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Posts posted by enderforce

  1. I don't think there is much invasion of privacy going on here. Although when they added my street and I saw it for the first time it was a little creepy. But seriously, how much privacy is lost by a few more people seeing the front of your house?

  2. Although I think this topic is well covered, and it is partially just a matter of opinion, I would like to say that I love Nintendo. Yes, the other systems hae nice graphics, but what good are graphics if you don't like the game? I love Zelda, Mario, and Smash Bros, plus others. If I got an Xbox, There are maybe three games I would want for it, plus some that are also on Wii, plus one or two just to play online with friends (which wouldn't even matter if I knew more people who have a Wii). Nintendo makes better games, and all three will keep improving from one generation to the next, so I will stick with Nintendo.P.S. Banjo Kazooie should not have left Nintendo and third party game makers should put all features on all consoles' versions' of the same game

  3. I recently found out about something called OnLive (http://onlive.com/). Basically, you can play games on a computer with low RAM and CPU because the processing is done elsewhere (This is called cloud computing I believe). Things like this are why netbooks are popular. I wonder how this will affect Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft. :)

    P.S. Somehow, I forgot to mention that when OnLive comes out, you will also be able to buy the OnLive console, which is basically the same thing but as a game system instead of a program on your computer.

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