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Posts posted by enderforce

  1. Ever seen Men in Black? In it, a universe is contained in a marble that hangs on a cat's collar. In another instance, a door is opened and it turns out to be a small locker in a gigantic-other worldly locker room. So of course, size is relative. What exists past galaxys, if we were to fly past them? Nothing. The Big Bang Theory shows that all matter was once contained in a very dense ball the size of a penpoint. Time passed and it exploded sending out all the matter that now makes up us, the planets, and the stars. The matter is still expanding from that center point, we can see everything on the other side of the universe moving away from us and those on this side moving towards us. In fact, there is a galaxy heading straight for us as we speak, it will envelop us one day.

    Yeah I thought of Men In Black as well. I enjoy thinking about this kind of thing. I thought of basically the same thing as the Homer Simpson clip, or maybe I didn't think of it. Maybe I saw the clip and don't remember seeing it, but the idea stuck in my mind. Either way, I like to say I thought of it myself :) . I have actually wanted to make an animation of this for a long time. Stupid media always taking my good ideas :P . Thanks to salamangkero for the link. I found the video very interesting. In fact, I liked it so much I would like to re-post the link: The Tenth Demention. Well I'll post again later if I do ever get around to making that animation.

    P.S. I don't necessarily believe this. I don't know what I believe. I just find it interesting and fun to contemplate on.

    P.P.S. Can someone post a link to the Homer Simpson clip?

  2. Welcome to Xisto! You don't need to be so nervous. I just started a few days ago and I am enjoying it a lot. Just look for interesting topics and post about what you know. As for the spelling, it would be appreciated if you spelled correctly, but (and don't quote me on this) I don't think proper spelling is required. Good luck!

  3. Although I do not not a lot about netbooks, I know one thing that makes them more popular (and will probably improve and make them more popular): cloud computing. Simply put, cloud computing is processing somewhere else so your computer doesn't need as much processing power (like netbooks). Why buy processing power if you can just have someone else do the processing for you?

  4. STARCRAFT is great but i didnt liked the graphics, even flash games based on STARCRAFT looks better :)

    I thought the graphics were pretty good considering when it came out. I play StarCraft all the time on Battle.Net with my friends. I love StarCraft. I can't wait for StarCraft II. I heard that Blizzard usually releases games about a year after the first estimated release date because they need time to make it perfect (which I'm sure it will be). There is currently no release date but there used to be so I think it will come out this year (2009).

  5. Google has now stopped working on Notebooks. If you have one, you can still use it, but you can't make a new one. I personally think Notebook is quite useful. I use it to keep track of what sites I'm a member of. I also used it for bookmarks that can be accessed anywhere until i found out about google.com/bookmarks, another great google service.

  6. An interesting idea. It would totally change everything about everything. In response to the quote posted by galexcd, why don't we just make nanobots that give a variable to their replica that is one less than the previous "generation?" Then there would be a limit to the self-replication (sorry if that was hard to understand). Also, why not create nanobots that have enough AI to know that they should only convert pointless things like dust and not important things like people?

  7. I use Firefox. It works fine for me. If you are good with JavaScript, you can get the Greasemonkey addon for Firefox. You can basically edit webpages so that on your computer the site shows what you want it to show. There are also many downloadable scripts for it at userscripts.org, if you don't know much about JavaScript. Another addon I like is Firebug. It is a better way of viewing a web page's code(not including server-side code of course).

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