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Posts posted by SiUK

  1. The opinion I've got so far on Windows 7 is apart from a few minor tweaks and some different graphics it's more or less the same as Vista. I know Vista has been widely seen as a failure but wouldn't it of been more logical for them to concentrate on improving that instead of rushing out a new OS?As for the whole touch-screen thing, lol.. I HATE it when people touch my screen, and I can only imagine how often you'd need to clean a monitor after dragging your finger round on it day after day. It's good technology for things such as phones but PCs? I figured I'd stick with XP when Vista was released and I'm glad I did, I'll most likely be doing the same when Windows 7 is in the shops and Microsoft are trying to hype up how brilliant it is before the cracks show.

  2. The way to look at it is....Someone is breaking into your house, or is already in(you're asleep). Do you seriously have time to go find the weapon, find the ammo, load it and *BLEEP* it before they get to you? Probably not. So leaving it loaded would be much safer than leaving it unloaded.

    We don't have the same gun laws as the US where I'm from but if we did, I would probably apply that very logic and keep mine loaded & locked away near where I slept, probably unlocking it at night just in case if I was feeling extra paranoid lol.

    It'll be interesting to see what they do in terms of charging the lad. It seems a bit unbelievable that someone so young would be able to carry, aim and fire a shotgun and it could well be like some others have stated that the kid has merely become a scapegoat to one of the other teenagers actions. If he wasn't, its quite disturbing that not only did he know exactly where to go to get it from, as well as being able to fire it, but also doing it for something some trivial as having his foot stepped on, if it is true instead of charging the kid they should enrol him into some serious anger management classes.

  3. I found cutting down slowly worked better for me than going "cold turkey". I worked out how many on average I smoked a day and I cut it down by 1 each week, after a couple of months I went from about 10-15 a day to only a couple, I found it alot easier to quit when I was only having one in the morning and one at night than I did trying to force myself to stop outright.Chewing gum helps too, I've gone from being addicted to cigarettes, to an almost gum addiction :P

  4. Religion is a great tool for conformity, but if people choose to live their life down that path it's upto them I guess. Wars I'm sure would still happen. Religion gets used as an excuse nearly every time because its effective in so many different ways but if it didn't exist the leaders or groups who launch aggressive attacks on others would simply find another reason.It's sort of ironic, that the people who use religion as an excuse to kill others profess a deep understanding of their faith but in reality, they have very little understanding of it at all.In conclusion I don't think the world would be a much different place than what it is today without religion.

  5. I've never understood the concept of paying double or more in some cases for an almost identical piece of clothing with the only difference being the label. I've known people who've run themselves into thousands of pounds worth of debt simply because they want to keep up with fashion.I've got a couple of name brand things but its because they were comfortable or I really like the design, two things which I'd consider much more important than just a label (as well as the price :P )

  6. You forgot to mention the lingering smell that goes with it, I quit a couple of months back and I could never really notice when other people smelt of cigs, but now I only have to go near a mate and I can tell if they've been smoking or not, it never bothered me before, but I find the smell very unpleasing now.Guess I was quite lucky with the ageing bit, smoked for nearly 10 years and I still look quite young for my age :P

  7. Goal line cameras would be a decent idea I think. There have been some right howlers by referees as to awarding goals that never were, or vice versa (Watford Vs Reading this season was one of the worst!) You could have a 2nd referee view the footage to determine if it was a goal and tell the one on the pitch via the earpiece so it wouldn't slow down a game at all really. I kinda like the idea of having to field a number of "homegrown" players for every game as well.

  8. The hardest games not mentioned

    Hardest Game of all time


    I don't stand a chance against these:

    God hand

    I love God hand, was a fairly difficult game especially the end boss took me a while but I eventually beat it.


    Final Fantasy X isn't really a difficult RPG, more time consuming. The hidden bosses on FFVII were easy once you mastered mime materias you could loop your attacks continously or use a summon likes knights of the round over and over. The Ultima games were mentioned in this thread earlier I would say in comparison they're alot harder to any of the FF series, I can't remember completing a single one of them. I had a game on the Amiga where you'd wander around a dungeon in sort of a windowed 1st person mode I'm racking my brain trying to think of its name cos that was another one no matter how hard I tried I couldn't beat it.


    The hardest game of all time though for me has to be Jet Set Willy, closely followed by Ghosts & Goblins. I tried so hard to complete JSW but the games so damn unforgiving if you misjudge a jump by a micro-fraction you're toast :P

  9. Well it's definately not a scam, lol..

    Been using Adsense for quite some time now and never had any problems with it. I trust Google more to deliver than some of the other ad networks I've tried and tested and they generally pay out more than their competitors. You have to reach $100 to get a cheque which is probably the only disadvantage over sites that let you cash out after $20-50 etc.

    And does Adsense pay on CPM if you get almost no clicks, or will they just flat out kick you out of the system for that?

    Not sure how the CPM works but I had my account inactive and no ads on any sites (because I'd deleted them all :P ) for a good 6 months or so and when I returned my account was still there with the money I'd earnt still sitting there. If Google determine the clicks you're sending to the advertisers aren't value for them, or you're getting very few you end up on something called "Smart Pricing" which see's the value of your clicks drop a fair bit (which can be a bit of a bummer) but I've never heard of somebody being kicked off of Adsense because they're not sending much traffic through, it just means it'll take longer to accumulate that 100 bucks.

    It's best to toy around with your ad placement and the different banner sizes if you find you've got a low ratio of clicks in comparison to visitors. Making the ad "blend" into your site using the colour schemes or placing banners near the top of the page can turn a low earning page into a more profitable one too, but it really depends on your site and the best way to work it out is to experiment.

    As for the people who click their own links, I really wouldn't recommend it :P . With the amount of money involved on a mass-scale I imagine their anti-fraud system is alot more in-depth than just checking the I.P, even if you're on a dynamic address and it'll only end with them suspending your account.

  10. I was really really disappointed with it :P


    Someone mentioned earlier in the thread how they didn't like the old Batman films because Gotham was too dark and comicbook like but in a way I thought that made the films what they were. Watching the new ones Gotham just looks like any other city and personally I think that took alot away from the film.


    Heath Ledger was brill as the Joker, but then so was Jack Nicolson in the original. Ledger was the star performance in the film though without any doubt. Christian Bale on the other hand, was borderline awful! Why on earth he puts on that voice is beyond me, it gets really annoying the more he does it.


    I'd say it was an average film, 6/10

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