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Everything posted by NeXDesigns

  1. is that for the php code to connect? if so you got too much for it. for connecting you only need$dbhost = "localhost"; (if on Xisto use localhost)$dbuname = "username";$dbpass = "****";$dbname = "dbname";(correct me if im wrong)hope this helps if i understand right.
  2. codeman how did you do that sig? can you give me the code for it?
  3. yeah like make it fade from the two colors? or only possible in flash?
  4. Click to go to Reflection Tutorial Sorry I couldnt post it on here but it would take too long to remake it to go on here. *i have been patching the roof for 5 hours this morning since 7:30am. and i am soo freakin tired*
  5. Just letting you know, i am not going to be around for a bit because i now have a category 5 hurricane heading for me by the weekend. the 3rd this month.But on another note, what causes parse errors in php?
  6. how do i get the url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to point to my index.html or .php? that way they dont get a directory and get the main page?
  7. I am back, the hurricane went through and damaged alot of my roof, there are some leaks but the structure is fine. for now.Now they say another one *may* come towards me again.I have been working on the roof ever since i got back. over a million do not have power, luckily I got mine back the same day it went out.I will try to be actice in the forums but i dont know if i can alot because of the cleaning up again.Thanks, NeXDesigns
  8. Yeah you heard right, i am getting hit with another hurricane... one that will go down in the history books, it is rivaling the massive hurricane andrew that wiped out homestead. and it is heading for me.The winds are at 140+ mph (as of 9.1.04 9AM) at a category 4 and they say it will be a 5 by the time it gets here.But this time i am heading north to somewhere around north georgia or Tennessee. I dont believe my house will be here when i get back either.So if you dont hear from me for a month or so now you know that either i got sucked up into space or my house is gone. I MAY get on when i am up there but for now i dont even know if i can get a hotel.So this means that i wont be active in anything right now. lolWish me luck, NeXDesigns
  9. Spam is my friend... Spam can not hurt me..... *takes out C4* SPAM IS MY FRIEND *detonates C4* -an example of spam .Now see how much time it took to read that? Imagine 52 pages of that, thats why nobody likes spam!Please do not spam it wastes everybody time including yours.
  10. THE HOLY GRAIL! oh... right... not it... nevermind....I am still learning 3ds max 6..... im gonna be a while...
  11. I havent play for very long because after I got the game I switched to battlefield 1942.... what can i say i like tanks and planes... as you can see in my sig. anyway, when I did play it i was actually pretty good with sniping. especially on that destroyed village map in the church tower.
  12. you could use a bb code like what is in my sig, that is if you can make your own.i am still having trouble with putting it on my phpbb2.1 forum because of all the little buggies running around.but if you can use bbcodes to do it make it so only admin / mods can approve itbut this would be alot of work for just a sig, so nevermind.but the bbcode is somewhat like this [swf width=x height=x]URL to movie[/swf]
  13. NeXDesigns

    Got Sp2 Yet

    i got it on my desktop, but i am not sure if it is that or a virus/spyware that is slowing it down... lately i have been getting 4fps on things i always get 60 on...The wireless is great in it also, my laptop wouldnt connect to nothing but that fixed it.
  14. no idea, the full package for CS is somewhere near $1,100 USD That includes photoshop, imageready, golive, and other neat toys.
  15. before i got into graphics i wanted to go into programing... then i saw all the hardcoding... so now i just mod... let them do the C++ and ill stick with messing it up
  16. seriously though, get the trial and practice with that, i bet ur ads will start to come out better! also if you get the trial go look at Good-Tutorials that will help get you started.
  17. I like the bottom one,but anyway i have always had trouble with text, like in my sig, you can barely read most of it. but i can send you the backgrounds from those ads if you like.EDIT:: cragllo get a trial of photoshop CS from http://www.adobe.com/ while you are waiting to get the full version. It helped me.
  18. Here is my try at one, Default size (468x60) in .jpg format. If the background doesnt suit you I can do different shots of that one (change the background but with the same style.) or do a complete new one. Edit:: and isnt that nice im a noob level 2! lol I feel soo special. Edit2:: Added another banner. mabey im not as useless as i thought... lol
  19. download the latest ipb package and just follow the instructions on upgrading?check ipb's website for more info because i know little about it and i have never upgraded a forum.
  20. like my phpbb forum, i can edit anyones profile from the admin control panel. No password needed all i need is a name.I can edit anything from their password to their signature without them ever knowing... so the admin or anyone for that matter should NEVER need a password. mabey username or email but that is it.on a side note: i have never changed a users password, i just disable their account, -- after a few warnings of course. Ill be nice untill you start hacking my forum, then you are treading very bad ground.
  21. number one and number three look the best to me, the rest look too plain or just dont make the site look good. (after all it is the looks that make people click the banner)I would suggest going to http://www.good-tutorials.com/ and looking through the effects area they have some good background tutorials that could be of some use.Either that or i could give a go at one. what would you like on it?EDIT:: also do you have a logo you would like to use on it?
  22. no i saw 2004 at walmart for $19.99. I love walmart.... especially the ones with pizzahut in them...Anyway hows the graphics?
  23. am i the only one who doesnt think it needs a border? i think if you made it blend in with the forum around the dedges it would look awesome, and original. The text R3D could use a different font though.I give it a 8/10 Good Job!
  24. dont know of any anime but i know of game related renders GameRenders its a good site for it.
  25. I would like to say thank you for hosting my site. You are the best free host I have ever seen and possibly better than some paid hosts.Everything is working great.Also if you have an 88x31 mini banner I would gladly put it on my site.Thanks Again, NeXDesigns
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