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Posts posted by Artanis

  1. I do agree that warcraft 3 does have wick graphics, but still like a game that only takes skills and stuff gets boring... cuz once u are good at it u dont need to do much anymore, while DiabloII you can never stop getting gear... and u can learn to make diff chars eg. u made a ice sorc, then u can try to make fire and get gear for it.. so the fun never ends keep trying to make diff type of chars dont suceed try again(boring to lvl though)

  2. Here is a few tips you should keep in mind if you like a girl and dont want ppl to know, and u flirt with her.1)if you like do something to her that looks like ur flirting with her dont do it until she does it to u, or esle it makes it to obvious.2)NEVER do serious things that will jsut blow ur cover, eg. hugging her in front of your class when you dont want pl to know u like her.3) Don't hang out in public-.- a classmate sees u ur in deep *BLEEP*...4) Only go to her house on a day when none of her friends come to her house any time of the day...That is all i got for now....

  3. LOL it takes more then just skilsl for diabloii it takes skills and the right gear, while other bnet games and cs u jsut need to learn skils for the game to own the other ppl, d2 you have to have right gear like a 73 bowzon shoukldnt be doing 1.6k guided arrows(is that possible?) and my druid gear itself is 50 hi runes... so that is why d2 best bnet game, take skills and the right gear.

  4. Id say best pc game is cs or diablo ii cuz thsoe 2 games take a lot of skills... though war3 and sc take skills... you can simply go on single player and practise.... nbut with diablo ii you gotta work for your gear(odds are friends wont give hi runes out) and same with cs....

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