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Posts posted by Pdrive

  1. My favourite Old Show is Wacky Racers. That show was one of the most entertaining aspects of my childhood. Seeing who won every week was real cool. One thing I didn't understand was why Dastardly Dan would always sacrifice his gigantic lead for a ingenious but ultimately doomed booby trap he would set for other racers.No matter how big a lead he obtained he would always stop and lay down a trap, ensuing that "he was sure to win now."The most frustrating part was, not only did he waste valuable time stopping to set up the trap, he would also stop and wait around to see how effective his trap would be. Ofcourse the trap would backfire, either the said racer would surpass the thing easily or a succesion of unfortinate circumstances would result in the trap affecting Dastardly Dan and his dog Mutley themselves.However, despite this small point of confusion on my part WACKY RACERS was definitely one of the best shows on TV back in the day.Ha ha....good times.Pdrive.

  2. I can't really name my top 5 songs of all time truthfully as they are constantly changing. However, these come pretty close.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Killing in the Name Of - Rage Against the MachineThis was my favourite song for about two years. It's such a powerful song and the lyrics should win awards for being the most easily shoutable in the history of music. Make's me want to jump around and bang my head every time I hear it...without fail.2. First it Giveth - Queens of the Stone AgeI've been listening to this song constantly for the last six months and I'm still not sick of it. It's got to be the awesome driving verse riff. Sooo coool. The chorus is wicked to. Very singable.3. House of the Rising Sun - The AnimalsThat awesome grisly guitar underneath the psychadelic organ solos...soooo goooood!4. Imagine - John LennonThough I think the Beatles are one of the best bands ever, i think that this song that John Lennon did solo later surpasses everything they did. Greta lyrics, great artist, great song. Yes indeed.5. Venetian Twilight - Lottery QueenOne of the best bands the 21st century will ever see play one of the best songs the 21st cenrury will ever see. The lyrics are quite possibly the best ever written (or ad-libbed on the spot as some might say) and no other song will quite compare to this if you wan't to play an opener for a gig. The wailing falsetto of Dame Oswald the III mixed with the driving rythyms of Femina Symbolica on drums and gritty guitarwork of Saint Quinthorpe can't be beaten. It's pretty underground stuff but these guys are slowly making a name for themselves in the New Zealand circuit. Have a look at their label, Round n Round Records, I believe they have a website.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I said they're always changing but these songs definitely spin my wheel consistently.Cheers,Pdrive.

  3. Hi, I'm considering applying for application to a film school. However, I'm still not sure which school will be the best value for my precious money.Through researching so far I've found that UCLA looks like it has a really good film course. However, it is an undergraduate course so you need to have done two years of tertiary eduction before you can apply. Plus, the fees are incredibly expensive.The New York Film Academy also looks really good but again it is very expensive for an international student like myself. I considered attending the Los Angeles campus at Universal Studios but I hear that the course is incredibly chaotic and a waste of your money.I'm quite confused as to what is the best option to take. As I'm afraid that if I attend a cheaper university course then my degree will mean little once I enter into the film industry.If anyone has any information on good film schools their input would be greatly appreciated.Thanks alot,Pdrive.

  4. Rock: Queens of the Stone Age (alternative rock wickedness)Hard Rock: Rage Against the Machine (most powerful band in rock and roll)Punk: Iggy Pop and the Stooges (yeaaaaaaaaaaah!)Drum n Bass: Shapeshifter (NZ to the max)Pop: The Beatles (classic awesome, pretty much wrote every song in the history of man kind)Classic Rock: Led ZeppelinRap: Absolutely nothing. Get away from my radio, television, personal space.Jazz: Miles Davis (the maaaaaaaaan)Blues: Robert JohnsonProgressive: Tool (insane drumming, mind blowing riffs, crazy whacky singer...)Metal: Metallica (who else?)HARDCORE: Cannibal Corpse (what is this deafening madness in mine ears??????)Yeah. Thats about it. I have quite a broad taste as you can see.

  5. Aside from the eye strain factor (which is definently and issue) CRT monitors are still considered the best quality type of monitor availble.The problem with LCDs is that they cant accuratly create black - its always a semi-grey shade.Also the colours and contrast change depending on the lighting of the room your in. This is a huge problem for graphics and multimedia work.But yes, the bonuses of space saving and no eye strain certainly make LCDs a good (but still expensive) way to go for day to day computer use.PdrivePS The delay of LCDs is not too cool, either.

  6. Hi guys, a little help is needed here.Ive just got hosted (like, yesterday) ive loaded up one html file and I get a warning email saying my disk usage is at 80%.Whats up with this?! The html file I uploaded is tiddly squat (less than 1 Mb) - I installed the phpBB forum - but so what? Where did the 80% warning come from - I check the disk usage function in the Cpanel and there is nothing to suggest that I have used 80% of my 20mb.Can someone help me out here please? :P I dont wanna get banned for blowing the diskspace cap - before ive even started.Cheers,Pdrive

  7. Bittorrent is a good way to download stuff, but edonkey/emule are really good for downloading as well.If its bandwidth your worried about, dont, because those programmes can be configured to about 50/50 upload/download.The servers have really rare and interesting stuff as well. :-)

  8. I make the most bas-assed tasty pizza in the world. The secret ingriedient is sweet thai chilli sauce.Here's how ya do it...Take one (or two, or three, or lots) of supermarket bought, oven pizzas. You know the ones, they taste really bland..anyway...Take the pizza, grate some tasty cheese all over it. EVEN IF it already has cheese on it... IT NEEDS MORE!!!So you got cheese, now get some salami or peperoni and cut it up real small. NOW GET SOME MORE! Be generous. Through the salami and cheese on top of the pizza.Now add a dusting of fresh basil. (this step is essential).Now get your bottle of sweet chilli sauce. Swirl a big BIG swirl of sauce on top of your pizza.NOW! OVENATE THE BEAST!in 10-15 mins, heaven will be inside your mouth.Its true, try it!Pdrive

  9. Bundaberg Ginger beer is definitely the most satisfying drink in the entire world. It's pretty much the only good thing to come out of Australia. Good stuff.In terms of alcoholic drinks that depends on the state of my wallet. If I'm thinking cheap then I'm heading for a box of Double Brown, they say the best things in life are free and Double Brown comes pretty close. However if I'm thinking a little classier than a bottle of Stella Artois is all good.Apart from that a glass of cold milk or an ice water are both really good too. (As long as its not super trim-milk, that stuff is just tap water filled with white food colouring.)

  10. anyone ever had Peking duck? Its sooo very good :P You can get it at most chinese resteraunts. It consists of Duck prepared in a special marinade, then served in little pancake things (with random green vegetables). Sometimes they then make a soup out of the bones (cos you buy a whole duck, see).Man, its so tasty... Im drooling on the keyboard here.I also enjoy:All things italian (just went to Italy as well!!! :P )All things Thai (gotta go there someday)AND chocolate covered butternut cookies.... *saliva overwelhms me*Pdrive

  11. All the most persuasive and influencing people who you meet use rapport (and anchoring) skills, wether they realise it or not. Maybe your one of them. :P Donald Trump is an expert at these techniques, but he probably just thinks hes a very gifted individual (which he is) - but these techniques can be actively learnt by anyone.I'll post more on hypnosis and Neuro Linguistics sometime soon :P Pdrive

  12. I enjoy rock music and all its sub-genres(also Drum 'n' Bass and alot of Jazz too). I'm not adverse to any form of rock and roll, i enjoy progressive rock, classic rock and alot of the new wave stuff too. The Beatles are one of the best bands ever in my eyes. Every single of the albums has a hit on it, it's difficult to hear a Beatles song and not recognise it. Abbey Road and Revolver are just plain awesome. But my favourite modern bands are Rage Against the Machine (sadly disbanded in 2000) and Queens of the Stone Age. I can't get sick of Songs for the Deaf, one of the most listenable albums of all time, and to follow it up with such another awesome album (Lullabies to Paralyze) is pretty wicked too. Unfortunately I haven't heard much of Josh Hommes earlier stuff, I want to hear Kyuss I hear they are really good to I have heard. Other musicians you may say......Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Tool, A Perfect Circle, The Strokes, Radiohead, Arlo Guthrie, Nirvana, Sound Garden, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Cream, The Clash, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Iggy and the Stooges, Miles Davis, Polyphonic Spree, Shihad (YEAH NZ MUSIC!), The Swingers, Thw White Stripes, Rammstein, Snoop Dog (he..he..), Metallica, 8 Foot Sativa, Pigme Love Circus, LOTTERY QUEEN, Electric Confectaires, Deep Purple, Audioslave, Al Green (the man), Basement Jaxx, Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter, the 5,6,7,8's, Guns 'n' Roses, The Soundtrack to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Deja Voodoo......oh so much good music. :P:(:P

  13. Definitenly have to be fightclub.Fightclub is so great. I love the twist, I really didn't see it coming at all. Also the sound track is excellent, esipecially the Pixies song "Where is My Mind" at the end.David Fincher has real taste in music. He also directed the A Perfect Circle video "Judith".Pdrive

  14. The controller looks a bit ugly im thinking.Do you think they might have that same issue as with the original PS controllers (remember? before they had analogue sticks).They were really really uncomfortable and gave everyone cramp. I suspect the PS3 might be the same.Anyone seen the spec. for the new X-box.lol, yes, little kids will be needing jobs. This is all a conspiracy to create a boost (much needed) in the economy.PdrivePS everyone keep consuming! :-)

  15. If we think back to our highschool chemistry we'll all realise that if this jetpack was indeed propelled by hydrogen peroxide, his clothes and *bottom* would be melted.Thats even if its not heated.Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the most acidic or basic (i didnt pay that much attention in class) chemicals readily availble these days.Actually, I only know this because I used to work for a paint stripper.I was a stripper, heh. Yes i was.Pdrive

  16. Hi guys,

    I wrote this article for nlpweekly.com - a friend of mine is the webmaster.

    Its about Neuro Linguistic Programming - and how to use it in everyday persuasion. It involves hypnosis. OOooo!!!

    PS this really really works

    So here goes:

    Persuasion Rapport, Anchoring and making the request
    NLP practitioners often direct their focus to therapy. NLP has had astounding success in the clinic, but what many people forget is the many ways in which NLP can be useful in the typical daily setting the home, the office, school whatever.

    Wherever communication is happening, you can use NLP, to help you become a success. Ultimately we all want what we want, and often we need to persuade to get it.

    One of the most basic ways you can become a more persuasive person is to create a profound rapport with everyone you deal with.

    Have you ever been in a conversation and found yourself totally engrossed and focused on what the other persons has to say? Perhaps you may have smiled when they smiled, found yourself comfortably moving closer to them or maybe (if you were walking) your footsteps becoming in sync. In other words, have you noticed when you were in rapport with that person?

    NLP helps us become consciously aware of what behaviours deepen rapport. Gaining rapport with someone means you are understanding and appreciating their model of the world (yours does not change). In NLP the conscious deepening of rapport is called Pacing.

    To pace a person, first we must calibrate.
    We must recognise what representational system they are favouring and their emotional state. We can do this by observing their non-verbal communication.

    If someone is favouring their visual system, they are likely to be speaking quickly with a relatively high pitch. During pauses to think they will most likely direct their gaze upwards.

    Someone orientated around the auditory system will speak a little slower, often with a melodious tone. They will probably look to the right or left when thinking.

    A kinaesthetically focused person will speak slowly with a deeper voice, frequently pausing. They will gaze downwards towards their hands, often making use of gesture to explain themselves.

    To pace our acquaintance, all we need to do is match or mirror his or her body language. Some sensitivity is needed here a NLP newbie who reads a book on rapport and begins to ape everyone he/she meets is soon going to become unpopular.
    Mirroring must be subtle, and above all, it must be flexible. Non-verbal communication is like a dance, the moves dont always exactly match they complement each other.

    A good technique that seldom goes wrong is to match your partners voice (tone, speed etc). A visual person will quickly get frustrated with someone kinaesthetically focused their slow response time makes them seem they arent listening. The kinaesthetic person will get annoyed at the visually focused persons prattle they feel hurried, as though the visual person doesnt appreciate their responses.

    Now that your voice is deepening rapport, lets focus on non-verbal language:
    Start to subtly mirror their movements as they raise and lower their hand in gesture, nod your head. When they sway their body from side to side, roll your head from side to side. Find the right balance between direct mimicking and interpretive mirroring. They should remain unaware (consciously) of you active attempt to mirror them.

    Most importantly you should pace their breathing. Visual people will breathe a little faster (from the shoulders), the auditory focused people breathe from the abdomen (slower) and the kinaesthetically orientated will breathe deep down, towards their stomach (much slower). Match breathing to match state.

    If you mirror successfully youll actually feel the bond in your conversation deepen.

    Finally, use your language to strengthen the rapport. Youve identified their representational system use language that mirrors their state.

    I see what you mean, thats something to look forward to

    is an example of visually orientated language. An auditory based similar sentence might be:

    Speak your mind, Im hearing you loud and clear

    For the kinaesthetic person: 

    Hold on a moment, Im still getting to grips with the idea

    Using the appropriate language will help your acquaintance feel that he or she is really getting through to you (and vice-versa).

    Hopefully by now you and your acquaintance are deep in rapport, and youve just remembered that youre trying to persuade this person of something dont worry, now well look at getting them into the state of mind where they will be most useful to you (insert evil cackling laugh here).

    We are now moving from pacing to leading. You will now be aware of what emotional state they are in, so lets change that state.

    Bring the conversation around to you, and start to tell them a story. When I last did this I suddenly exclaimed:

    Oh but I havent told you about my weekend camping yet

    Basically any opportunity, for you to graphically discuss an emotional experience, is what you want. Continue your story, peppering it with language from their favoured representation system. Because of your level of rapport, they will actually feel the elation you felt at catching that big fish. They will feel your sense of appreciation when you tell them how you wife was so generous, how she happily cooked the fish for you, how satisfied she felt at a job well done. (Note the language I used, this person was a very kinaesthetic thinker)

    This person is now in a fantastic frame of mind to do you a favour. Through your artful story they have appreciated your model of the world and are feeling pretty generous.

    If this is your boss, its probably not appropriate to ask for a raise straight after your story. Nor would it be normal to ask you neighbour for the loan of his brand new ride-on lawnmower, right after discussing fishing.

    What you want to do is anchor this state, so that you can trigger it when the time is right to make your request.

    Anchoring is common in NLP, but usually you anchor positive states for yourself. Here we anchor a positive state of someone elses, but it is also for our benefit.

    So, to backtrack a little, while you were describing the crux of your fishing tale, you absentmindedly tug your earlobe (any gesture you never make unconsciously will do), you say the words in italics in a certain (different) tone of voice (remember to be subtle) and you stare straight into their eyes (and they see you doing this).

    Congratulations! You just anchored the state your story produced, in all three representational systems.

    Now let the conversation wander where it will, maybe even go talk to someone else for a bit, because all you need to do is tug your lobe, look into their eyes and use that voice and theyll be sent straight back in that state.

    In my initial example, I told someone about a camping trip. This person was in fact someone who I wanted to borrow an expensive camera from. My request (half an hour later) went something like this:

    So (tugs lobe, stares into eyes, adopts voice) can you see yourself lending me that new Panasonic sometime how about tonight? (tugs lobe again)

    In conclusion, the Panasonic was a lovely little unit. It was used to film some fantastic interviews. I took it home, plugged it into my editing suite and put together a promotional video that made my clients ecstatic. The organisation I borrowed from has always maintained a no loans policy. They continue to do so, to this day.

    I hope I dont have to draw you a picture.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Although this is your article, since it was published elsewhere before this posting don't forget the usage of quote tags. Thanks. UPDATE: removed quote tags. It was my misunderstanding of quote tags for author's own work. Restored as original.

    Notice from rejected:
    Quote tags added, a rule on the front page says:

    Do not COPY (you must QUOTE if you have too), even if the content is yours and you have posted it else where!

  17. Hi all,So here I am, new and signed up!A few facts:I live in New Zealand, I am a student - working to become a professional filmmaker.I have a few films to my name, some of which have done well in some independent festivals.I study Neuro Linguistics. This is lots of fun - its the new age psychology.I am an experienced hypnotist (part of the neuro linguistics).I actually do lots of stuff.I enjoy long walks on the beach.Pdrive

  18. Hi all!Just noticed the cheapness of second hand 21" CTR monitors. Many manufacturers - including Sony - have stopped making these monitors, instead switching to LCD and Plasma.This is why they've just suddenly dropped in price - you can now get a Trinitron (second hand) for under $120.These are arguable the best CTR monitor in the world! Grab this fantastic oppertunity..PDrive

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