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  1. Sweet, I'll look into picking that up this weekend.
  2. Is StarCraft still worth buying? I was toying with the idea of getting the battle chest about a week ago, but I wasn't sure if it was still worth buying. I've heard it's really good, and I like RTS games in general, though I don't tend to be excellent in them. So what do you guys think? Still a good buy?
  3. DDR is so much fun! I've been slacking off and haven't played so much lately, but I'm in the late Standard, early Heavy difficulty. Since I'm in orchestra, I've already got a pretty good sense of rhythm. That helps out sooo much. However, I just don't have the stamina right now to do the harder songs. I'll keep on practicing, though, and kill all those heavy songs with A's or better. But StepMania on the computer is fun as well, plus you can download all the songs you want for free. Get a PlayStation2 - USB converter for the dance pad, and you don't even have to worry about buying the console games.In fact, I think I'm going to play some StepMania right now.
  4. For the longest time, Chrono Trigger was my favorite RPG of all time. Then Tales of Symphonia came out and I wasn't so sure anymore.ToS is hands down the best RPG on Gamecube (in my opinion), and on par with Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross for pure RPG goodness.It has an excellent soundtrack by Motoi Sakuraba, a battle system reminescent of Super Smash Brothers Melee, a carefully molded plot, pretty decent voice acting, all of which works together to make this a solid addition to any RPG-er's collection.I also heard that there's a PS2 version in the works (if it's not already out) for those who took that console over GameCube.
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