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Everything posted by drakeb666

  1. Hey everyone,Drake here, I figured I would take a little time out of my day to drop in and let everyone know a little bit about myself. First off, I'm a musician and I've been playing music for almost 9 years. I've played guitar for 8 of those, and drums for 3. I've also played a little bass and piano over the years but there not my true muse. I'm currently attending college for a bachelors in Gaming and Simulation Programming. I'm very involved in the reformation of America's drug laws, especially marijuana. I believe that our laws are horrendously outdated and need serious re-evaluation. Every year we are hurting the lives of thousands upon thousands of honest hard working Americans who choose to smoke cannabis. I feel this is an injustice and infringes on our rights as a people! My plans are to make it to California after graduation and get a job at one of the game design companies there, and Attend Oaksterdam university. Hopefully all this will pay for my music performance addiction lol. I love heavy metal, classic rock, classical, techno, and so many other different types of music. I don't like country at all... I have a voracious appetite for good books, but I'm extremely picky. I used to read all the time, but in the recent years it's become increasingly difficult for me to find a good read. If anyone has any suggestions in that area it would be greatly appreciated! I guess the last thing I'll mention is I have an I.Q of 140, and I do believe it is because of all the time I've spent with music and playing instruments. Statisticaly music is known to lower stress and pain, and raise musical intelligence, and I.Q.. So any of you out there with kids, EXPOSE THEM TO ALL TYPES OF MUSIC!Thanks for readingJ.
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