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Posts posted by Moneymaker

  1. Don't you think it's about time that Googlue was made into a Mod? I mean, look at what the guy does! All day he's helping people here, helping people there...Maybe he doesnt have 500 or something posts like all the other mods, but does that really count?And just look at his reputaion!So why don't you guys think about it, and give some feedback. Good luck Googlue! :)

  2. hey you win some you lose some. Chin up soldier, I'll bet she comes crawling back to you eventually. They sure do know how to manipulate us, but you have to know when to take thier shyt and when not to, and when they say stuff like "friends with benefits", thats just over the line. [not saying all girls are manipulative, but you girls really do have a knack for it. :) ]funny thing is it works...but hey, you tried, and you say it was your first girlfriend in a while, so now youve been through a breakup, mourn about it for about a week, then get back out there in the field man. lolwell im sorry you guys are breaking up <_< , but if shes gonna be like that, she doesnt deserve you. :blink:

  3. If your still COOL enough to go trick or treating, what are you gonna be? I'm 15 and i go trick or treating. If walking and ringing doorbells is all you have to do to get candy, then by God ill do it!plus theres other reasons to go out.Like dressing in all black, puttin a scary mask on and scaring little kids.I havnt decided yet, i was hoping to get ideas from you guys...So...what are you being?

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