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Posts posted by Raptrex

  1. Virus writers have once again gotten the drop on anti-virus vendors and IT administrators with a new technique that's finding early and considerable success.

    Late last month, administrators and service providers began seeing virus-infected messages with a new type of attachment hitting their mail servers: an .rar archive. .Rar files are similar to .zip files in that they are containers used to hold one or more compressed files. The .rar format is not as widely known as .zip, but it is used for a number of tasks, including compressing very large files, such as music and video.

    The emergence of .rar-packed viruses highlights the lengths to which virus writers are willing to go to evade anti-virus systems, as well as the limitations of those traditional signature-based defenses.

    Experts say .rar files carrying viruses have been sailing past commercial anti-virus products and finding their way into the mailboxes of users, who are often unfamiliar with the file format. Administrators who have seen .rar-packed malware say that none of the messages have been stopped by their anti-virus defenses.

    Many of the messages in .rar virus e-mail are slick invitations to view pornographic content, which is part of the reason for the viruses' success, experts say. .Rar's compression algorithm is 30 percent more efficient than .zip technology, so it is often used to compress such content. E-mail purporting to deliver images and video in an .rar archive may well be taken as legitimate, experts say.

    eWEEK.com Special Report: Worm Attacks Once opened, the archive typically contains an executable file with a double extension, such as "foto.jpg.exe." The viruses themselves are new and are usually droppers that install a Trojan or back door on the user's PC.

    "Most of these are appealing to lustful young men," said Bill Franklin, president of Zero Spam Network Corp., in Coral Gables, Fla., a managed services provider. "It's a game of percentages. This is just another way to get control of machines. It may hit fewer machines, but they're probably more technical users, so their machines would be of higher value. It's a good example of the fact that virus writers are probing every nook and cranny."

    One recent .rar virus that appeared at the end of last week is disguised as a patch from Microsoft Corp. Although the text of the e-mail is poorly written, users have often proved willing to fall for such pitches. Franklin said that he has seen about six or seven new .rar viruses each week this month and that all of them are getting past the anti-virus products installed on his network.

    Anti-virus vendors have acknowledged the presence of viruses delivered as .rar files in the past few weeks and are scrambling to develop tools to identify and eradicate the malware.

    Officials at McAfee Inc., which by the end of last week had developed signatures for a few of the new viruses, said virus writers probably have turned to using .rar archives to get past gateway filtering rules. "Some large corporations have blocked [.zip files], so this is a way around that," said Jimmy Kuo, a McAfee Fellow at the Santa Clara, Calif., company.

    Kuo said some early NetSky variants used .rar archives as well.

    One administrator who has seen a number of these viruses recently on his network said that while the social engineering in the messages is nothing special, the novelty of the .rar format is enough to fool some users.

    "Most users have finally gotten trained not to open .zips and executables, and now we have to worry about this," said the administrator, who asked not to be identified. "Our [anti-virus system] doesn't catch these yet, so we have to block it at the gateway in order to stop them."

    Original Source

    dam i hope i dont get one and i hope they dont make one for ZIP files

  2. Naruto, the biggest anime in Japan has just been licenced by Toonami on Cartoon Network.
    This is gonna suck for anime fans who have seen it in Japan.
    Why? Look at the lineup: Dexters Lab, Totally Spies, Ed, Edd and Eddy ect
    Now Toonami has anime which sucks such as DragonBall GT
    Now they have Naruto. There gonna edit out all the blood and good stuff we all love.
    Now if Adult Swim had bought it, this would be a different story.

    I say we tell them to not buy it so we can keep downloading Naruto

    Heres the Source
    Scroll down to Acquisitions

  3. EFF Asks Court to Protect Online Journalists
    Seeks to Stop Apple From Undermining Reporter's Privilege

    Santa Clara County, CA - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a California Superior Court for a protective order that would prevent Apple Computer from forcing three online journalists to identify their confidential sources and hand over unpublished materials. EFF, serving as co-counsel for the journalists, argues that online journalists are protected by the same "reporter's privilege" laws that shield print journalists from having to reveal the names of anonymous sources.

    The case began in December 2004, when Apple obtained a court order allowing the company to issue subpoenas aimed at discovering the identities of 20 "Does" who allegedly leaked information about upcoming Apple products to AppleInsider.com and PowerPage.org. After initially threatening to subpoena reporters directly, Apple sent subpoenas to Nfox.com, the email provider for PowerPage publisher Jason O'Grady. By forcing Nfox to hand over O'Grady's email, Apple hopes to find out who told the journalist about an upcoming product code-named "Asteroid."

    "Rather than confronting the issue of reporter's privilege head-on, Apple is going to this journalist's ISP for his emails," said EFF Staff Attorney Kurt Opsahl. "This undermines a fundamental, First Amendment right that protects all reporters. If the court lets Apple get away with this, and exposes the confidences gained by these reporters, potential confidential sources will be deterred from providing information to the media, and the public will lose a vital outlet for independent news, analysis, and commentary."

    Supporting EFF in this argument are Professor Tom Goldstein, Director of the Mass Communication Program and former Dean of the Journalism School at the University of California at Berkeley, and Dan Gillmor, noted Silicon Valley journalist and founder of Grassroots Media Inc., both of whom filed declarations stating their expert opinion that the writers for PowerPage and Apple Insider are journalists just like the writers for traditional newspapers and magazines. Acting as co-counsel with EFF are Thomas Moore III of Tomlinson Zisko LLP and Richard Wiebe of the Law Office of Richard Wiebe.

    In its request for the protective order, EFF points out that reporter's privileges protect the anonymity of sources regardless of whether third parties hold a journalist's records.


    Kevin Bankston
    Staff Attorney
    Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Kurt Opsahl
    Staff Attorney
    Electronic Frontier Foundation
    Posted at 01:19 PM

    EFF Site with original source

    for those of you who dont know the EFF or Electronic Frontier Foundation is:
    EFF is a nonprofit group of passionate people lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries working to protect your digital rights.

    according to them

    well i think this is CRAZY

    what do you guys think?

  4.     Nearly 5,000 units are returned to Sony for buggy button; Kutaragi unapologetic about the handhelds design.

        TOKYOAbout 4,800 Japanese PSPs have been returned to Sony due to problems with the handhelds square button, according to a recent interview with Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi in Nikkei Business magazine.


        Kutaragi acknowledged that the button is less responsive than the others, in part because its so close to the PSPs 480x272 screen. Because there isnt enough room to put the square buttons detection switch directly underneath, its off to the right, making it less responsiveand sometimes causing it to stick.


        Nikkei Business reported that, to date, .6 percent of the 800,000 shipped units have been returned to Sony for repair. Kutaragi was unapologetic about the issue: This is the design that we came up with. There may be people that complain about its usability, but thats something which users and game software developers will have to adapt to. I didnt want the PSPs LCD screen to become any smaller than this, nor did I want its machine body to become any larger.


        The buttons location is [architectured] on purpose, Kutaragi added. Its according to specifications. This is something that weve created, and this is our specification. There was a clear purpose to it, and it wasnt a mistake.


        Offering additional testimony praising the handheld, Kutaragi said, I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world. Nobody would criticize a renowned architects blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong. Its the same as that.


        By Staff GameSpot

        POSTED: 01/24/05 02:52 PM PST


    heres a image of the inside of the psp


    Posted Image




    this FRILLIN sucks

    and games better not use the square button much

  5. original source

    If you downloaded any Hollywood movie, mp3 music, software, game, or TV show from Lokitorrent recently you might be getting a letter form the MPAA or one of their sister organizations. Lokitorrents privacy policy just went out the window, your secure information is now public. What will the MPAA do with the logs it was granted by Lokitorrent?
    What will the MPAA do with all the information it gathers from the Lokitorrent Logs? Will it share these logs with other companies who want to know who was downloading their music, TV show, game or software? The closure of Lokitorrent seems to have left more questions then answers.

    We will be posting more on this topic as more information becomes available.

    For now we recommend:
    BitTorrent trackers should remove their scrpae linking to lokitorrent... remember MPAA has the logs and will trace every scrape leading them to you! The only way to secure yourself is to remove the scrape scripts and to remove any files you have from Lokittorrent.
    BitTorrent users should remove all downloaded materials you obtained from Lokitorrent. Remember to also securely erase any torrent files you have in your torrent folders.

    You might also want to use some spyware software to scan your computer. We have been getting reports that the MPAA and RIAA had added spyware to some files they seeded just before the shuttering of Lokitorrent. The spyware will be labelled as a codec or some other application packaged along with the movie or music files.
    We know the exeem network has been flooded with these as well.

    haha well i never even heard of likitorrent before this

    just a warning to yall who do this stuff

  6. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Xbox 2 will release "in late October, early November"It's been known in industry circles for months, but the news is now finally starting to leak. You'll be able to buy the next generation Xbox in both America and Europe in 2005.

    While internet news sources today have reported that Microsoft is readying to launch its next generation Xbox hardware in America and Europe in the fourth quarter of this year, Eurogamer has learnt that the specific timing for the machine's roll-out is late October or early November, and merely weeks after the US launch. The exact date is yet to be solidified.

    Speaking under conditions of strict anonymity, senior American and British development, publishing and retail sources have confirmed the launch window in the past weeks.

    It is also now widely known among British sources that Microsoft UK is currently in the planning stages of a spectacular and unprecedented launch event in central London for the winter release.

    While it has been accepted for some time that Xbox 2, currently codenamed Xenon, would be released in America before the end of the year, the news of a Q4 launch in both the UK and Europe will send shockwaves through the industry and gaming community on this side of the Atlantic.

    Many have expressed concern that Microsoft is forcing the next generation of console hardware too early, and that the current generation still has much to achieve. The most famous example of this came from then Nintendo of Europe MD David Gosen speaking at an ELSPA summit in London last October, where he lambasted Microsoft for pushing a next generation machine to market in 2005, and even went so far as to question Microsoft's motivation as profit.

    "In every cycle, some manufacturer not profiting from the current cycle is eager to kick-start the next one," he said at the time.

    EA recently confirmed that next generation Xbox titles would ship alongside current generation offerings later this year, although the certainty of a European release this side of 2006 has been muted: until now.

    Microsoft has already publicly snubbed the suggestion of Xbox 2 being shown for the first time at GDC in March, and it now seems obvious that E3 will see the grand unveiling of the machine.

    A Microsoft spokesman characteristically swatted away any next gen talk: "Microsoft has not made any announcements regarding the next generation. We are currently very focused on further building the success of the Xbox console today and are not speculating on timing for a future version."

    However, it must be noted that with the current lack of Xbox console stock still proving to be a huge problem for retailers and the future Xbox first party release schedule having almost completely dried up, it's an interesting comment for Microsoft to make at the point when every publisher and their dog are busy leaking Xbox 2 software information.

    what do you guys think?

  7. For only $14.95 a month, you can fill and refill your compatible MP3 player withyour favorite music, artists you've just discovered and the latest releases without
    paying 99˘ per track. Get everything Napster has to offer PLUS unlimited music for
    your Napster To Go-compatible MP3 player.

    thats off the napster site

    i think this will PWN APPLE's Itunes

    what do you guys think?

    btw someone try the 14 day trial and tell me if i can get unlimited songs in 14 days
    then its a deal :D
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