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Posts posted by theconman

  1. I know a lot of people who build their own computers, and most people on forums have custom PCs too. Are there any benefits to doing this? I know that if your a gamer, a custom computer is the way to go because you get better performance or whatever... but I'm not a gamer. So don't tell me about that.I want to get into music producing, so what would do for that? Like would there be certain parts that would be needed that aren't as necessary in others? I'm thinking about buying a turntable to so I can cut up and scratch records like a real DJ, but since I'm a loser I want to be able to edit on the computer too. Are there any PC turntables that I can use with actual records and have the results on the computer? That'd be awesome, but I dont know if its possible...If you could post a recipe for the computer I'm looking to build that would be awesome. Just a basic computer that is strong enough to handle a music player (WinAMP), microsoft word, AIM, and an Internet Explorer, plus being able to use Acid/Fruity Loops/Reason, or one of those PC beat producers, all at the same time.And if that can all be done with a store bought computer, let me know about that too...

  2. Turns out my friend was right. I ended up just snooping around and I found this article:

    Will your next MP3 player be a cell phone?By Eliot Van Buskirk
    Technology editor, MP3.com
    October 7, 2004 

    In August, I flew up to Seattle to meet with Real to discuss the nascent chess match between Apple and Real. In case you need a refresher, Rob Glaser of Real fired the opening salvo by making his store's music compatible with the iPod without the blessing of Steve Jobs. At this point, Apple has merely rattled its saber and has yet to release the hounds (read: lawyers) on Real. We'll have to wait and see how that story plays out.
    Anyway, after meeting with Real's executives that morning, I broke for lunch with Kevin Foreman, head of the company's Helix division, an "open, multiformat platform for digital media creation, delivery, and playback."

    A bold prediction
    We covered a lot of ground that day, but one thing Foreman said really took me by surprise. He said that as early as next year, the bottom could fall out of the MP3 player market. Why? Because people will use cell phones to listen to their music instead, Foreman said.

    My reaction was similar to the one you're probably having right now: "Yeah, right. Keep dreaming, dude." Aside from the fact that people love their iPods too much to replace them with phones, his idea violates one of my central theories about portable electronics: that people will end up carrying two devices because they need two different batteries. My reasoning is that you wouldn't want to watch movies and listen to music to the point where your battery dies, thus rendering you out of reach of your coworkers, friends, and family. In other words, you need one portable for fun and another for the more serious stuff of life.

    But as we talked Foreman's idea through, I saw that it had some merit. Besides, several phones already support MP3.

    Cell phones with MP3 playback
    If you already own an MP3 player and you're in the market for a new cell phone, you still might want to think about a cell phone with MP3 playback. Right now, an MP3-playing cell phone doesn't store many songs, but wouldn't it be cool to keep a dozen or so tunes on one just in case you find yourself sans iPod with a free half hour, say, in a dentist's waiting room?

    Motorola MPx220
    Running the Microsoft Mobile operating system, Motorola's multitalented phone handles MP3 playback and has productivity features for keeping your life together.
    Nokia 3300
    This one has a built-in keyboard for instant messages and e-mail. Additionally, it has MP3 playback and can be expanded with a flash memory SD card.
    Siemens SX1
    Aside from MP3 playback, Siemens's smart little number has a camera/camcorder, an FM tuner, Bluetooth, and other goodies.
    Sony Ericsson P900
    Outlook users will appreciate this MP3-playing phone's e-mail integration, and music fans who are handy with a stylus will be even happier.
    The MP3 phones of next year
    So if Kevin Foreman is right, cell phones will start displacing MP3 players next year. One thing that could help facilitate this transition is that Apple announced a deal with Motorola that will let you buy music from iTunes that can be played on a Motorola cell phone in 2005. Nokia quickly announced a similar deal with European online music store LoudEye, while Microsoft's MSN Music division recently followed suit by trumpeting its upcoming plans with cell phone chipmaker Qualcomm. I bet none of these partnerships will let you actually purchase and download music wirelessly on your phone because the price of sending that volume of data would erode the slim margins already endured by online music stores. However, the technology of tomorrow could change that.

    The future of MP3 cell phones
    There are three key technologies that will have to arrive before I'm personally willing to place my chips next to Foreman's in betting that the MP3 player will be overtaken by music-playing cell phones. First, I'll need more storage on my phone because flash memory players, while great for the gym, just don't cut it when it comes to storage capacity. I want every song with me all the time. Samsung recently announced what it is calling the world's first cell phone with a hard drive. Granted, the Samsung SPH-V5400's 1-inch microdrive will have only a 1.5GB capacity. However, if you've followed technology for at least six months, you know that everything gets smaller and holds more data over time, so that capacity barrier is anything but permanent.

    I'll also need to reconcile the MP3 player/cell phone theory with the "two batteries, two devices" concept outlined above. Fuel cells will solve that problem, possibly as soon as the end of 2005.

    Finally, I'll want the ability to buy songs for my cell without first needing to load them on my PC before transferring them to the phone. This will require wireless connectivity to be as cheap and as fast as DSL and cable Internet access both are today. I'm not holding my breath, but we could get there as soon as 2006, especially if service providers and consumers are tempted into adoption by the promise of wireless music.

    For now, don't expect to exchange your MP3 player and cell phone for one device. I'm just giving you sufficient early warning so that you have a few years to get used to the concept of a combination MP3 player/cell phone before it actually arrives on the scene. I know that giving up my MP3 player next year would be quite a shock to the system--and I'd be willing to bet you feel the same way.


    So now I need to ask, would it be worth my money to buy a mp3 player now?

  3. I have 10.23 credits, but when I go to upgrade my account, it says Cannot Continue, after I type in my Forum Username 'theconman' and my Forum Password (obviously I wouldn't tell you that).But does anybody know if there's something wrong?(sorry I dont know how to edit)Is there a way to check what 'package' I have? Because no its saying I dont have enough credits, but I have 11. So I think its talking about I dont have enough for the 30 credit one. But I dont know if I already have the 1st one...And if I do, where would I go to upload files and whatnot and deal with that whole thing?

  4. We downloaded it on all of the computers in the computer lab at school and thats all we do for 2nd period. But its only the demo... Does anybody know where I could get the full version of this game? And would it be possible to load it without the CD, and play it on multiple computers?I dont know why I'm asking though... Schools pretty much over... Two more days and I am finally free from this prison known as High School for two full complete months, and bit more. I can't wait.But yeah, if someone can answer those questions, I'd appreciate it.

  5. No I feel you. Like I think its because they're just dying for compliments. So they say that they're ugly, expecting guys to shower them with compliments. They probably are trying to attract guys or whatever, but it doesnt work. I'm sick to hell with girls like this.I know this one girl, shes hot as anything, she's actually a model, but doesn't think she's good looking. What? How does that work? I know so many girls like this, that I just gave up. I'm not playing games anymore, so I've started to just agree with them. "Oh, I'm fat, I wish I could lose weight" "yeah... you should cut back on those krispy kremes"But I have the feeling thats not gonna help me get some p___y...Oh well...

  6. So I can upload .mp3s. That's awesome. I thought I'd just come here and post some bulloney posts to get the uploading service, but the forums arent as boring as I thought. They're actually pretty active, and people aren't a$$holes either. Which is very surprising for an internet message board. Most other forums I go to theres like 50% of the people just hating on everybody, but I haven't seen that here yet. So that's cool. Any special places that I should check out? Like any sections that would be worth my time more than others? Or are they all as great as the rest and you guys dont pick favorites? hahaIts nice to meet you all.

  7. Well, this is for anyone who wants a GMAIL invite. You can visit my site which has an extension for googlemania free GMAIL invites. I know you all might have thousands of them, but if you know anybody who needs one, go ahead and shout it! :P


    Cheers! :P


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Moving topic to the correct forum. We have gmail invite section separately.


    I got a lot of invites... like 50 i think. so if anybody wants some, just let me know, and I'll hook you up.

  8. I think the reason people don't like rap is because of the Gangsta part of it. Back in the early 90s this was huge. And all you'd hear was blacks killing people, which led to the negative view of rap... but good looks with most of what you suggested. I doubt any philostines will take the time to listen to it.

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