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Posts posted by alive

  1. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone had taken part in any combat experiences. I have quite a few, I was going to talk about the thrill from high pressure paint balling but instead I just thought I'd mention a combat experience that I did with the A.C.F. We did a night exercise that meant heading up onto Saulsbury plains with our blank firing assault rifles and beating the opposing team. It was the most fun I think I have ever had. The thrill when you open up, with rounds popping away all over the place, the fact that your firing at a moveing target and once more - their firing back. It's got to be one of the most frightening but most amazing feelings there are. It was tough, but it was great fun and if anyone does get a chance to do anything like this I would strongly advise it. It's a once in a lifetime opertunity and I think if you get the chance then you should jump on it. If anyone else has had any similiar experiences then please do let me know. Thankyou for your time, Sean Webber (alive).

  2. Hi, I have been offered opetunities to go hunting (full on-no hounds or horses, I'm talking shotguns and full camo...) but I have rejected them. I suppose it may be in my nature to have taken them seen as I have a martial arts site and I am very into military affairs but I just don't like to do that sought of thing. I prefer good old paintballing. It's fun, it doesn't take anyone's life, it gives you the thrill of firefights and gives you the chance to hit fast moveing targets. Thanks, Sean Webber (alive).

  3. Hi, I think that instead of what most people say about grabbing the oppurtunity when it passes, then that is important, but I do personally believe that your opertunity is right under your nose. There is probably something close to you that your good at. Everyone is talented at something. I want to be an Enginneer now for the British Army. Before though - I was all over the place- I didn't know what I wanted to do and all the time everything was there : - I was good at P.E - I had a physically toned body and I loved mechanical techniques etc. I think the best thing you can do is just don't bother to worry over something like this. It'll happen naturally. Just take every day at a time - don't worry about to tommorow or yesterday, today is the only day that means anything.

  4. Hi, My favourite lesson would have to be Physical Education (yes- the dreaded PE). I will be doing it for GCSE next year. I love to keep active (hense the name and the website) and I think it's better to be outside even if it is raining and youre running the 1500m than to be couped up inside a stuffy small classroom doing Maths. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).

  5. Hey, I'm 14 years old and I live in England. To be honest if it weren't for certain people then school would drive me mad. I enjoy been in the company of my mates and certain other people. I know the lessons are still boring (except P.E) but I think being around people you like makes it easier. I just hate Monday mornings.

  6. Firstly, just let me say well done for taking Karate, I my self am part of the British Karate Union. I think self defense is great, although just remember that your not invicible, don't go strutting into anywere thinking that you can take out anyone 'James Bond Style' because all that it will do is give you the edge in a fight, have saying that, it will save your life. I don't know why those guys picked on you, some people just have to do things like that, and there is no exsplenation for it. I don't think anyone would really ever fire for no reason atall. You must not feel bad about the ordeal man - you did everything you could. I am very close to the idea of martial arts and self defense, -( I have 4 sites on them ) and I just want to let you know that there is nothing else you could have done in that situation. Your lucky to be alive, and you should just thank God for that. Like I said, Karate WILL save your life one day so keep it up, I know it's a little tough at times, I've been there so just give it your heart. Good Luck, Sean Webber (alive).

  7. Hi, I don't really have any fears or phobias, but if I had too say any then I would say heights. Like you said I always confront fears, so I don't let it stop me. If there is a high roller coaster for instance, then I will go on it, and if there is a tall ladder then I would just climb it, just to say 'it aint stopping me', but to be honest i've got over it pretty much now. I don't have a problem with heights anymore.

  8. Lol, that is brilliant! I've always imagined things like that happening, but it's usually off cartoons etc. I wonder who he was? I mean, how many people do you know that route around in skips for taps and sinks? I don't know how you did it man, I would have been creased up on the floor in laughter, I wouldn't have been able to hold it in. Thanks, Sean Webber (alive).

  9. Hey, well done mate. At the end of the day you saved a little boys life. If you hadn't done that then there would be an extra corpse in the morg tonight. You've just given that kid an extra chance in life. Some people are just pig ignorant. I know the types of people you mean. Like you said, it's understandable to be angry at first if you turn around and a stranger has just hurt your son, but once you find out what he's done I would be thanking him and offering anything he wanted. I don't know how much she values here son's life... Maybe she though it was right. The outcome of it is that tonight she will be lying in bed probably thinking "what an idiot!" But if you hadn't done what you had done then she would be lying there thinking "What music should I have on at the funeral." I know it's hard to just step out and do something like that. Alot of the time people hold back because they don't want to make a scene, just uncase it is nothing, but it takes bravery and honour to step out of the crowd and do something like that. Just forget about the mum, that kid that you saved could turn out to be a scientist that finds a cure to cancer (lol-- I know it's unlikely, but you never know) so just remember that. Well done man, well done. Sean Webber (alive).

  10. Good for you man. I think it's discusting how some people can't be bothered to earn money the hard way. I think that it is about time that these guys learnt how to earn an honest ?. I would personally never reply to any e-mail like that. If it's that important, the organisation will never e-mail you. Banks will send you written confirmation through the post if they need details etc. It's the same with those cheap and nasty adds that come up with some websites - stupid things like - " You are our 1,000,000 viewer, you win ?100,000. I've tried accessing these sites from different computers, and they all say the same. The way I see it is what you never had you'll never miss. I play my cards close to my chest. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).

  11. Hi, I haven't been snowboarding yet either, but it's ranked around no.4 on the 'things to do before I die' list. The crash you had sounds nasty man. It may sound silly but it always looks good fun having a high speed crash on snow, I don't know why (lol... i know it would hurt) but if I ever do snowboarding I will have to try falling over. I love the thrill from extreme sports like that. I would have to go abroad to do snowboarding (I live in UK) but I know it wont be long before I get to do it, it looks great fun. Thanks, Sean Webber (alive).

  12. Hi, If I said that I would have to be addicted to anything, I would say that I am addicted to health & fitness/martial arts & self defense (Yes... I know - health freak) but seriously, I just like to stay fit. I don't see the crime in making sure I stay in good shape. I think to be honest that it is a shame if you abuse your body. I do alot of physical building activities anyway (karate etc) but I do occassionally like to stop off at the gym. I also have a few over little priorities (nothing bad...), but fitness is my main concern. Thanks for your time, Sean Webber (alive).

  13. Dude, I'm sorry to hear about the cancer. I just hope that it doesn't spread and who knows, with all the treatment they have now maybe it will clear up eventually? I have an experience in cancer myself. I didn't actually get it, but I have lost both of my grand parents to it. I just hope that it doesn't effect any of my loved ones. I know that the stats are something like 1/3 people will catch it, I just hope that these cures are out quick enough. They will find an anti-body to it eventually I have no doubt, but I don't think it'll be in my life time. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck mate, and just remember that anything is possible. I've heard of some people that have had accidents and have been paraylised for life, just for the doctor that said that to see them a couple of months later walking, the body can repair it's self, and I just hope that it'll be the same case with you. Best Of Luck, Sean Webber (alive).

  14. Hi, I can imagine just how much that can hurt. I had a friend that did something similiar to that. He was riding his new bike through a park. He was crazy about it and I hadn't heard the end of it until he had his accident. I wasn't informed about the accident until school the next day. He cam in with his head bandaged. (It actually looked quite funny although it must of hurt abit!) What had happened is that he hadn't bothered to wear a helmet and he had fallen of his bike banging his temples on the side of a sharp concrete slab that had been erected to sit on and use as a bench. It had made a gash so deep that it looked like he had caught the wrong side of SPAS 12 shotgun. I don't know much of the details, he didn't really want to talk about it much, but I just think that it is wierd the way our body works. Just like you after you fell the shock made you stand up immediatly. When I was staying on camp with the Army Cadet Force a couple of months back I fell onto my back. I hit the very bottom part of it which uncase you don't know is actually incredibly painfull. I stood up immediatly after touching the ground just to stagger on a bit and literally collapse. I was lucky enough to escape without any injuries, but I just think it's weird the way it works. Anyway, I hope your elbow gets better soon and good luck with the future! Thankyou, Sean Webber (Alive).

  15. Hi, For those of you out there that have already experienced Karate then you'll understand what it feels like, but for the rest of you it's a whole lot different. The day that will stay for me until the day I die, well the word that will stick with me is 1st Dan. I had been studying with my Karate Club preparing to take my grading for the past six months, and I had been training at my club for the last couple of years. I suppose that as soon as you get your black that's it, you've done it, but getting it is no easy job. Your sat down against the wall in your club hall waiting, and then after a couple of hours training one of the top guys from the K.U.G.B (Karate Union Of Great Britain) will call your name, that's when the adreniline kicks in. You know that the next couple of minutes will make the difference between a Black Belt and a Brown Double White Stripe. I am commited to Karate, just as I am to my Judo. I couldn't here a thing, everything seemed to fade out and then all I could really hear (although I suppose it was just me focusing) was the Sensa calling the moves that we had to preform. I don't know why I'm telling you guys it, I just though that I would. If there's any other guys out there that do Karate ( or come to that any martial art) then you will understand what it is like. I suppose I just want people to start thinking - oh - that guys only a white belt, because one day he will be a black belt. It just takes time. After one training session you will have a slight edge over your opponent, every second makes a difference. I would like to here from anyone else about Martial Arts gradings please - I also grade in Judo so I know what it feels like. Thankyou for your time, Sean Webber (Alive).

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