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Posts posted by Idolon

  1. Unfortunately, "global warming" is also a convenient excuse to promote political agendas under the guise of "saving the environment". ?We definitely should do everything we can to create, as you say, "a sustainable relationship between man and the environment," but as I see it, we seem to have inadvertently created the problem of global whining in our quest to stop global warming. I think 50 years from now?we'll be laughing at ourselves when everyone is worried about global cooling.? :(

  2. Here's another method, but it probably requires the same privileges: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Otherwise, you will probably have to run the program locally.  Installing it as an automatic service could save you some trouble, especially if you set up the service to look at a global config file.  You could even have it look for a new version in said config file, pull down the new program, and update itself so you wouldn't have to replace the programs manually.

  3. If all the methods require special privileges, then your best bet would be to be a system administrator to enable that SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME. Initiating a normal shutdown should prompt the user to save unsaved documents with most programs, but it won't automatically save them. In fact, that may become another problem as most computer are configured so they won't continue the shutdown until those programs have closed. The shutdown may never complete because a program asked the user to save documents. There's a registry option that would fix that, but it would probably be bothersome to set it on every computer manually. There might be a "no, really, shut down now" function, but I don't know what it is.

  4. For some (well, at least for me) it is much easier to learn by studying other's code. ?Rather than starting from scratch, find an existing web page similar to you want to do and try to figure out what each part of the code does. ?You can start with a ready-made CMS like Wordpress,? look at existing themes or plugins, and then modify them as you learn how they work.You may also want to pick up a development tool such as NetBeans or Aptana Studio that provides hints as to what HTML tags do and what attributes they can have. ?It's much easier than switching back and forth between your HTML code and a cheat sheet.

  5. Well, it wouldn't be as fast as real RAM, only as fast as your computer can read/write to the flash drive.  The virtual memory is also called the page file.  (You can read up on it here)

    If you have two hard disks, you can also place the page file on your secondary disk to improve your performance.  If Windows tries to access the virtual memory while you are trying to access files on the same disk, the two processes will limit each other because the computer can only read and write to the disk so fast.  By putting the page file on a separate disk (or flash drive or other storage), you can keep the two processes from interfering.

  6. A quick search found me two ways to shut down the computer without the shell.

    Method 1 (http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/33948-how-to-shut-down-your-computer-in-c%23/)
    Call Win32Shutdown for each WMI instance.  The full shutdown method is posted in the first reply.  It does give itself the right security privileges before starting the shutdown, so that might be what you are looking for.

    Method 2 (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa376874(VS.85).aspx)
    Call InitiateSystemShutdown from the Win32 API.

    I found another example of both methods on this page: http://www.pinvoke.net/wikiedit.aspx?topic=advapiemShutdown.html.  I don't have a C# IDE on this computer, so I can't test these out, but bypassing the shell entirely is probably the way to go.

    Hope that helps!

  7. Most of my pages look basically the same in Firefox and Internet explorer browsers.Some real nightmares happen though with Safari and Opera,let alone Google

    That's pretty intersting considering Opera (10) and Safari (4) pass the Acid3 test flawlessly and Chrome scores a 100/100, but the final picture is slightly off. I believe Firefox scores ~75-85 and IE8 gets a whopping 20, so you would think it would be the other way around. You might be using things only supported in FF and IE.

    You can get an idea of what your pages look like with screenshot services like those mentioned earlier, but if you are really serious about finding and fixing issues with older browsers, you'll need to go the virtual PC route.

  8. After using Opera for so long, I can't stand using other browsers. I always try to use mouse gestures until I realize that actually have to click the buttons to go back or change tabs. Dragonfly also makes web development so much easier. It's always interesting to see what new innovation the Opera dev team will come up with. I don't think any other browser has anything like Turbo (compression by proxy for low-bandwith connections) or Unite (web content hosted from your computer), though it remains to be seen whether Unite will take off or not. What kind of applications do you think Unite will be used for? The demo applications are nothing that hasn't been done before, but it's still an interesting idea. (before anyone says "Firefox has mouse gestures too," I use Firefox too, but I like Opera better :(

  9. You may want to look into regular expressions.  It takes a while to get a hang for it, but regexes are an invaluable tool for searching through and replacing portions of text.  You can find a fairly in-depth explanation and tutorial at http://www.regular-expressions.info/.  Finding tags and parameters can easily be done with regexes, but tag matching is nearly impossible with regexes alone.  You could look into how HTML Tidy works (http://tidy.sourceforge.net/) as it does tag matching and auto-correction of nesting, open tags, and such.

    You can use regexes as a tool, but with regexes alone, you won't be able to parse bbcode well.

    This link may also help.  https://kore-nordmann.de/blog/do_NOT_parse_using_regexp.html

  10. Netbeans is another good IDE for PHP development. ?It also has a debugger, but enabling debugging running with either XAMPP or WAMP can be a little difficult. ?Both XAMPP and WAMP require very little work to get them running, but I prefer WAMP because many configuration options are accessible from the systray icon, and it has an aliases system which means you can move your server root to another location without having to move phpmyadmin or other applications to the new location as well. ?(WAMP is also kinda fun to say? :( )

  11. The JW Flash Player at https://www.jwplayer.com/about-jwplayer/ might work for you.  You can set a duration in a playlist or as a flashvar when loading a single file.  It should then play up to that duration.  Alternatively, you can use the plugin at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to force a time limit for listening to a file.  Detailed information on how to use the player can be found at the first link and at https://www.jwplayer.com/resources/.

    Another nice and very simple mp3 player can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.  You should be able to only play a portion of a song in an xspf playlist (http://www.xspf.org/) by setting a <duration> tag for the track.

  12. You could try embedding the flash using swfobject. �Some browsers make you click once on the flash before you can give it focus. �swfobject lets you bypasses the "click to activate control" thing, so if your flash isn't automatically playing because that, swfobject could help. �Also, swfobject tries to embed flash properly across all browsers, so it might solve your issue even if the problem is something else entirely. You can download the swfobject javascript at https://code.google.com/archive/p/swfobject or simply link to google's version� which can be found here. Detailed info on how to use swfobject can be found at https://code.google.com/archive/p/swfobjectwiki/documentation/, but you'll want to use the dynamic method. �swfobject will use javascript to replace the contents of a <div> tag with a flash file. The general code to dynamically embed a flash file using swfobject looks something like this:


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd;<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; lang="en" xml:lang="en">� <head>� � �<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js"></script> � � �<script type="text/javascript">� � � � var flashvars = {};� � � � //You can embed the flash with parameters. �The following...� � � � flashvars.var1 = "one";� � � � flashvars.var2 = "two";� � � � //... is equivalent to: the-flash-file.swf?var1=one&var2=two� � � � var params = {};� � � � var attributes = {};� � �swfobject.embedSWF("the-flash-file.swf", "the-div-to-replace", /*width*/ "300px", /*height*/ "120px", /*minimum flash version*/ "9.0.0", null, flashvars, params, attributes);� � �</script> </head> <body>� <div id="the-div-to-replace">� � �<!-- Alternate content for if javascript is off or flash version is too low goes here -->� � � �<!-- These comments will be replaced when swfobject embeds the flash -->� � � �<!-- If it fails, this content will be left alone -->� </div> </body></html>

    swfobject won't steal the focus either, so it's probably worth a shot to see if it works.


  13. Hello!I've stumbled upon this site after getting fed up with my current host's downtime and slow response, and it looks quite promising. ?I do a little bit of everything including playing and writing music, web development, and making games, so I've been building a site as a portfolio/blog of sorts.I'm a soon-to-be engineering student and a self-taught programmer fairly well-versed in C, C#, PHP, (X)HTML, CSS, Java, LabVIEW, and over-use of hyphenation. ?I'm fairly computer literate, so I'll try to help out where I can.

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