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  1. Hi everyone,This is Sangeet Kumar here, I have registered a text advertisement based hosting for my website, i would like to know that how much time they take after registration to make the account live.How is other's experience with there hosting, I was previously hosted on freehostia, but there was no SMTP. I cannot afford to buy a hosting plan as of now.Best Regards,SAngeet Kumar
  2. Yoga, initially was part of Indian Civilization, but these days it has become part of life of people around the world. The only reason behind its popularity is its harmony with nature and its long lasting effects. Any kind of ailment that you are suffering with, is benefited by Yoga. It not only strengthens your muscles but also your mind, your concentration power, your respiration system, you cardiovascular symptoms, in fact each and every part of your body is rejuvenated.Yoga could be done without any machines and the best time to do it is early morning. Just devote 30 minutes of your life to it and see how you change your life and fill it full of energy and enthusiasm.Have a Healthy life...HealthyWealthyIndia
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