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  1. I too suffer from this rash - I mean, the exact same thing (sorry, ackotheadvertiser - your feedback is appreciated, but it is not the same as what Waquas is suffering from). It doesn't occur every winter, oddly enough, but when it does occur my life comes to a crashing halt. I made a post of my own on another message board asking about this condition, for advice or other constructve, helpful feedback. Here is the link to my post - http://www.healthboards.com/boards/skin-problems/686125-incredibly-random-crippling-itching-condition-any-ideas.html All I can tell you so far about this crippling condition is that dermatologists have not been very helpful, simply applying lotion will not cure it, and an anti-histimine like Zyrtec won't cure it either (it helps some, but not much). I lived in southern Cali for a year and my skin was just fine there. I also lived in Florida for a year and my skin was perfectly fine there too. There is something about dry, cold, long winters that seem to greatly instigate - even trigger - this condition. Then, once it surfaces, stress/nerves make(s) it a lot worse (hence, the breakouts due to getting nervous or angry). I'm going to be doing my best to move somewhere with far less harsh winters this summer, as it is pure hell living with this condition, and it is difficult to maintain a social life and professional life when the skin acts up. You also might want to consider relocating, as I have had no luck in finding a proper diagnosis, let alone a cure, and living year to year knowing that the condition can rear its ugly head out of no where is not my idea of living happily. Good luck, and keep me posted on what you learn about this "heat rash."
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