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Posts posted by candlelight

  1. As someone that loves music I have to wonder sometimes of all this myself. Yes I have listen to Stairway to heaven. Myself? Nothing was there other than a bad beat. Now I do know for a fact though that when your in alot of stores the music that you hear playing will have something hidden in it telling you to buy this or buy that. As for Rihanna, and Tupac? No, and I will tell you why. For the lovely Miss Rihanna, She is on top of the charts with anything she does. Yes people will read into it, and think what they want or hear what they want. As for Tupac, much the same way. he had a lot of big time fans, and with him being gunned down the way he was. again people will hear what they wanna hear. It is the same with say Evis. After he died everyone was playing his music backwards, or at double speed just trying to hear that he was not dead or it was all a joke. '?


  2. Hello all. I'm very curious about something. When a song is played in reverse, (in certain songs) does a singer/rapper really incorporate subliminal messages? Or does it just sound like something is being said. For instance in Rihanna's song Disturbia when played in reverse, some argue that it sounds like she is saying " please release me, I'm dying in here". Others say that she says "let me go" WTF? Also Led Zeppelin's song stairway to heaven, supposedly he's sending satanic messages as well. And in one of Tupac's songs he's telling people that he is alive. Well...It really sounds like he says that, but then again I am not to sure. Do you think people read into it more than they should? Or do they really send us messages in music to play with our minds? :D

  3. Okay answer me this. Why is it so many people go out and buy some way over priced item such as jeans shoes or glasses just because of the name brand? why spend say $100 for some named brand item when you could get the same thing for $50? has the world become name brand crazy? do we really care of what other people think, that we go out and by a pair of shoes just because of the name of the shoe? True the quality may be better but with how money is now a days would you rather spend all that just for a name or save a dollor and get a knockoff of the same thing?

    Myself, and call me cheap but I belive in buying what is right for me. Not spending X amount for a big name brand when I could get the same thing for 50 or more precent less.

    So what does everyone here feel of this. Would you buy the big name or a knock off to save a buck or two,

    It depends on what it is. I could care less about a pair of jeans, but a handbag is something different. I can tell if someone is wearing a knockoff. I have a Louis Vuitton Speedy 30 which cost $700, it was a graduation gift to myself. You can put so much stuff in that bag, it's not even funny. Its like a mini-suitcase. The quality of the bag is so imaculate compared to a cheap knock off. On a knock off, the bag is made differently too. The leather is of course not leather at all, alot lower in quality, the Louis Vuitton logos are off, and so is the stitching. The cheaper ones won't last for a year, so it is better to just spend the money. I am not saying purchase a bag if you your bills are over flowing, and your rent is due. Only when someone feels they can afford it. Huge accomplishments, christmas gifts, or when you just need to buy yourself something nice. When you work hard for your money, a person should be able to buy exactly what they want.

  4. Hey, does anyone know the "true" origin of nursery rhymes? They are actually based on true events that took place during the 14th century. Nursery rhymes are used to imitate the royal, political events and people of that time, and covered it up by creating sweet little bed time stories people tell to their children! For instance: "Ring around the rosies, pocket full of posies, ashes, ashes, we all fall down"! That was based on the Bubonic plague that made children sick. The symptoms of this disease were rings around their bodies from decay so they would put flowers (posies) in their pockets to kill the smell. After the children died, the people whould burn them (ashes, ashes). "Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and lost his crown and Jill came tumbling after". This one is refers to King Louis XVI who was beheaded, and Queen Marie Antoinette who came tumbling after, was also beheaded! Isn't that a blip! I'm sure most of you saw the movie "Marie Antoinette", with Kirsten Dunst, Jack & Jill! And last but not least, "Mary, Mary, quite contrary how does your garden grow? with silver bells and cockle shells, and pretty little maids in a row". Well this is "quite contrary" to the real story. Mary Tudor was King Henry the VIII daughter and her garden is actually a graveyard. It increased in size (how does your garden grow) by executing people by the "maid" or "maiden"/guillotine, which is a device to behead which took alot of chopping to sever the head, so if you only could imagine the torture. Silver bells were also torture devices, that were placed on the thumbs to crush them. And cockle shells were devices that were attached to someones genitals. Sick! The *BLEEP* they used to do back then, and that's just to name a few, theres alot more where that came from. So you see these so called nursery rhymes are not so innocent as some people are made to think. Some people read this sick *BLEEP* to their children, and grandchildren. What do you guys think about nursery rhymes? and why do you think they were subliminally incorporated into children's stories?

  5. All I can say is WOWWWW! I didn't know all of that. You did some extensive research. I have a theory. I always thought he wasn't dead. I think he faked his own death so that he can murder Biggie Smalls, being that he thought Biggie was implicated in his first shooting. Tupac murdered Biggie. That is why the cases went cold.

  6. Do you often go to McDonald's? You must know that the diet there is not very good for keeping fit and is harmful for health.Yes, I also have read much about that on newspaper. But this story made me surprised:

    After reading this, what is your opinion? Is this a soft advertisement coming from McDonald? or Do we need to change our minds about fast food ????? :P

    Well it's not impossible. I believe he could have lost some weight. Apple dippers for breakfast, chicken wrap for lunch, and a salad for dinner. Yes, I believe it can be done. No we don't need to change our minds about fast food, its all about what and how much you consume. And it also depends on your body type. I am a slim woman. I eat alot and I have no idea where it goes. So it all depends on the person.

  7. Should all residents of the US be obligated to speak English?

    What Is The Main World Language?


    Should all residents of the US be obligated to speak English?


    I'm doing a college research essay. I've decided to write about this topic because there are so many people who come to live in America and don't learn how to speak English. Some have lived here for many years, and because there are services like ESL or groups of other people who speak the same language, they NEVER learn English or know very little. It is important to me that anyone who intends to live in any country at least learns how to communicate with its people.


    What do you think?

    YES, YES,YES. I agree 100%. God forbid a calamity happens and an individual tries to communicate with them, they are not going to know what the hell they are talking about. *yikes*.

  8. One day, I received a Phone call from the editor in chief of the magazine I write for asking me to write the astrology section because the section's writer was sick. I didn't care alot for astrology before, but for me to write this section, I had to study what astrology is..

    As I read more.. and dive deeper inside that strange space, as I see Aries fighting with Aries and The Scorpion in love with The Cancer, I start to believe more and more in that astrology thing. Astrology really reflects the personality things, giving a blurry but kind of truth full one..

    so what about the future one?.. I have a belief that nobody can ever see future, unless he\she has enough luck and logic to know what will happen tomorrow MATHEMATICALLY.


    So I do Believe in the Astrological Personality thing.. but future.. well.. That's too hard .



    Do you believe in Astrology? Which Part of Astrology do you believe more ?

    The Personality one Or The Future one ? and Why ?

    Yes, somewhat. It's not a ritual or anything, I don't need to read my horoscope daily, or even every year for that matter. I am a virgo by the way. I believe in the personality one because I see certain signs with the similar traits. For example: Alot of people say that virgos are mean and reserved, I find that to be true because everyone I came across, including myself, was mean and reserved. But when I read about virgos, astrology makes us out to be so boring, which is the farthest thing from the truth. Neat freaks, germophobes, hypochondriacs, among other things. For one thing I am not a neat freak. If I am neat about anything it is mostly with my appearance, well groomed, but as far as cd's in chronological order, socks color cordinated, I don't think so. Alot of that stuff is just *BLEEP* but there is some truth to some of it with all signs, in my opinion. Most pisces are very sloppy thinkers, and materialistic (no offense to anyone that is a pisces), leos are compulsive liars and gamblers, scorpios are jealous, sensitive, and freaky, sags are very free and friendly with EVERYONE as well as a flirt. This is my experience with dealing with them. NOTE: NOT ALL OF THE SUNSIGNS ARE LIKE THIS! So no one take offense. Just the ones I have encountered.

  9. ...I just HAD to come back for this...
    So..what your saying is that I agree with him, not because HE SHOULD BE WITH HIS KIDS ON A HOLIDAY, but because we're born in the same month???
    That makes MUCH more sense...

    Hi cemeteryrecords, I knew you would come back, they all do :P (I'm kidding). But no they do. :P No I'm not saying that just because you are a sag, it isn't all about horoscopes but I know from past experiences alot of sags have similar traits, and all I was saying is that I know how you can understand where he is coming from. You are right about your previous advice, but sometimes I CAN be selfish and I know I should have handled it differently, plus that is an area in my life that I need to change among other things. I would like to apologize to him but I am a little nervous. I will probably send him a text. Funny how I am alot older than you but you make more sense than me, go figure.

  10. Ok I'm done arguing here. Your views on this situation are too unrealistic for the sake of even conversation. Now I see why he wasn't with you on Thanksgiving..(Don't take that seriously)
    Divorced, Seperated, Whatever. He was with his kids on a holiday. Despite popular believe, Once married, now divorced people can still get along, and be friends. I've seen it many times. And it's especially easy when you and your ex have 4 kids! So I think, for the sake of argument, your views are in the wrong. And as I stated before, I think you should apologize to this man. I believe he did the right thing. Good Luck on what ever you do with this situation.

    Well thanks for your advice, but FYI was not arguing with you, and I don't mean to sound like I am. You are sagittarius like him, so I see why you would totally understand where he is coming from.

  11. Ok, here we go:
    QUOTE (cemeteryrecords @ Jan 12 2009, 05:07 AM) *
    I believe he never let you meet his children is because that complicates things for them. As I said in my earlier post, it can be hard for them already, let alone saying, "hey kids, meet mommy #2!", (yes i know your not monny #2, but i just wanted to say that tongue.gif ) so to keep things as easy and simple for the children, daddy not with another woman, to their knowledge, is the easiest way.


    "I am the jealous type. Everyone gets jealous every now and then. What if the shoe was on the other foot and it was me with children, and he did not, and I went to spend Thanksgiving, or any holiday with my ex. I am quite certain, he would have gotten jealous too."

    Yea! I'm sure he'd be jealous that a mother was spending a holiday with her kids... C'mon now!

    I didn't say with the kids, I said with an ex.


    Regardless, it's about the kids.


    QUOTE (cemeteryrecords @ Jan 12 2009, 05:21 AM) *
    well now that changes things. You didn't metion their ages before. And if they are 16 and 22, they're not recieveing "False hope" because one is an adult, and the other, almost, and they know whats what in the world.

    Exactly, that is why I got so upset because I think it has to do with the ex, not the kids. Actually he has 4 kids. twins at 16, 17 yr old, and 22. Mind you the 22 year old is not even his biological son. He just claims him. So yes I had jealous feelings towards that because I feel that something was fishy about the whole situation.


    regardless of age, He's still with his REAL family on a holiday. instead of a girlfriend. If anybody thinks that is wrong, they need help.

    Well, my thing is if they were a REAL family, why the hell aren't they together? (so he said) Him & the ex I mean. Why have a girlfriend in the first place if he feels he has a family with someone else and he has to dedicate most of his time to them. Seems like more of a marriage. Married people do things like this, spend time with their wives on holidays. Not people who are divorced or not together anymore. You say girlfriend so casually, like it is not important. After being with someone for years, I would think he would consider my feelings as well. And also would expect him to spend time with me too.

  12. well now that changes things. You didn't metion their ages before. And if they are 16 and 22, they're not recieveing "False hope" because one is an adult, and the other, almost, and they know whats what in the world.

    Exactly, that is why I got so upset because I think it has to do with the ex, not the kids. Actually he has 4 kids. twins at 16, 17 yr old, and 22. Mind you the 22 year old is not even his biological son. He just claims him. So yes I had jealous feelings towards that because I feel that something was fishy about the whole situation.

  13. I believe he never let you meet his children is because that complicates things for them. As I said in my earlier post, it can be hard for them already, let alone saying, "hey kids, meet mommy #2!", (yes i know your not monny #2, but i just wanted to say that :P ) so to keep things as easy and simple for the children, daddy not with another woman, to their knowledge, is the easiest way.




    "I am the jealous type. Everyone gets jealous every now and then. What if the shoe was on the other foot and it was me with children, and he did not, and I went to spend Thanksgiving, or any holiday with my ex. I am quite certain, he would have gotten jealous too."


    Yea! I'm sure he'd be jealous that a mother was spending a holiday with her kids... C'mon now!

    I didn't say with the kids, I said with an ex.

  14. I believe he never let you meet his children is because that complicates things for them. As I said in my earlier post, it can be hard for them already, let alone saying, "hey kids, meet mommy #2!", (yes i know your not monny #2, but i just wanted to say that :P ) so to keep things as easy and simple for the children, daddy not with another woman, to their knowledge, is the easiest way.

    True, but his children are not that young. Youngest is 16 and oldest 22. I am sure if they knew daddy had another woman, they would have been resiliant. I could see if they were 6 and 12, it wouldv'e been different. It is not like they wouldn't understand their parents are not together anymore. I just feel like he's giving his children false hope, and living a lie, like a facade.

  15. well that is how you came across in your topic Candlight. Kids and I do not know how many he has or there ages, do have feelings and can be hurt so easy, even more so on holidays and birthdays too. so be prepard for this sort of thing. Willing to bet ya he was there playing a happy family only for the kids.


    Just put some trust into him, and yourself. that is the biggiest part of growing up and being in a realationship of any kind trusting one another. Maybe wrong but you strike me as the jealous type. Put the green eyed moster to bed. learn to trust.




    I am the jealous type. Everyone gets jealous every now and then. What if the shoe was on the other foot and it was me with children, and he did not, and I went to spend Thanksgiving, or any holiday with my ex. I am quite certain, he would have gotten jealous too.

  16. A lot of times the parents will try to stay close, as to comfort the children, and make them think that nothing has really changed. Because a lot of kids believe it is their fault when parents seperate, so they stay close, as to, once again, to comfort the child. So all of this is in the best intrest the lil ones. and you said you didnt understand the whole divorce thing...have you ever asked him about it? just a thought

    Yes I have. He told me nothing was going on between them. I think I am more upset because I never met this children after 4 years, and I always thought that it was because of the ex. And he has told me before that before our relationship, women would not want to get involved with him because he has children. Even though I don't have any, I was willing to be in a relationship with him anyway. And 4 years is quite a while to not know or have some form of relationship with the children.

  17. Guys look, I was not mad at the fact he went to see his kids for the holidays, just that he's with his ex playing a happy family, like they were still together, and totally ditched me and did not see me at all. I feel if your in a relationship and holidays come around, there should be time made for the kids, and the person an individual is with. I don't have any kids so I don't understand how divorced/ or separated people have that sort of agreement. Your right echo, maybe I do need to grow up and stop being selfish but I never experienced any thing like this before, and have no idea how a cordial relationship continues after marriage and kids. Just a little too close for comfort to me.

  18. Hello everyone, I am new here. I just need some advice because I am very upset over a break-up, which the relationship lasted for 4 years. :P We actually did not agree and verbally discuss we were not going to see each other, we just stopped calling each other. I really got angry with him for canceling plans with me on Thanksgiving, and going to spend it with his kids and ex. To me I feel he has no business spending time with his ex on holidays, he should be with me. But anyway, I was fuming, and I yelled, cursed, screamed, called him everything I could think of. After that, I called him 2 days later and said we needed to talk without the shouting so we went out for a drink and came back to my house to talk (no physical contact). He explained to me over, and over there is nothing going on with him and his ex. The next day I intentionally did not wake him up on time to take his kids to school, and he was 4 hours late picking them up (I know, that was bad), but I did not think so at the time. I called him again a week later because he was supposed to buy a bed for me, so that's the only reason I called him again. I mentioned it and he said he would call me later, haven't heard from him since (his birthday was the following week, and I didn't call him) although he sent me a text on New Year's Eve, only wishing me a happy New Year. I responded the next day "U2". He also called me restricted at 3:00 am, I knew it was him. Sorry if I digress, I am just sad, mad, and everything else you feel during a break-up. I'm wondering if we would get back together because in spite of everything else, he was good to me. He gave me mostly everthing I wanted, I say mostly because he wouldn't buy me anything he thought wasn't useful (like a $700 designer purse, *smile*). And he even invested in helping me with my braces. He gave me money for them every other month. I wonder why he hasn't tried to contact me anymore other than that one time after 4 years. Wouldn't he want to know if my braces are off or just to talk to me to see how I am doing? I know he is an "ex" and he is not obligated to contact me anymore, but 4 years is a long time to be with someone and just forget about them, and I did not actually get any real closure. I don't have many friends so I don't go out to clubs or bars much since we've broken up. I spend most of my time with family or I just come home and try and stay busy. I have not contacted him since the text. I do not plan to unless he contacts me. I would just like some advice. Thanks.

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