analytics.

    Im sure Google already had that bit, Unless that's just me, Please can someone confirm.

  7. Well, Thanks Ash for telling us this!I currently am signed up to them, I left them for a couple of months as I just got really bored as the search engine was really bad.Recently I have come back to swagbucks and I must say it has improved by a huge percentage!As Ash said basically you can search & win, Earn swagbucks then redeem prizes, Which is a good idea!

  8. Remember that Monopoly is a trademark, so I'm guessing any site that wants to offer a version of Monopoly is going to have to pay royalties for the name.

    This is correct, Yes.

    I also found the link which rvalkass said, But I guess there is more out there but just be careful in which you play.
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