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Posts posted by one01

  1. She said no in a nice way to be honest and i will still love her in my heart even though what happen today.Well i guess I'll just give upQuestion: You think i can ask her again in like a month or two? she will probably forget about what happen and plus next time i'm going to come up to her and ask do you want to go out.Question: Could you call that a rejection? all the answers were no, but in a nice way.also i sent her a text when i came back from skool"hey y did u lie to me earlier if u didnt like me u should of told me instead of lyingalso i just wanted to be friend with u"

  2. Most of you seen my topics of asking advice- was to shy to ask this girl out, but you guys really helped me!


    Thank You!


    Okay so at the end of the day i go wait for her and she came walking down with her friends i go up to her and say exactly this

    Me: Hey are you Kathalyn

    Her: No

    Me: Oh than Kate?

    Her: No

    Me: Did you get my text?

    Her: No

    Me: Is your number *******

    Her: No

    Me: ight


    After that i just left because i didn't have time and she is lying to every question i asked her


    She lied to me her name is Kathalyn and Kate her nickname for sure! She lying about the phone number to. Its her number really because her friends told me (I'm positive)


    Finally i had the balls to go up to someone and talk to them

    I also learned my lesson not to ever get someone to ask a girl out for me


    I want to thank everyone who has helped me in my topics and even though it didn't turn out well atleast you guys taught me to talk to someone. :D


    Last questions: Should i give up? and her lying to me does it mean she don't like me?

  3. Unlikely, but possible. You should really say it face-to-face, if you have a crush on her, it might be hard to talk when she's in front of you. That is why you need to plan what you're going to say so you don't freeze up. If she says yes, don't just stand there, answer like "okay, I'll see you then" and walk away. Also it might be a good idea to ask her out when she's not surrounded by her friends, therefor if she says no, and the girl isn't a mean one, her friends won't march through the school telling to everybody you got rejected by her.
    Oh and if she says yes but she doesn't have time, don't txt her later, what you want to do is call her.

    Lol i froze up when she came to my table haha :D what a jerk

    I hope it don't happen again
    Thanks baniboy your reply really helped

    I need some more advice though on what to say to her when i walk up to her
    "Hey, can i talk to you private" than when she say yes thats when i need to say something or I'll freeze up again lol

  4. Well, what can I say... You screwed it up. You might want to hope something now but after you've been a coward and not even asked her out AFTER she has come to you and acted like a maniac with the txt msgs, I'm sorry mate, you've got no chanses anymore.
    Next time, grow some balls and ask the girl out yourself. As I already said, reality strikes back sometimes, you're not a 10 year old anymore.

    You might not also understand this, but if you ask your friend to ask her friend to ask her out, I'm not sure if you're mature enough for dating and stuff like that.

    aww i know =\

    you think i have another chance if i go up to her and ask myself? or probably apologize?

  5. Well I actually didn't get right all the story, but your friend knew her, or just went to where she was to ask her to come to your side? If that's the case, I don't know, I don't even know the guy, I would personally wonder if to give out or not my real cellnumber. It's not he's a guy from my class or something, he's just a random guy. That's from my perspective though. That's the reason why I think she gave out a fake number.
    Anyway, that's it, you got one friend that knows her, you should use his help to get near to her; does she have an IM messenger or something like that? Those things always help in this kind of cases.

    Don't send a lot of text messages to her anyway, people sometimes get 'scared' when someone is so obsessive over something. I would better wait. It's very strange she didn't answer back, though, did you send who you were?

    Yea i told her who i was she knows my name because my friend told her

  6. Since February 16, 2009 i have been in love with this girlWednesday, March 4, 2009 I decided to get my friend to ask her out for me, her friend told my friend to tell me if you have the balls to ask her out come tell her yourself. I refuse to go over to her lunch table, because i was too shy, than my friend went to get her for me, she came to my lunch table looked at me waiting for me to say something, but i refuse, so she went back to her table. I told my friend just go back get her number for me. My friend came back with a fake number. I have a good friend of my who know that girl so i went to him and told him what happen, so he gave me the right number. I texed her 5 times on Wednesday and she didn't text back. She gave me a fake number for two reason1) Maybe she wants me to ask herself face to face1) Maybe because i got my friend to ask for me3) or Maybe she don't like meI'm not giving up, i decided to talk to her face to face on Monday when i go back to school.

  7. welll there can be many different ways you can tell . first of all...the really simple,brave and bold way is to simple ask and get a reply but that may not always be try or she/he may be hiding there feelings(maybe because they are shy).you could tell be her/his body language and they way the act around you but this could be just really good friendship. if she has likes to go around you a lot or is always looking at you or jokes around or tries anyhting just to be around you then maybe this is a real sign of her/him liking you. you should, by all means, let her/him know that you like them back(if you do).because it is never a good thing to deny your feeling. it can really burn you up inside and may even leave you sad and depress.go for it!...love/like with all you heart..say what u mean and mean what you say!...and maybe you guys might end up together forever in love. in conclusion, there is no real set of rules or any real way of knowing these thigs.it is simple a guess on previous experiences. therefore we are all kind of confused when it comes to these kind of things. simple try and hope for the best, you never know what will happen.(for the better)

    This really helped alot
    -she kinda do be around me alot though :D

    i'll take your words

  8. It's the same girl, I suppose. To be honest, last time I answered the other topic I was practically sure you would be asking yourself such a thing.
    As Echo says, asking friends could be your best way. If you get to ask them by 'curiosity' then they maybe won't find out your intentions, though it's very hard, and even more when you don't know them very well.
    Anyway, asking the person itself isn't any kind of threat whatsoever, it's a common question to do, unless you are like 'Hi, gotta boyfriend?' and you're not just kidding around.

    BTW, did you get to talk to her?

    i was close to ask her, but i saw her talking to a guy while changing class

    I'm pissed now :D hope shes not taken

  9. The only advice I can give you based on what you told me is (if you are really seeking this girl as it seems) check to which after-school activity she goes, and try to go to it too- I honestly don't understand how your school works, but I think you can do that based on what I read.
    I don't see the rush about doing this before the Valentines day? I mean it's tomorrow, right? , and you still don't even know her name, I think you should slow down a little. Also I don't understand why it would have to be before; is something going to happen that we don't know?

    That's only thing I can suggest, try to enter into her things, better if her class, and then you would be able to start a normal conversation; better go slowly than doing it rushed. You are thinking about her, but maybe (probably) she even never noticed you.

    I'm going to take my time. i will will slow down :D

    Afterschool i will meet her in front of the building and try to talk to her

    How do i know if she has a bf already? i never see her hang out with a guy. help

  10. I heard you can't get rid of them unless you get plastic surgeryWell i have a appointment on Thursday @ the skin doctorIt will cost about $5000 and my dad is okay to pay that. So I'm wondering how long will it take for Surgery because i have Football practice and i have school.I don't want to come back the next day with bunch of missed assignments and homework to do. Also will they put something on my face when i go back to schoolHelp

  11. omfg!


    We had a football interest meeting today as it was over at 4:30pm i saw the girl walking to the front building for her ride. I think she has a after-school activity!


    By the time i saw her she was getting inside the car bs


    I'm going to talk to her on Monday if i see her. Forget if i don't go out with her before Valentines Day.


    Things I'm going to say: Hey. What grade are you in?


    When she answers i want to be able to say something else. i don't want to start off saying do you want to hang out sometime. I want to say that when i get to know her good.

    What should i say? should i say like your hair? help


    Finally shes all by herself! Good time to talk! never thought this will happen until i notice her she has a after-school activity right after my football meeting


    add my msn if you want to talk to me and help me out please


  12. Yep, her feeling uncomfortable wouldn't help at all. I don't get how your school works. You can go to other classes? I live in a different country, I can't really understand how that works. You can pick any other class instead of yours?

    By any chance do you have any person that could get email info or something like that? "You know this person?" and then, get a friend of a friend that knows her.

    Our school has 8000 students

    1st lunch
    2nd lunch
    3rd lunch
    4th lunch (Thats me)

    everyone has a different lunch time depends on what class they have
    i just have to find out when is her lunch period and go there. i have to skip my class to go to other lunch period

  13. I was going to ask what lunch she have(In my highschool we have 4 lunch periods 1st,2nd,3rd,4thI would maybe skip a class and go to the one she hasbecause when i see her its in the end of the day and i go straight to GYM for practice can't be late or i will get in trouble by coach and than i can't play football.also i get the point now that she don't feel conformable if i say hey to her and i don't know her lol

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