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Everything posted by Vanrailey

  1. I found a way to make money on the internet that doesn't cost any thing out of pocket to start. It may sound too good to be true... but there's a down side. The money you make a day is quite small... and when you're talking about the money you make a month... just a few bucks. Well I'll go into more detail though. The site is built off of advertisments... but you what you get paid to do is visit like 5 sites a day... and only 5 sites a day that gives you like a few cents for doing so. Although where the true money making power is through the affiliate program. Where you try to recruit 5 people and those people recruit 5 people and so on and so forth to the 7th power. Unless you recruit alot of people... at most you'll be making several 10's or hundreds of bucks a month. But if the people you recruit, recruit others.. and those others recruit even more others... well then you can definately make several thosand a month if each one of them contunues to do the 5 sites a day thing. Thus, the money you get paid is continuious depending on you, and the people in your "crowd" continuing to participate. Thus, right now.. I make like under a hundred a month (83- 97 dollars). But I hope to continue growing my crowd . I hope this was helpful and here is the link if ya want to try it out... and by the way it doesn't add any spyware, adware, nor viruses like the site said. I use Avast Antivirus and it didn't pick up anything and plus every since I installed the program (which installs a bar on you internet browser) I have yet to run into any problems. http://www.ucrowded.com/ Yes I'm trying to recruit you... do you blame me xD.
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