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Posts posted by andreip

  1. Could you throw out some suggestions? I've looked around with the pay-to-post forum area, and the ones I've seen seem like they're not worth the time.
    I think the best thing to me would be a forum like Xisto, but with an actual cash payout. I say that not because I'm partial to Xisto and some of its members, but the fact that the system that has been implemented makes sense: the myCent scheme. (You get paid myCents for your contributions to the forum, based on your post length and content, as opposed to other systems I've seen that reward you for spamming - as they are by post and not by word.) It's too bad that the credit earned here is ONLY for web-hosting... I would like to see an actual program like I've described. (Not like the credit just for web-hosting is bad... it's actually quite nice for people who are aiming to create websites!) :D

    Check the website in moonlight's signature :D. There is a list of those kinds of forums you seek for :D.

    Moonlight could you please explain me more about this kind of pay2post forums please. And tell me which of them are reliable. Thank you in advance :D!

  2. Hello moonheart, welcome to the community ! I think you will find this forum really friendly, helpful and open to all your ideas and opinions. I would be glad to share some business experience if I had one but I'm pretty sure there are others that can. Well what can I say is to have a nice stay and enjoy all the time here.Cheers!

  3. Hello Kyle, welcome to our community :D! You really got in the right place. There are a lot of free features on our forum, including VPS which you may need. To get the packages you will need myCents which you get by posting. Every 100myCents are equal to 1$. There are many things you can discuss here and many people from which to learn so if you need help or something count on us. You also must register at xisto with the same adress to get the revenues :D. The mycents should appear after 5 posts and they update each 12 hours. Good luck with you plans.

  4. Hello and welcome to the Forums ! I can ensure you my friend you'll enjoy a lot this community :D. There are many things you could talk about and many great people to chat with. Also you could get some benefits you can't find anywhere else just by posting :D. Read the help files and the rules to understand more about this system. Have a nice stay.Cheers!

  5. If you really care about her than you should forget about your shyness and in an appropriate moment you should just tell her all. If you don't do anything you will regret it, trust me :|. And hurry up if you say she is thinking about living. If you doubt how you can tell your feelings just say them, I'm sure this will work. Be honest with her !Good luck :D!

  6. Well sorry to say but it looks kind of unfinished yet. You should work a little more on it and make it finer. Try to use more colors and match them. Also you could get a photoshop trial. Trust me I've used gimp and is not that good for web designing. And the quality looks a bit dissapointing. It would help me to figure more about your website if you could provide the functional version.

  7. sonesay - Well the layout was all a game, I didn't really intended to code it after all. And I know is hard to code it because of the dimensions and all the things. Tough your reply seems a little harsh and ironical :|. I didn't wanted to be rude and sorry if I was. Yes I admit I'm not the best at doing functional layouts and I admit it. I always have problems having them coded. And yes I agree with you that is "another square box with round corners". Thank you anyway for being honest ^^!

    Xalor - As before stated I know it's not really a functional website. I hope you can finish your website and have a great success ^^.



  8. Hey I've just seen this topic. I never coded a game before so I don't know what to say. Tough I'm a flash designer. All I can say is that if you want a game you can't cheat on you need to use Action Script 3. If the offer is good I may take a look at this, It can't be that hard to develop flash games :D.

  9. Hey Koyali, and welcome to our friendly to user community! Make sure to read all the rules and if you don't understand any of it don't hesitate to ask. I'm sure you will find Xisto as cool as I find it and happy posting but no spamming. Also the myCents should appear after you have 5 post and they update every 12 hours :D.Cheers!

  10. phoenixinno - Yes, I know I have some dead links in my blog but i hadn't got the time to repair them. The blog is still unfinished and the portofolio is coming soon xD. I mean it's uploaded and it's functional but i have to add some items to it. I also have to put the adds on my website. All of this will be made pretty soon after I will get a host package from Xisto and a new domain name. Thank you for your opinion.


  11. Pretty simple, but I like it. It is nice and clean. I think the colors work nicely together, and it isn't stuffed with too many things.
    I don't really like the font for the content and the latest news sections... Although I'm not exactly sure what would fit better there.

    Over all, I think you did a good job on it :D

    Yes, now if I look better the news thingy really doesn't fit there xD. Maybe some adds or something like that. Thank you for your opinion :D.

  12. Simple and elegant?pretty nice. Also, the emphasis on the word "free" was a good move. I don't have much to say about it except thumbs up.

    Thank you for all the good words especially when they are coming from someone who really knows a thing about graphics. I'm still learning all kinds of things in photoshop. I've started 3-4 months ago. I like this kind of style. Thanks again :D.Cheers!
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