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About squishybear

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/02/1981

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  1. hello. i am still suspended. and its been days. i hope you can help me. thanks alot!
  2. ok... i already have 10 days credits.. so i'll be waiting. thanks!
  3. wow... really touching stories, and advices, that i can relate to..... its really hard when you're head over heels about love, and everything just becomes complicated!!!! all i can say is feelings are feelings, and we sometimes, just need to get with the flow, cause we can't control our feelings! skooter is right, do what you feel like doing, cry if you need to... laugh... think about the good times, the bad times, even if it sucks - bigtime!. and just be hopeful that in the end, everything will be alright. It may take so much time and energy....(?) but remember, no one waits forever!!! in time, you;'ll be happy. also, what is important is doing what you feel is right! it may hurt, but that's part of the experience, that's part of love!i'm still starting to learn and experience these things.... and i just want to believe that when you love unconditionally, you should not be expecting something in return. just love, and yeah, don't quit caring! be happy and enjoy life... cause over all... life is good. and you'll not have problems you can't resolve!! so goodluck to all of us! just remember, love and enjoy. its worth the experience!
  4. hi. im just wondering after i was deactivated ( because i lack credits) and after some posts... i am not yet activated?? =)
  5. they are right. dont worry about your english as long as we all undertand each other! and we are all smart here... we can figure things out... so just enjoy and keep on posting!!!! goodluck!!!
  6. really?? macodnalds,, thats funny. probably because you dont want to eat so much on a fastfood. heh..i dont want to be on a deep forest like that of Blair Witch project movie.
  7. i havent done anything like these before. =) what if i want to be an extrme person? i cant imagine myself. maybe thats what lacks in me... some challenge in my life.......
  8. i sleep, watch a new movie, or my favorites... watch tv, just hang out at home! sometimes, i go out, eat out, and be with my friends. Sometimes, i pamper my self, get a massage, facial, and spa........ =) really relaxing!!!! i also read my favorite book, or just play my mp3 playlist, according to my mood!!! watalife!!!
  9. it scares me to be in the middle of an ocean, or tidal waves. i'm also afraid of heights, like walking on a high part. that scares me!!!
  10. it cant be defined, but you live with it! you feel it, and you experience it! thats life... and you should take good care of it, and live the best of it!!!
  11. i have so many goals in my life... to go to places i've never been, experience life to the fullest, be successful as an artist, touch people's lives and make them happy, meet those people i admire most! and mostly, just be happy and be contented in my life.... and die happy without regrets... and looking back to life, with a smile....
  12. Welcome AnnDi to TRAP 17.com! ENJOY posting!!! cool, you're only 15, and you're already making websites. I hope to see your creations soon.I'm Squishybear. My Website is squishybear.uni.cc . I am a web designer. Hope you'll enjoy your stay, and could get your web account soon!!!! see yah!!!
  13. i think school is fun. i miss it right now! i just hate it when the subjects are really really boring!!! or the teachers are boring!!! or they always give recitations!!! or just read their lessons!!! but school is fun!!!
  14. yeaH! ive watched it a couple of times, and it still makes me laugh! its really a cool happy and fun movie!!! they are really great actors! and when i hear the song of vanessa carlton, "a thousand miles"... i always remember the scenes and the part where the black guy obsessed with the pretending chick./... and she thought she'll give a bad impression on the black guy, unfortunately, its his favorite! it kept me laughing on my feet! hehe!
  15. there are lot of horror movies i like... the ring, and chinese horror flicks,. there's this movie, wishing stairs too, i like it though you should be reading the sub the whole time.........
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