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Posts posted by stefan_pavikevik

  1. I also have Windows 7 RC1. I can say that it is very more improved than any other Windows Version. Of course, if we have comparation Between XP, Vista and 7, it will like as this:

    Vista is Fast, but XP is faster than Vista, and Win 7 is the fastest.

    Even it is RC, it is working great. It is similar like Vista for many Visual things. But that is not a problem. It is the fastest Microsoft Windows OS, this further. Of course, it is still in early phases, so it still have some bugs and holes that needs to be fixed. We will talk about this things when the final Version will be released. Okay, this are the minimal requirements:

    512 MB RAM

    1.5 GHz CPU

    12 GB of free space on the HDD

    128 VGA RAM

    Optical Drive (of course, for installing it :) )


    And that is it.

    Here is one screenshot:

    Posted Image

  2. Hello and Greetings to you trapp17.
    One big and warm welcome to you.
    Please read the rules, the readmes, the guides, the annoucements, the news and other Xisto and Xisto related things, to get things easy. Be carefull to follow all the rules of the Forums.
    We have our virtual money for here, named myCENTs.
    As I can saw, you already started with earning myCENTs.
    So post good, quality and long posts with a good description, to get earning myCENTs.
    Also don't forget to register at Xisto - Support website.
    After you earn 100 myCENTs, you will get them deposited at Xisto as U.S. American Dollars.
    With them, you will be able to buy goods and services that Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto and Xisto has to offer.
    I hope I'll see you HOSTED at here, soon.
    So have a nice stay, have and make fun, meet new people, make new friendships, earn and earn and earn myCENTs, post and post and post, learn something new, teach us something new, share ideas theories and let this community to be a part of your daily routine.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  3. Hello and warm welcome.
    Please read and follow the rules the readmes the guides the annoucements, and the other Xisto and Xisto related things.
    So here we all have our virtual money - myCENTs. You earn myCENTs for posting long, good and quality posts. So here the quantity doesn't matters. But quality does. So follow this rules, and you will get things easy.
    So what is the catch?
    There is no catch. You earn myCENTs for absolutely nothing, but posts.
    You also need to register at the Xisto - Support website to get myCENTs deposited.
    When you earn 100 myCENTs it will be deposited in the Xisto - Support website as U.S. dollars.
    Also have a nice stay here, have fun, make new friends, share ideas, knowledges, let us teach you something new and interesting, post and post and post, earn myCENTs, and the most important:

  4. I tried that out, didn't work. It couldn't configure the connection...
    I think I'll try installing ubuntu english this time, maybe it doesn't come up half english lol.
    if I have time. Until then, I'll look around and see if anyone here finds the solution...

    How do you connect to the internet?
    Do you use ADSL.
    That is for ADSL only.
    Tell me the right connection, and I will tell you the right configurations you need to make. :D

  5. Hello vaird. One big and warm welcome to you.
    I am proud to see that this community is growing and growing...
    First read the rules, the readmes, the guides, the annoucements, the news and the other Xisto and Xisto anc Xisto - Web Hosting related things.
    After that, you will know how we are earning myCENTs.
    myCENTs represent your virtual money for here. Each myCENT is one US Cent.
    Also make sure that you register here:
    with the same e-mail address as on the forums.
    So post quality, good and long posts, and you will start with earning myCENTs.
    When you reach 100 myCENTs, it will be deposited at Xisto as US dollars.
    With them, you can buy goods and services that Xisto has to offer.
    Have a nice stay, have and make fun, make new friends, meet new people, share ideas and knowledge and learn something new with us, in this beautiful community.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  6. So what should I do? How do I "become root"? :D

    is for executing any command as root.

    So you write:

    sudo command
    command - is the command you like to run as root

    So exactly in this case you will need to write the following in the Terminal:

    sudo pppoeconf
    Also you can become as root in other way, a little harder way.

    Let me explain the second way:

    You open terminal and write:

    sudo passwd root
    And you are setting the root password.

    After that, you run this command:

    And it will make you root.

    Now, all the commands you will run, will be executed as root.

    The next times when you open Terminal, and if you want to run commands as root, you will need to execute only:


    Little explanation:

    When the Terminal asks you for password, it doesn't show the characters even not as "***".

    But don't care, you are writing the password. After you wrote the exactly password, you only need to press "Enter", and the command will be executed.

    Hope this will help to you. :D

  7. I am very interested as I, too, am also interested in IT and robotics etc... I am sure that one day this may be possible - as we all know technology is improving in a very fast rate.
    So basically, this will be the future city of technology and enjoyment? - enjoying the automation. It will be so relaxed. This could be made the technological centre of Earth where all the highest tech stuff are here.

    But as this place worth too much for any wrecks, maybe you should consider adding defense to this place to protect it from harm? It would be a shame for this great city to go all at once.

    Keep up this great idea!

    Yes of course it will be protected... I am making the exatcly plan now and I will present it here.
    Also in this centre will be all the computer companies. They will request to move their companies in such of city.

  8. Everybody of us know that the life is very short. So how we can extend it? How we can become immortals. Let me expand my theory. First the copmuters will be very important in our life. They will be very needed things for our everyday life. The clock is counting. So, many people will like to extend the time of their lifes. The IT tech can make it possible. So, as you now, the IT Technology is developing and developing and it will come to very high perfection. The robots will come true. Maybe they will rule the world. Okay, that is not so bad. The people are researching for other planets with life. So people can become immortals, but how? Their brain will be cloned in a machine, so that machine, robot will continue some person's life. Through the IT Technology, it will be very possible to make identically copies of people. So the people, even if they are so small, can extend their lifes in some way. After all, the IT Technology will be more biological, so it will be very easy to clone, or to make the people immortals. We can also be very small if we need to, but we'll life forever. Maybe some things will be permited, but that is not a problem. We will continue to share and realise new ideas, we will continue to look at the beauties of the life. But we will be still alive. We will know that our work helped to many people. I think it will be great if this come true. The life will be more beautiful.Hope that this will become true. :D

  9. Hey! That's a great idea. It would only be great if the IT city/land was created automatically and the robot themselves spawned like they created themselves.
    Before I start to be a part of this place, I would like to know a few things first.

    What is the history of this place? - how long has it been and how did this place be constructed?
    How did the robots get their knowledge? - by human programming or self study or other more powerful way?

    Very imaginative, maybe you could develop further on this place and possible make some sort of model? - just an idea...

    Yes, the robots will be based on self-study, but of course with following some laws. So it will be great for the IT Pros to live in a city such as this. About the model. I can try to make some model, some simulation of this... So it will be future vision of all IT Pros. It will be our big dream. Fully automated city, really nice. I was on some Summer Robotic Camps, so I came to this Idea. This year when I will go to the Camp, I will discuss this Idea. Maybe they can help me. I have a plan also for my future house, when I will grow up. So the plan is based on this Idea. All automated. Hope that this idea will become future soon. When I make some model and simulation of this, I will be proud to present it to this forums.

  10. Well, after I reinstalled vista from recovery partition, I lost the grub boot-loaders at the system boot. I reinstalled ubuntu on the partition it was earlier, after that, I booted into ubuntu and it was half English half Finnish wtf? I got a window telling that a language pack wasn't installed, if I want to do it now I had to click "run this action now" or something, and I couldn't contact the internet?! I couldn't even download the package!


    I reinstalled ubuntu and I'm still having the same problem!


    I booted into vista and I couldn't contact the net with that either? ******** **** ****** *****! (sorry, I'm so pissed off...) I used the recovery program to get windows back in time and it worked for vista, but still not for ubuntu... ARGH!!!


    Any advice?

    First, after you reinstall windows, you don't need to reinstall ubuntu.

    You can only repair GRUB, without loosing nothing.

    So here is how to repair GRUB:

    Boot from Ubuntu Live CD

    Open terminal and write:

    sudo grubfind /boot/grub/stage1 *with this, you will get the exactly partition with linux on your HDDroot (hd0,?) ?-the partition number with ubuntusetup (hd0)quit
    That is all for repairing GRUB.

    Next, for the internet, if you have ADSL broadband internet, you'll need to configure it.

    So open Terminal and write:

    And configure it.

    And to get Windows Vista to GRUB, you will need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst file.

    So open Terminal and write:

    sudo gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
    On it, just add the following lines:

    title   Windows Vista Bootloader root   (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader   +1
    and save it.

    That is all. You are done.

    Hope this helped to you. :D

  11. Hi jove. One big and warm welcome to you.
    Read the rules, the guides, the readmes, the annoucements, the news, and the other Xisto and Xisto related things.
    So it will clear to you some things how work.
    Here we are earning myCENTs with good and long and quality posts.
    The quantity doesn't matter.
    The quality does.
    So post good posts, earn myCENTs and after 100 myCENTs it will be deposited at Xisto as US Dollars:
    I am glad to see that the community is growing and growing.
    Have a nice stay here in the best online community, earn myCENTs, make fun, meet new friends and people, learn something new, share ideas and knowledge, and have a nice time with us.
    Have a nice weekend.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  12. hi new member here. is it i have to post something before i can get my free host?

    Hi ericyeo. Warm welcome to you.
    First make sure that you read all the readmes, guides, rules, FAQs, annoucements and other Xisto and Xisto related news and things.
    After that, you will know that myCENTs are your virtual money.
    Also sign up here with the same E-mail address:
    When you will earn 100 myCENTs, it will be deposited at Xisto as US Dollars.
    With it, you can buy goods and services, that Xisto and Xisto has to offer.
    So how do you earn myCENTs?
    You need to post quality posts, long and good posts to start earning myCENTs.
    And what is the catch?
    You earn myCENTs for absolutely nothing, but posts.
    Have a nice stay here.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik

  13. Hi =) I'm looking forward to earn points here to have Xisto host my blogs.
    I got personal blogs from Blogspot, then transferred to WordPress, then hmmm try 000WebHost, but crap!

    000WebHost gives you everything, then your page would always show an error, something like "Server is busy." And I heard Xisto is good, so posting in a forum for me is okay.

    Anyway, I love forums.

    When I got my blogs here, I would introduce my blogs on this forum :D

    Hi berryblitz and one big warm welcome to you.
    Read the rules, the readmes, the guides, the annoucements and the other news and things related to Xisto and Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting and for the myCENTs.
    So myCENTs are virtual money for you here, and you will earn them with making this forum good place for everybody.
    So you need to post long posts, quality posts, meaningfull posts to start earning myCENTs.
    Also register at here with the same e-mail address as on the forums.
    After 100 myCENTs, here at the forums, it will be deposited as dollars at Xisto.
    With that, you can buy goods and services that Xisto have to offer.
    You earn myCENTs for absolutely nothing, but posts.
    Have a nice stay here at this beautiful community, make new friends, meet new people, share ideas and knowledges, learn something new, make fun, and have a nice weekend.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  14. Hello dolrich06 and warm welcome.
    I advice to you to read the rules, the guides, the readmes and the other annoucements and important things.
    So you will start with earning myCENTs, your virtual money.
    You get myCENTs for absolutely nothing, but posts.
    So, make good posts, quality and long posts, with good description, to get earning myCENTs.
    Also create an account with the same e-mail address as here, at this link:
    After you will get 100 myCENTs the virtual money will be converted to US Dollars and will be deposited to Xisto.
    With them, you can use them to buy Domains, Hosting and others things.
    I hope that I'll see you HOSTED soon.
    Have a nice stay here with us in this beautiful community, make friends, meet new people, share ideas and knowledge, learn something new.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  15. Hello and warm welcome.Read the rules, the readmes, the guides and the annoucements to get started with earning myCENTs.So, when you make good, quality, long, with good description posts, you will start with earning your virtual money named myCENTs.You get them for absolutely nothing, but posts.So, I hope that I'll see you HOSTED as soon as possible here.You can learn many new things here, you can make new friends, meet new people, share ideas and your knowledge.Have a nice stay and day here with us at this beautiful community.All the best,Stefan Pavikevik.

  16. Posted Image

    Microsoft decided to include remove option for IE 8 in Windows 7.

    After some time, with request of the big companies that make the most popular browser, possibly the new version of Windows will come with Opera, Mozilla Firefox and others.

    But Microsoft complaints that it will open some new questions like how the other browsers will ship with Windows, and how compatible will be they.

    So, possibly, we will have to choose browser when installing Windows 7. :D


  17. One big and warm welcome and hi to you, One01.Read the rules, the readmes, the guides and the other important things, to get things easy.Post quality posts, long posts, interesting posts to get earning myCENTs.Also enjoy in the community with us, make new friends, share ideas, meet new people from other countries.I hope I'll see you HOSTED soon.Have a nice stay and a nice day.All the best,Stefan Pavikevik.

  18. Well, I used to have a free account on freepgs however they decided that no longer could they host me or the öthers"for free. I tried to use some random free webhosts on the net... Misfortunately I do not like how they have adsense that forces random spam ädlinks" on my site that just blows! Its one thing to have to have ads. Then another to be constantly bombarded by them when your posting on your favorite site.
    Anyone know how good Xisto webhosting is? I find it interesting that something can be completly free just for posting!

    Hi and warm welcome.
    Read the readme-s, guides, rules and etc before asking.
    The Xisto webhost is the best of all you known to today.
    So, make quality and long posts for earning myCENTs, and get HOSTED.
    Have a nice stay and day here with us.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik.

  19. Posted Image

    It is finnaly here. You can download it if you have geniune license of the Windows OS.

    It will be avaiable at 9 o'clock american pacific time.

    IE 8 will be still the most popular browser - 72%.

    IE 8 will be solid and fast web browser for today needs. With new options and speeders it will be the dominating leader on the market. Microsoft will be also selling it as part, no more together with Windows. So in Windows 7, it will be an option for completly removing it.



  20. Hello, My name is Jay. I am a nice person when you get to know me. My favorite thing to do is ti walk around and talk to random people about random things no matter what its about. I love to draw, skate, and play guitar. I am now in the midst of looking for a job.. so if you have something let me know! I design graphics on photoshop i have CS3 if you were looking for a banner avy or something like that you can message me. hmm, there isent much else to say so if you want to talk just say so..... :D

    Hi Oblivion1500, and warm welcome!
    I wish you all the best at here.
    I am proud to see that community is growing and growing.
    I am also a nice person when you get to know me.
    I also love to play guitar, and I am learning it.
    As I need or You need help, we are here. :D
    Earn myCENTS to get HOSTED as soon as possible.
    All the best,
    Stefan Pavikevik
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