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Everything posted by JesusMike

  1. haha, of course I wouldn't do that! (and, as a literary forum, I'd enforce copyrights, and promote moderators to make sure the works are all original). I do appreciate the info, and will read the info in your sig momentarily. However, I was wondering (not sure if you know) if custom php.ini files are allowed. I didn't see anything for or against it in the detail list :\
  2. alright awesome!Would you also happen to know whether or not custom php.ini files are allowed? I've seen other sites deny it unless you pay, but Xisto is essentially paid AND it offers other customarily pay-only services, like custom 404 pages. Thanks a lot in advance if anyone knows
  3. Yeah, I meant Server-side Includes. I haven't run a phpBB forum in years and last time I thought it required some SSI, but if you say it's doable I'll take your word on it. Thanks a lot mate
  4. Figured I'd drop a hello here.My name is Mike, but people around campus call me Jesus. From that I figure you all can assume I'm a college student. I wanted to set up a forum for writers where my friends and I could post up our literary works and get them critiqued by each other, but the hosts I was running into either didn't support forums or took proprietary rights over all content... which doesn't work well in conjunction with personal literary works.Also, I wanted to make a small forum for my friends as we are planning on making a warhammer 40000 campaign and a website to go along with it. I figured Xisto might do the job.Out of curiousity, is no one else bothered by the fact that this webhost is called "trap"?
  5. Hello all!I would assume, due to the fact that this free host offers php and mysql support, that one could run a phpBB forum on it. However, I cam across an issue: many of the free hosts available do not offer SSI support. Last time I checked, SSI was very crucial to a phpBB forum working, so although the other requirements would be fullfilled, it appears to me that I still couldn't run a forum on those hosts. Now, I went to Xisto and I checked out the details on the free host, and no where did I see SSI support. I was wondering if anyone has a forum running or knows of a forum running on this host to testify if it works or not.Thanks in advanced,Mike
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