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Posts posted by princeofvegas

  1. Wow.. I was actually in this position with my ex girlfriend. The problem was that we started dating 2 days after she left her husband. Not the best way to jump into a relationship. She went back and cheated on me with her husband twice(always when we we would fight and she would get drunk). I forgave her transgressions twice, however she still insisted on keeping in regular contact with him. I finally approached her and told her that if she did not cut off regular communication with him then I was going to leave, and that is what happened. It is not fair to your boyfriend that you are seeing your ex and you need to either tell him or let him down easy and leave him. I understand your predicament of being in love with your ex still and there is nothing wrong with that. I will always love my ex wife because she is the mother of my children, she is just not the person that I wasnt to spend the rest of my life with and I accept that without any problems. The thing is that you need to come to terms with the fact that if you are still seeing your ex then there are still feelings there that cannot be ignored. Who knows, I do not know the cause for your divorce, but maybe with counseling and open communication you and your ex can still salvage your marriage.

  2. Oooooo ... my favorite topic to talk about.. lol jk. But there are many drinks that I enjoy and it really depends on my mood. If I am going to be relaxing with a friend and chatting, then it is definitely rum or whiskey straight up. If I am out at a club or partying I am either drinking Vodka redbull or rum and coke with the occassional shot of Patron. Then again if it is a backyard barbque at a friends house then it is beer that I am drinking. I guess you can say I have a multi-drink personality.

  3. I am on these social networks as well. I find privacy a really important issue, especially because I have 2 little children. Kleong said it right though, as long as you do not post any pictures that you are not worried about someone seeing then you have nothing to worry about. I personally think that the idea of photo sharing is an excellent idea. It has allowed me to share pictures of myself and my children with relatives all over the world. I remember before social networks we used to have to wait for them to with visit in their yearly visit so you could sit down and show them pictures. Now they can instantly view the pictures when you post them and provide their comments on them. I do have some pictures on my albums that a friends only, but they are only that way to give myself some control over who views them. If someone really wants my pictures bad enough to hack into a friends account and look at them and take them they more power to them. There is nothing in those pictures that can be incriminating.Now on the other hand there are those photo sharing sites where women upload "very private" pictures for their boyfriends or lovers to look at. You can almost bet that there is going to be someone trying to hack that account. And I do not feel sorry for the people who get their pictures stolen from there. If they did not want those pictures to be stolen then they never should have put them on the internet and kept them private between themselves and their boyfriends.

  4. I recently read an article entitled the Great Spin Machine. I would like to share that article and my thoughts with you guys and get your opinion. I know the article is a little dated, however I think it still applies today even more so.


    The Great Spin Machine


    Spinning has become a part of the American way of life. Not just in politics, but in every aspect of our lives. From conversation with our friends, to the news reports that we watch at night on television, spin has managed to slip into our culture almost unnoticed. However, I believe that a majority of the spin influence is in politics. The author of this article, Michael Kinsley, makes a great argument placing the blame partly on the American people by stating that ?We are obsessed with fibbing about facts because this is less elusive than the real problem, which is intellectual dishonesty,? which is one hundred percent true about the American public.


    This article gives many great examples of how spin has infested American politics. He demonstrated an example from 2000 where the Bush campaign spun Al Gore?s words into something that they did not mean. They made it sound like he claimed to have invented the internet. After my own research (sources: Wikipedia) , I found that what he really said was ?During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet.? Now it is very easy that this could have been misconstrued, however people twisted the meaning of this and in a sense, put a spin onto what he had said. The author of this article has stated that spinning is not the same as lying, however there is a fine line. His definition of spinning is describing a reality to suit ones own purposes. In my opinion, these days, it is no different to tell a lie than it is to put a spin on something. With a spin, you are lying in a sense that you are avoiding the truth, which, if you ask me, is just as bad as telling a lie. With all of the spinning that goes on in politics these days, it is becoming ever harder for Americans to tell what is true. Adolph Hitler once said, ?If you tell a lie, and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.? Are our politicians feeding us so many lies and spins now days that we just believe everything and we honestly do not know when they are telling the truth or a lie?


    I feel that we as a society are ?spinning? down the drain. I personally have not heard the terms honest and politician used in conjunction with each other as far back as I can remember. Watching television, I will see a senator or a congressman take a statement that someone has just made minutes before, and spin it into something that is in their favor. They do not even try to hide the fact that they do not want us to hear the truth. In my opinion, we as a people need to start cracking down on spinners and liars as well. When a politician tells a spin or a lie, we need to call them out and make them explain why they said what they said. It will give the politicians that are honest out there a chance to finally be heard and not drowned out in the noise of the next great spin. Thoughts anyone?

  5. I can understand somewhat where Google is coming from. You might have the coolest and navigable website on the internet, but if you cannot handle the user load to it then it is taking away from your site. The last thing a visitor to your site wants is slow loading pages. If you are hosted on slow servers that is something that is easily fixed. If the servers are slow because of an abundant number of users then that is not necessarily a bad thing, but again easily fixed by moving to more powerful hosting.

  6. Every carrier has their goods and bads. I am talking about the major 4 however, not the crappy boost, cricket, some new wireless company running off of sprints network, or any other carrier that doesnt have ever 5 percent of the market share.When it comes to Verizon, they are the BEST when it comes to overall coverage and reception in the United States. They do have a bit of shortcoming when it comes to customer service but they do handle the most corporate accounts in the united states that probably covers about 25% of their users. Plus the incentives if you work for a major corporation you can get a personal line at a discounted rate. 22% per month discount if you work at State Farm for example.ATT does have a faster 3g network, however what is the point of having a faster 3g netowork if your customers barely get to use it. In Las Vegas, where there is nothing but a flat desert, T-Mobile has excellent coverage of both EDGE and 3G and I never had a problem with it, I even still use it today in California and the reception is great. My girlfriend in Las Vegas has of course her ATT 3G iPhone and she could never stay connected to the 3G network. IT was not just her either it was everyone with ATT! The only thing that ATT still has going for it is the fact that it has the iPhone, that will not be much longer though.T-Mobile is attracting a different type of crowd. THey may not have the best 3g network in the united states, in fact they have the worst but they have one thing that will keep them a part of the "Big 4" and that is pricing. WIth the largest 2g network with the best pricing they are now going after cricket and boost and metropcs by offering no contract plans and incredible rates. I am currently paying $69 per month (after taxes) for 1000 anytime minutes, unlimited mobile to mobile and night and weekend, unlimited text, and unlimited blackberry data for my blackberry phone. I would like to see any other carrier even touch that with a 10 foot pole... they cant. THe best part of the whole thing is the fact that I am not locked in a contract so I can leave or cancel my plan at any time without any heavy penaltiesAnd well Sprint....... they are just sprint. The only thing that is still keeping them alive is the nextel 2way market and their government contracts for coverage which are slowly slipping away.So there you have it... you have the major arguing points for every carrier it is up to you to make the best decision based on cost, coverage and type of device that you require.

  7. My take on this is that people should be able to wear whatever they want. It should not be up to society to determine what is and what isn't appropriate. I personally would not be caught dead wearing a pearl necklace or a diamond studded gold necklace with charm on it, however I grew up in southern california as a surfer and skater boy. I do get my neck wear at a store that most would consider girly, but there is only certain types of shell jewelry that I will wear that looks good on me. And I am talking good by society's standards not my own ;)P.S. As much as I am for individuality, clocks should be banned from being worn around the neck *cough cough Flava Flav*

  8. In response to anwii, You seem to be jumping the gun as well, 3 weeks ago I had my 4 wisdom teeth and a broken tooth pulled in one visit. Oxy based narcotics do not have the same effect on me as they would many other people, in fact, they have almost no effect on me. Valium was prescribed to help me sleep at night so that I could avoid taking high doses of highly addictive pain killers. It was a personal choice made by me and me alone. Since the drug was not in my system, even in trace amounts, it should not have been taken into account in coming to a diagnosis. In fact they would not have even known about it had I not been honest and up front with the admitting doctor.As for being passed out for 2 and a half hours, apparently when someone suffers a seizure if there is no one there to immediately wake them, 9 times out of 10 they fall into a deep sleep until being awaken. It is something that is going to take some work to get under control. My primary doctor was obligated by the state when I was diagnosed to medically suspend my license and notify the DMV, which has already been done. Yes another kick in the nuts because now I am stuck relying on city transportation and friends and family.Unfortunately I do not qualify for any state medicaid or welfare because simply, my gross income is way over what they consider poor. I have done pretty well for myself in video production, however, with an ex wife, alimony and child support I am still unable to afford decent insurance. It is completely my fault for not having insurance and I will pay my bills (even though most Americans would just write it off to bad debt and ignore the collection notices). And for confirming the diagnosis, the ER doctor apparently was not qualified to look at my EEG so in turn he ignored any results from it. However, at my own expense yet again, and in order to get my license back I will be seeing doctors at a local neurology office. Just do not go making assumptions about someone being a drug addict based on information you do not know.One thing that I forgot to address, the reason that I was kept there for 3 days was because I was admitted on a Friday evening, which meant that I had to wait until Monday for some tests to be done, because as you should know being raised in America, it is near impossible to get anything done with a doctor after 5pm on a Friday. I know I could have left at any time, however, since I did not know what was wrong with me and if I was going to black out again I would have rather been at the hospital that home alone.

  9. I am one of the unlucky "few" who does not have health insurance coverage or cannot afford it at the moment. Maybe "few" is a bit of an understatement though. Haha. About a week and a half ago I blacked out, no explanation, no memory of what happened, just a complete blackout. A relative arrived about 2 and a half hours later than I remembered only to find me on the kitchen floor dazed and confused when I was woken up.I was immediately taken to the hospital where they immediately admitted me because they had no idea what was wrong. When I was admitted, I was asked whether I had taken any drugs. I informed the doctor up front that I had taken some Valium about a week prior to help me sleep, which had been prescribed by my dentist. They went about their business. They kept me for 3 days while constantly running tests on me. They ran just about every test you could possibly imagine, all the meanwhile racking up my hospital stay that I would not be able to afford anyways.At the end of the third day, a doctor who I had never met before came in and told me that all the tests were negative and he was discharging me. He made a huge deal about the fact that I had taken Valium ignoring the fact about how long ago I had taken it and that there was a prescription for it and even at one point calling me a "user". I am no such thing, I only take something when it is prescribed to me.Granted to say I was pissed off when I left the hospital when they couldn't find out what was wrong with me and still required me to pay $2500, which I really didn't have to be spending in the first place, as a "down payment" on my services received. WHAT SERVICES?!?! A doctor just came in, called me a drug user and discharged me. Mind you I did not once ask for any form of pain killers or drugs beyond Tylenol for my headache while I was there.1 week later I was able to get a follow up appointment with a family physician that cost me $180 for the visit. Within 2 hours after examining all of my reported symptoms and test that I had done at the hospital he was able to conclude that I had suffered a seizure. This finding was also confirmed by my EEG that was done while I was still AT THE HOSPITAL!!So I ask you, the hospital kept me for 3 days at a cost of about $15,000 and in the long run I get a solid diagnosis from a family doctor for only $180. Can anyone see where this is totally messed up? Thoughts and opinions?

  10. Now don't go jumping the gun anwii... I like to consider myself a pretty intelligent guy. However, to answer the question at hand.. yes, sex does make men stupid. Any man that says otherwise is a LIAR! haha. You wouldn't believe the despicable things I have said and done to try and get a beautiful woman to bed(granted I am from Las Vegas where such things are considered normal). There is one more angle to this, I have been one of the few lucky guys to have come across a sex crazed woman, and man I can tell you those were fun times, however she is the kind of woman that pulled the same stupid stunts that I would have just to land a guy. I think sex in general makes any animal stupid, whether it be male or female, human or dog, it affects us all.. lol.

  11. Thank you for your reply. With the domain transfer charges being the same as the domain registration charge, I think the best course of action would be to let the domain registration expire and then re-register it instead of transferring it, as anwii suggested in his message further up (earlier) in this thread. The risk involved with such a 'modus operandi' is that somebody could just come along and steal the domain name while it's between expired and registered with the new hosting service. Another potential problem is that some domain registration services hang on to an expired domain name for a while in the hope that you would renew it with them - it's probably one way for them to make sure that you do not switch over to another domain registration service, especially if they don't respond to requests to release the domain without charging a fee since the domain is expired.

    If the domain name means anything to you DO NOT let it expire. You will lose the domain. There are some companies out there that are close to the registrars who are able to snag up domains seconds before they become publicly available, which is enough time for them to purchase them before they are released for general purchase. Not even the godaddy domain backorder tool can swipe domains from these companies. Trust me I know because I tried to get my hands on a domain that was expiring once and lost it to one of these companies.

  12. that's not the only thing that bothered me about the post. this person posted a link to an auction website. normally, i wouldn't be suspicious, but the only things up for auction is from the owners of the website. users don't auction anything off. this sounds like a scam to me. they can totally control the outcomes of their own auction prices.
    some of the past auctions they advertise seem pretty low to me even with their weird format in buying bids for .60 a bid when bids only increase .05. even with that though, i tried to do some figuring and some of the listed stuff has been going for half and more than half off retail.

    the website has been up for less than a month so i wouldn't even trust it right now. but i will investigate this site further and see what i come up with. it could just be they are willing to lose a lot in the short run to make a lot when people start buying bids....

    Yes I would not trust it at all either.. however that is now some of these other bidding sites started out(i.e. bidz.com). And bidz had one of the best marketing schemes I have ever seen. At first, all items listed on bidz were theirs but they got their publicity buy starting an auction for a limousine at $1, no reserve. Now at the time this looked like a scam, however the winning bidder received their item and a truly low price.

    Now that being said, I do have to say that the fact that this person has not made any more posts in the last few days makes it look a little like an advertisement to me. I would keep the post up there, just get rid of the live link to the site because this is a good topic and a way to get items for very cheap. I have done so myself.

  13. The only draw back with myspace is, and I'm sure Facebook is the same, is that 90 per cent of usersare less than 24 years old, yet Myspace is a great place to truly discover new and cutting edge alternative music. It's certainly better than the radio. This gets me wondering,don't people over 24 listen to music anymore?
    The average age of the musicians is certainly over 24.

    I would have to disagree with you on the facebook front. There are so many users over the age of 24 on facebook. Just as a quick example, my mother, grandmother, grandfather and father all have a facebook. They use it to connect with friends at work as well as old high school friends. A majority of my family overseas has facebook accounts as well. THis enables us to keep in touch in this fast paced day and age. I have met many people on facebook as new friends as well that share the same interests as me.

    The way I see it no is that myspace is on it's way out, especially with the new facebook rules allowing musicians to create fan pages and the with great integration that facebook provides for mobile devices. My friends and family members have bought blackberries for the sole integrations that they provide with facebook. Facebook seems to be making all the right moves while myspace seems to keep getting phased out further and further. What made myspace so popular in the beginning is now the reason that facebook is comming up. Myspace is now full of spam accounts and many users are getting frustrated with the amount of spam email they recieve on their acocunt. I personally put a notice on my myspace account with the link to my facebook account because I hate signing onto myspace anymore. The only reason I keep the myspace active is so that friends can find me on there and be directed over to my facebook account.

  14. Now I will say that coming of age in the Vegas night life I have witnessed this same exact thing all too often. Yes they do always go home with the girl, however you are right.. it is never their top choice. I learned early on quite a few things, and I will share them with you now. Confidence is a great trait to have and you will need it when you do eventually spot the girl that you want to approach, but do not be so overconfident that you are willing to go around getting rejected time and again. I have always been able to walk up and get the number of the girl that I want because of the approach.1.) Always make sure she is not with a man (and more importantly that there isnt a ring on her finger... a tell tale sign!!)2.) Take a while to check the entire club out before you make an approach. Find a girl you like, see what kind of drink she is drinking, how many friends does she have with her, is she sitting by herself drinking, is she out on the dance floor a lot, all of this will help you later on.3.) Now as I said earlier, I have always been able to get pretty much any girl I wanted because of patience. The easiest play is to wait until one of these Wayers walks up to the girl you have been checking out. Take a look at her facial and verbal, and body expressions. If she looks like she wants to lose this guy then she probably does. This is your in as you can then just boldy walk up, sit or stand next to her and say, hey honey how was your day. Maybe even give her a wink so she knows you are trying to help her out of this situation. If it is a very loud club, you can even just whisper in her ear, "I know you want to get rid of this guy so I am just here to help you out." Believe it or not this line will work 9 times out of 10. After the other guy leaves you can get up to walk away and she will most likely stop you. If she lets you get away do not turn around, go back to the bar and wait for her to come to you... don't worry, she will. Another method to approaching the girl you like is to bring her whatever she is drinking. Wait until she is running low before you do though otherwise you are wasting your time... trust me. NEVER bring a drink to a woman that already has a full one. Start general chit chat with her.. do not go straitght in to how beautiful they are or how fly they look.. this will throw them off guard and they will be more open to talking to you.4.) Once you have broken the ice with her just have general conversation with her, where she is from, what she does, DO NOT tell her how hot she is at this point. She will see that you are not like every other guy at the club that has come up and has tried to get at her. Take her out on the dance floor if she wants to dance.. remember to keep it respectful though.. it pays off in the long run. I even throw a little of my own personal style in there because I know quite a bit of magic. Do "cute", and yes i said cute, things to keep them entertained and talking with you. You will have to find what works best for you.. but remember, always be respectful.5.) Make sure you get her number somewhere in there.. But for now just take the number and forget that you have it. Do not send her a text right away giving her your number. At the end of the night when it is time to leave, DO NOT offer to take her home, if she is drunk and does not have any friends with her, offer to help her get a cab home. You are then free to send her a text message the next day and trust me SHE WILL remember how sweet you were to her and she WILL be eating out of your hands. *NOTE: If she does insist that you take her home with you or that you take her to her house then have fun. Just keep one thing in mind. If you really like this woman and want to see where it goes with her, then it is allowable to lay in bed with her but DO NOT "Sleep" with her. Trust me, when she wakes up the next morning and realizes that you did not take advantage of the fact that she was completely wasted, you are in for dates number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and so on!! She will think that you are prince charming. You can even go as far as making her breakfast in the morning if you really like her.This is all the advise that I have for you now and it is only the tip of the ice berg. It will help you get your foot in the door with a girl that you really like, but the rest is up to you.

  15. Au contraire, they have already invented one. Although it only teleported something infinitesimal, an electron or photon, I think, an equally infinitesimal distance, just a few nanometers.
    If walking is a problem, though, we could chop your legs off and install bionic limbs. I hear they're making great advances in bionic technology.

    If you are loathe to lose your limbs, though, we could also have an electronic wheelchair. See, there are lots of ways to get around and I doubt teleportation is actually needed for petty and trivial matters like scaling short distances :angel:

    True but you have to admit that over long distances it would be completely awesome!

  16. I would recommend getting away from the cpanel based email clients like squirrel mail and horde and switch to google apps. All it takes is a quick change of your MX records and you have full gmail-like management of your email accounts, which is way easier to gain access. Another advantage of this is that when google stores your email you know it is pretty much never going to be deleted or lost on accident.

  17. Also, as a side note.. if you are going for speed and security vs. usability I would also recommend not using a gnome based or a kde based windows manager. I personally use fluxbox and love it. It is 100% customizable to my needs and I only have to install desktop items that I want to use. That was I am not left with a million extra features that I am never going to use and are only going to slow down my computer.

  18. Now this is a debate that I can get involved in. I am a LEGAL medical user of marijuana and proud of it. Before I was prescribed medical marijuana I had never tried it before in my life. I had suffered from severe insomnia and was unable to sleep even with trying large doses of various different types of medication. The first night that I tried marijuana I got the first full night sleep I had gotten in years and woke up the next morning not feeling groggy, but refreshed. I feel that it can help with ailments and as a recreational drug in my opinion is waaayyyyy better than alcohol. When is the last time that someone died from smoking too much weed?Not to mention that with the state of our economy the full legalization and regulation of marijuana could lead to a new stream of tax revenues that we have not yet before seen. In California alone several major think tanks have already been posed this question. It has been determined that the regulation and taxation of legalized marijuana could completely bail california out of it's economical downward spiral.There are also many environmental uses for marijuana that people usually forget about, i.e. hemp. The production of industrial hemp could help stimulate a greener economy. are any of you aware that 1 acre of hemp can produce the same amount of resources as 4 acres of forrest? Then why is it still illegal? I would love to hear your inputs and thoughts on this matter.

  19. I ahve been running linux for about 7 years now. I started out on Gentoo and now I am using a modified version of debian. For a newbie linux user I would definitely recommend Gentoo and conducting the non-graphical install from the installation manual. It will dive you in and you will begin to understand the ins and outs of your operating system and computer before you ever get a windows manager installed on the box. I learned this way and I will be honest... It will be frustrating at first and probably take you restarting the installation several times, even when you are almost done.. however it will be worth it in the long run because you will better understand the capabilities of the linux environment and how to customize the kernel to suit your needs. Wow.. talk about a run on sentance if I have ever written one.. haha.If you have any questions please feel free to send me a PM or reply to the topic and I will be more than happy to help you out.

  20. Hey there... there in California are you? The Art Institute has a GREAT program in my opinion, however it is a bit on the pricey range and the government is usually slow to help out with funding for private schools. I received my secondary degree in post production from them and they are a great school. The instructors are all very friendly and more then happy to help you out any time you need it. They are even willing to stay and work with you after class hours to help further your education. You should definitely check it out and if you have any other questions, please feel free to shoot me a message.

  21. I love discussing politics. I am as surprised as you are that there are not more people rushing to post in this section. Could it be that we are taken over by 13 year old kids looking for free hosting? Not that I have anything against them because this forum covers all walks of life. LOL. I cannot believe that more countries are not learning the lesson that the United states has taught them about bail outs. We gave billions and billions of dollars to help try to re stimulate our failing banking and mortgage system, but that money never made it to the intended parties. Instead it went to line the pockets of the people that were running the banks so that they could continue to lead their extravagant lifestyles with private jets and expensive dinners.The money that is now going to bail out smaller governments, where do you think that is ending up? Probably in the pockets of the politicians to help pay for the lifestyle that they have grown acustomed to. It will not be going to decrease the national debt. I think that the world just needs a complete overhaul of the international banking system before our international economy collapses and we are forced to rebuild the banking systems from the ground up anyways. What if the nations were to just do what we did in grade school. Call all the debts even and move on from there with a fresh slate. That would just be too simple.. lol.

  22. Is it correct to beat/kill the guests in Australia?????

    What kind of question is that? It is never OK to kill someone because of their race. I am American and they teach a lot about racial discrimination in our schools growing up because, lets face it, America is a breeding ground for racism. It is never right to discriminate against anyone for anyreason. We all have our flaws. It is the discrimination like that that causes the perpetual hatred in our society. It is what caused the 300 plus years of slavery in the United States. It is what caused the holocaust in Germany during World War II. It is what continues to cause many countless deaths all over the world every single day. As hippi-ish as this will sound we all just need to learn to love and get along.

  23. I am surprised that the McDonalds issue has not been brought up in the debates.

    America imports over 200 million pounds of beef from Central America every year. Aside from the fossil fuels used for transporting those animals, grazing land is also needed. The only way for grazing land to appear in a densely forested region is from clear-cutting the forests and the rain forest. A recent Smithsonian study claims that the need for more grazing land means that every minute of every day, a land area equivalent to seven football fields is clear cut in the Amazon basin.
    For each cheeseburger that’s been obtained from animals raised on rain forest land, about 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed. That’s just in Central America. The problem hits America closer to the heartland as well. In the United States, more than 260 million acres of forest have been clear-cut for animal agriculture. With increased per capita meat consumption, and a constantly growing population, there will only be more deforestation in the future. This is likely to accelerate faster as the economic downturn continues, and many lower income families turn to fast food as an alternative fresh food (which is more expensive) to feed their families.

    Notice from truefusion:

  24. I am a believer that if used right technology can bring people together, however at the same time if used the wrong way it can alienate people. I am one of the many people who lost their families to World of Warcraft.. lol. Yes.. my ex wife ran off with a level 70 Orc warrior. My ex wife started playing that game and at first it was not so bad. She played the game for a couple of hours a day and that was fine because I worked during the day. But then she gfradually started playing more and more and more until she was up to 16 hours per day!! It got to the point where she could not come to bed because her and her "clan" or whatever they were called had to go on a raid or something that was time sensitive. It got so bad that she was sitting in front of the computer non stop.. she was more wrapped up in her little imaginary world that the real world did not exist anymore to her. I would wake up in the morning and she would be playing the game. I would get the kids ready for the day and head off for work. I would get home from work and she would not have moved a muscle and I had to get the kids ready for bed and feed them dinner. This game was causing her to neglect her own children! It got to the point where I had enough and asked her to leave. I feel that technology alienated her from reality which in turn led to the end of our marriage.

  25. This is a topic that I am glad that someone has finally started! This is an issue that needs to be addressed, especially by Americans. I know that by now all of you are seeing the commercials several times a day with Michelle Obama asking for the $10 donations. That commercial has been running on every channel since this tragedy happened. And yes it is a tragedy. However there are some points that I would like to bring up.Do any of you remember what happened when the tsunami hit Indonesia? Just as many people lost their lives, however it was out of the news in a matter of weeks and almost no one remembers that it ever happened. This was just as tragic and not given as much international attention. Where was their $10 donation from everyone in America? Ohh wait.. thats right.. our finances were tied up saving the banking system that failed anyways and fighting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.Now what about hurricane Katrina? Does anyone even remember when an entire major "United States" (and yes even though I am proud to be an American I use the term loosely) city was displaced. What happened to their financial AID? What about the people on our own soil who need help? There are still people living in FEMA trailers from hurricane Katrina.Does anyone even know how much money the Red Cross has officially raised from their texting campaign? Why have they been so elusive to release these numbers to the public. Do you realize that we would only need 100,000 people to donate $10 for them to reach a even a million dollars. I am sure that they are well over that because I personally know at least 10 friends who have donated $10 and I am just one of millions. If you ask me, giving $10 to Haiti is just a cop out for people to feel better about themselves that they are helping someone in need. Dont get me wrong, the people in Haiti are in need, however we have our own domestic issues and homelessness that we need to address before we start delving into these international affairs.

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