As you can guess, i'm new ^-^ A friend suggested I joined Xisto as it's a good place to get some hosting~ Though, i'm a little new and rather easily confused with such things. Basically, I want to make a forum for RP. Roleplay. Based on some well known anime. My friend has already done this, so why not follow in her footsteps~ I get easy advice then. So I joined. Tried using my AOL Email account, but I was not getting any of the emails. So I used one of my backups. Because this isn't the first time AOL Email has messed with me :/Not much to say. 21, male. I enjoy a lot of Japanese stuff. Music, Anime, Manga etc. I do dabble in GFX, but I like to keep stuff simple. GIMP is my preferred tool of choice. Legal, free. And less annoying than Photoshop in my opinion. Any questions, feel free to ask. Or even give advice. All good.