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Posts posted by darthmalis

  1. If want good pagerank the key is content content content.Meta keywords are not really important anymore.(but it won't hurt to have them) Keyword frequency is important between 2 and 3 % of the text on your page should be the keywords you are shooting for. Use alt text on every image using keywords. Make sure you your keywords between <h1></h1> tags somewhere on the page.and then of course try to get as many people to link back to you as possible.
    As far as submitting it to search engines make sure you submit every page for example istead ou just submitting http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you need to submit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/index.html, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. And so on and make sure you submit them often remember you can't over submit.Every time you change something submit it. If you happen to get a pagerank you like well stop submitting it as long as you are good.

  2. I'm pretty sure theres no possible way for them to be stationary, and even if there was it wouldn't matter because the earth is rotating so they would have to match that speed, which is crazy.


    actually there are satelites in space doing this very thing right now so I'm pretty sure that is not much of an obstacle :rolleyes:

  3. I never buy anything from an advert unless I want to buy it anyways.


    That's the thing if you know anything at all about advertising you that brand recognition is a very big factor possibly the biggest factor that determines what people buy.Doritos commercials aren't supposed make you want doritos they are designed to keep doritos on your mind,to make you think that you decided all on your own that you want doritos.You may think that you make your own descisions but advertisers don't spend all that money just to remind you that doritos exist everybody knows that,they spend the money to make think about it and think about it alot. :rolleyes:

  4. A lot of you say things like "I would boycott those companies" but in reality you would do exactly what big advertisers want you to do that's why they do it . People spend billions of dollars every year just trying to figure out what would make you buy thier product and buy a lot of it.Advertisers know what they are doing and if they dfecided it was worth it to put a pepsi logo on the moon a lot of research would have gone into that and although there would be a few people out there that really did boycot them but the brand recognition would make them enough money that it wouldn't reallt matter.And besides all that it would not happen overnight it would happen slowly enough that by the time there was a full time advertisement on the moon you wouldn't even think about how wierd it was thats what is happening right now eveywhere you look,heck right now the NBA is talking about selling ad space on players jersies I'll bet when the first stadium was named after some big corporation nobody saw that coming,and one day when every athlete looks like a stock car nobody will think anything of it. The same will apply to the moon they will sneak it up on you so slowly you wouldn't even notice. :rolleyes:

  5. I am from Utah so I'd have t say any state besides Utah would be my favorite because it is very repressive here I am currently trying to host video game tournaments for money but they won't let me because it's "too close to gambling" and it is way too dificult to get a beer so if you are gonna travel stay away from here :rolleyes:

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