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Posts posted by templest

  1. PHP-Nuke includes a file in a subdirectory called "sql", There's only one file, so I won't bother trying to remember it's name. I know how to add it to the database in the console, err... try sifting through cPanel and see if there's a way to automatically install SQL scripts. You just point the program, or in the case of cPanel just point it to the file, and it'll automatically fill the database you created with the data that's required for PHP-Nuke to run, then just go to your site and *SHAZAM*! You're set B).


    EDIT: Don't use auto-installers for things like phpBB2, PHP-Nuke, or IPB, ect. Just do it manually, It's just as easy and you'll save yourself the hassle of fixing everything when it goes wrong. I remember an auto-installer *BLEEP*ed something up in my site and the admin had to recreate my hosted' account because of it. I won't trust web-installer ever again.

  2. *Pshh*, Do it the elite way, write your own *BLEEP*ing portal. B)


    PHPNuke is good in a way because you have other people maintaining the site for you. The thing about nuke is that, 1) It's for the newbs. 2) If you're lazy. 3) Corporate sites.


    Really, PHP-Nuke is just like any other site, the only difference is that the code is auto-generated for you. Any one with basic knowledge of simple php and html could write their own cut-down php-nuke. If you see my site, It's really simple and incomplete right now, that's 'cause I'm writing my own portal-type layout for it.


    EDIT: Florisjuh, hah. What are the odds that your banner is the exact same dimensions as mine? I just notice. B)

  3. Starcraft's a classic. That and Half-Life/Counter-Strike. Then the only other game I play is Quake 3 Arena and Warcraft III:TFT, and maybe WoW when it comes out. The thing is, starcraft is like, what should I say?... PacMac. People still play pac-man like mad, it's a basic 2D game with no, noticable, story line. Basic conscept: Make the smilie face eat all the dots while avoiding the ghosts (icky, flippy, nippy, and earl, or whatever their names are). It's a fun game, I don't play sc single player, it's boring. If it weren't for battle.net, starcraft would never have gotten as popular as it is today. B)

  4. Dude, Don't try and down-post me. I've been posting here before you even knew this site existed. There was a time, before the admin thought it would be funny to play around with the board's code and get eerything deleted, where every single post was at least 4 paragraphs long, if not longer. Don't sit there having a false sense of superiority, tryingto make the moderators turn against me. Who the hell do you think you are, trying to order the moderators around? They were given their access because they are responsible individuals who know what the *BLEEP* they are doing, and they don't need to be taking order from a 4 post pizzle whom's latest post appears to not be following the posting guidelines himself! B)

  5. I bought the album expecting another generic mainstream sounding hip-hop album, but instead was shocked. The album "Elephunk" from the Black Eyed Peas is an amazing album. It has honestly revived my long-forgotten love for hip-hop. It's a more mature sound, mellow, and has some very "smooth beats", if you know what that means.


    Aside from all that, when these dudes want to rock out, they will. I'm not exagerating when I say that the first time I listened through the album, right off the first track, I got goosebumps all over. :P


    Never have I herd a mainstream hip-hop band have such a "slick" groove. You can be assured that I'm buying every album that these guys release from now on. The last time I herd such an amazing sound was by a certain "Cujo" with the track "Phat *bottom* Joint", and that's not mainstream at all. These guys deserve their props. B)


    NOTE: I haven't appreciated this genre since about a year and a half.

  6. Linux is probally mroe for servers. Its good for servers cause it is lesser vunerable to viruses, increasing stability and it takes up way lesser system resources than Windows.


    Linux would be my server choice anytime, any where.

    I won't bother being an *BLEEP* about it because you seem to have the right idea. But for any serious that you need to do, or even, if you run a large company, ie: FedEx, Google, eBay, ect... The only thing that any sane person would use is Linux. Not just for servers. Think of how much money you would safe using OO.org instead of Office 2K3, or by using the Quanta for writing sites instead of paying for Frontpage and/or Dreamweaver, or even writing programs in general. I personally don't know why there isn't more mainstream programs written in Linux. I for one stopped writing Windows apps a lot time ago; It's just more comfortable writing stuff for linux and it's more stable.


    In short, It's a work OS, not a home OS. All the things you see out there for Linux tend to make people think that linux is turning into a home OS. Wrong, It's not. The thing is, you see all these XMMS, gAIM, AMSN, *BLEEP*X, XINE, WINE, ect... these are all things that people have made either out of interest or to make their linux more compatible with other windows boxes, at work. That and so just because you're running Linux at work doesn't mean you have to be deprived of windows necessities. But like I said, if you want to replace your your Windows XP Home for playing Counter-Strike and running games with this, you're going to be extreamly dissapointed, unless of course you have balls of steel and go all out hardcore linux and manage to make it a home OS with nasty tweaks. That's what I did, I've had the same Linux installation (Slackware) for about 3 years? Almost, and I've so much uber tweaked it, I could run any windows app close to natively on this box. But it takes a lot of effort, some people don't want to bother.

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