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Posts posted by vusay

  1. Hi. Firstly, yehr hero of the day sounds pretty cool actually. As for the songs, I personally don't like the St. Anger album but loads of people do so we'd learn some of the stuff off of that. We're going to learn Fuel. We have to! And memory remains, Devils dance, a lot off Re-load. I can play the main riff from Whiskey in the Jar so that'll be down there too hopefully. About the One solo. Yehr, that's me working overtime playing that. When you first look at the tabs you think **** me, but actually it's not that diffucult. Sounds cool though. Oh yehr and fade to black. That's got a good final solo. If there's any guitarists out there, look at the solo for 'Seek and destroy'. Listening to it it sounds like a full on shred, and it sounds areally hard. Look at it, it's all pentatonic stuff, with really eeasy runs. Don't be put off by the speed because it gets pretty easy once you've played it a few wimes.And about the lawyers. true actually. Then again, if anyone illegally downloads our music all the police have to do is arrest 'Mr Bean'. Their loss! Nah, not being Modest we sound alright.Thanks for your comments. (I'm still for 'Motorbreath'. - And it's good to see people with a good taste in music, not Greenday and stuff.)

  2. Hi everyone,

    Me and some mates are starting a METALLICA tribute band and we need some help from you guys...


    :: Firstly - Name? We want to be named after one of their songs. The shorter the possible but quite a popular song would be better. We all like Battery and Motorbreath. Battery is a pouplar song which is good, but for Motorbreath I could use Metallicas signature 'M' shape for the 'M'.


    :: Problem 2 - We are (from Britian btw) in Year 11 so I think it might look a bit wierd 15 year olds diving around on stage trying to play like people who have been rocking all their life. How would you feel if you went to see a Met tribute band and found some teenagers diving around. Hmm.


    Our gear sounds alright. I use a Peavey Rotor through a Peavey studio Pro 112 occasionally with a Korg ax10g (soon to be the ax3000g) and I play mainly lead. Our other guitarist uses a (bright orange lol) ibanez S which sounds absoultely beautiful through a Marshall DSL.


    So far we know (properly i mean):


    Sad but True

    Of Wolf and Man

    Master of Puppets



    Just us two guitars also know:


    The frayed ends of sanity

    Seek and Destroy


    We are going to learn soon:




    Enter Sandman

    My friend of Misery


    We also know from other bands:


    Judas Priest - Electric Eye

    Judas Priest - Living after Midnight

    The Hives - Hate to say I told you so

    The Knack - My Sharona


    Anyone got any suggestions. Thanks for your help.

  3. Right....I've have been making for this for literally a week now! The reason I have announced this so quick is because I think this game has a lot of potetnial.Secindly, yes it's all my own code. I'll probably add a few lines of peoples codes in later but the majority of it will be my own.Right, I currently use the BASIC code, and I got some good graphics with it. However, I'm going to update to the A6 engine, which should produce almost PS2 graphics. So fingers crossed I'll have that soon.Finally, no way am I going to ignore you. Everything has just helped me so much, and this is exactly what I wanted. Yes the game is in 3d. And yes I'm coding. About the Player vs Computer...This is a full project. However, I am only making the first section of the game to send off to this website. Once I have, I'm going to add a 'Computer Mode', so it's one massive battle. There iwll be many locations, many vehicles and the game should be great.About the 20sec time limit. I'm going to try them both out to test them both. |The thing is though, I want the game to stay fast, and not over too quick. But I agree with you, that it might take the realsim out I suppose if you're rushing around.Abyway, thank you eeryone for your help. You all asked me something and gave me loads of new ideas. Thank you.

  4. This is a game I am making to feature in the Darkbasic newsletter and showcase (hopefully). In then hope to fully complete this game, depending on the levels of interest. Basiclly, only the 2player feature will be available for a while. In this you control a tank. You then have 20 seconds to rie around a large (countrysie(ish)) area and find player2. After your 20 seconds are up, it switches to player 2 for 20 seconds, then back to player 1, and so on, and so on. The winner is the first person to destroy the other tank. All the guns and firing are going to be very realistic, and I think it's going to be great. The main game will be a campaign when you are in charge of a tank team who goes around the world fighting.So basically, think worms, but with tanks instead. Has anyone got any questions or ideas?

  5. Thanks everyone. I'm starting to get some good ideas. Yehr I've always wanted to be the bad guy too. On escape games like 'Gtreat Escape' and 'Prisoner of War' I nthought it'd be quite cool if you were the guards, and you had to chase them down, and makes sure none of them escape. You then get to torture them and stuff. I think if you had to go around killing everyone, a lot of people would be unhappy. Personally, I don't think at all that video games influence violence, but if they were thinking aabout badding GTA SA then I think you'd have a problem on your hands here. Especially with the past trajic events of London.

  6. Cool thanks. It's a bit wierd going from a simple launguage like BASIC into (it said) C++. Oh well. I'm sure I'll get used to it. Wait until Payday then it's mine! Mwhaha. Oh by the way, does anyone know of the Model packs you can buy from contitech too? It dosn't say what it includes. Thanks.

  7. I hate all new stuff so...Hardcore - Don't Like it!Metal - Judas Priest / Pantera Hard Rock - Metallica / Sabbath / ScorpiansRock - Aerosmith / Pink Floyd / Deep Purple / Led Zep (Of course)Punk - Not a big fan of punk but maybe - Early RHCP / Wildhearts?Metallica and Priest are my favourites, however I like loads of old stuff like Pink Floyd, Queensryche, Scorpians, Rainbow, Girlschool, AC/DC - And they same what a terrible taste in music tennagers have today. Well I don't like any new stuff so I'm doing alright arn't I?

  8. Your right - I don't see how anybody can benefit from these attacks. The victims were innocent, mothers and children just getting on with their lives, causing no problems to anyone. Unlike many of the other attacks, there seemed to be no religious reason either. There could have been anyone on those busses and trains, they didn't care, they just wanted to cause as much devastaion as possible. And why? For the sake of there group becoming more popular? Making innocent people afraid of coming out of their homes? Put simply, they are cowards, who know that fighting properly (not that you can fight properly) against armys will get them killed, as they have such week military forces, so they fight against non-excpeting civillians. And what's even worst, there's nothing we can really do about it as indivisuals.

  9. Hi. I suppose this is 'game related' and I guessed if anyone knew, it would be fellow gamers! Right, I'm working on a (few) game(s) but I need to know how you make Vidoes of the game, which you can't put on Demo disks, webites, whateer. I tried sipmly filming the screen and, hmmm, that didn't work. Anyone can help me please? I need to be able to load them into Windows Movie Maker.Thank you in advance.

  10. First of all, I have to apologise. (It seems as though I'm getting good at this now) One : I'm not sure if this is the right place, as I'm not really venting out my agression as such. And two : I'm sorry if this has been done already but it's important and is on a lot of our minds right now.


    Firstly, I don't want any arguments here. Statiscally, the death tolls are no way near that of 9/11, but that's obviously no reason not to pay attention to this. You could also say that the autorities seem overly concerned of the effects to the economy and the disabled public transport system that London needs for the comuters to keep it alive, in comparison to the ever more important issue of loss of human lives. But the principle remains - there was a terroist attack and (last time I heard) about 37 people hae been confirmed dead, and hundreds injured.


    So in view of this I would like everyone to show there respect by just adding a little message offering your sympathy and condolences to everyone effected by this trajic event. As I have already said, I don't want an arguments about how the goverment have treated this or would they should have done, I just want everyone to show support and pay their respect. It's not going to help at all, but at least we know that this community care.


    Now to go more personal and look at the event itself. I live in Torbay in Devon, and so I am about 150 miles from London. There is nothing of major significance here, and so no reason why anything will be replicated down here. However, as we are now epecting another terrosit attack in London, just take a moment to think about how the Londeners feel now. They are on Red Alert and as the last attack has shown, anywhere can be hit. Personally, my main concern is the Airports, as they are the next importnat factor that may have an equal effect. However, due to the increased security percautions at airports, this seems unlikely. Now I live in Great Britian, so I am not to sure about this next subject, but I'm guessing it would feel very similar to the Washington sniper incident. People living in a state of utter fear.


    That is why, I think we should at least show our support, even if it is only a sentance. And I find it disgusting to think there are some people who will look at this topic and think 'Nah, it'll take too long'. Well I don't want to offend anybody here, but think about those who have lost family members. They are still trying to live, but on the other hand some people can't even be bothered to just do a simple thing like this. So Please just express your sympathy here now!


    I'm deeply sorry to anyone touched by this trajic event and I hope that everyone can manage to recover and at least start to get back to normal. And here I am right now, off school with a bad throat and every so often moaning about the slight, not even pain - but discomfort, I am in, where ther are people lying in hospital without legs, having to live the rest of their lies like it.


    Just everyone stop arguing for a moment and express your sympathy here.



    Lee Webber - GRATEFUL to be in good health, with the rest of my life to live.

  11. 2 of the dreams I have constantly have are:


    I am lying in bed and everytime I move the ceiling comes closer untill it squashes me. There's loads of laughing in the background and it's kind of scary.


    The other one is, and this is really scary, is that Death, you know - the Grim Reaper, is just standing there next to my bumk, so that he is at perfect eye level, about 1cm away from my face and then he say's really random things like 'what are you looking at' and 'do you want toast?' I know, it's so weird. I think I saw it on a program once and it's kinda stuch with me.


    The last one which is the one I hate most is where I leave my little brother behind for these wolves. Suddenly these wolves come out and we all jump in the car and drive off and then we sudenly say "Where's Jamie?" Then we turn around and he's being attacked by wolves and its just so horrible. You wake up and your suddenly being really nice to him.


    Where there we go! There's nothing there which a phyciatrist won't here in a few nmonths. Just joking. Thank you.

  12. I've never been to sure about this but I'd have to say:Pantera - Cemetry Games- In the solo it suddenly goes double-time and it sounds so cool.Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell- So cool, but an annoying soloJudas Priest - Beyond the Realms of Death- Can't knock it, it has 3 amazing solos! And when I watched 'em live they were just as good.Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)- I'm in a Metallica tribute band so I'm not even going to start to talk about Metallica because they're all gtreat songs. (Except for St. Anger album)Thunder - Love walked in- Not people know these people are but this is a gtreat song.I know I've done 5 but try thid:Does anyone know who 'GIRLSCHOOL' are?They sing stuff like Race with the Deil, Tonight, Not for Sale and theyare a very good, but little known band.

  13. Once again thank you all for your ideas. Wow! I didn't expect as much attention as this. Will this be the third page now? Anyway, yehr thank you. Everyone who has said something I have listened to and you've helped me loads. Thanks loads guys. By the way, any people from Britian can you tell me if it's just here in Torbay we have Thunder and Lightning? Thanks.

  14. Hi.


    Yehr they are all very good games actually. And yes I have heard of 'Jak and Daxter'. My brother has I and II. I don't really like them but that's just my opinion and I can see why people do. They are quite addictive, like Sonic is.


    Rit-e-o then... It seems people like... well everything. Right now I'm working on an `Action Flght Sumator` whic I've started again after a few months. It's basiclly a flight simulator which such a hardcore simulator as others like Mcirosoft and X-plane. The idea is it isn't hard to fly, and you play as a character working your way from Cessna 152's to Airbus A380's. It's pretty much a monoply in Flight Simulators, I don't think there's andyhting else like this out at the moment.


    So then, wht does anyone think?

  15. Hi everybody. Wow thanks so much. You've all really helped and now I have a few more ideas for this game. The Poll alone is helping me. keep them coming.

    Do you want our real names? Now?

    That's up to you. There' no guarentee I'll actaully be able to do this so you could just be giving me your names for no reason. But I'll make a record and store all your names in it if you want.

    Thanks guys.
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