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Posts posted by Tseng

  1. Recently someone created a MMORPG script using RGSS(Ruby-game-scripting-system).[RGSS derives from Ruby- the scripting/coding language developed for Rpg Maker Xp] It allows fully online capability for a MMORPG and is similar to dofus...In that it loads on a webpage, but is able to play MMORPG and not page by page. I am here to ask what you will look for in an MMORPG(by the way its 2D) but as far as battle system and other additions go its fully customizable. So any input would help.

  2. I loved FFX. The cinematics were frickin hot. I liked the storyline too. My favorite Aeon was definatley Anime. And the code to have Seymore on yer team was hot. I didnt care for the sequel but it gave me the rest of the story, so I put up with it. If you want you can go online and but the internatio0nal version thats way awesome. I my selfr have all the FFs in Japanese and English. Cept FF# bt its coming out on DS soon.

  3. True but for Rpg's Rpg Maker XP is the best. Easy to use, an optional coding language to enhance gameplay. Great graphics, music. I love it. I really want to have a bigger development team. So if your interested in helping make an Rpg contact me. By the way. If you want to get started with Rpg Maker Xp search for creation Asylum on google. They offer great tutorials.

  4. I was just finishing Final Fantasy Tactics and I was thinking of creating my own Tactics game. Then I went to my favorite Rpg Maker Community and check on the Maker Developments page. I read up on a new maker being developed with Ruby(a scripting system used in many applications but most popular in Rpg Maker XP). This is besides the point though. I am planning on making a Tactics type game(in similar style to that of FFT) and I need for your input on what things you like and dont like. What you are looking for in an Tactics RPG. I dont have anything but the story so far. Oh and a name: Sword Edge Samurai. Still just a working title but I really want to know how to make this game the best it can be.

  5. I think that modding is ok as long as its fair to other players. Like Phantasy Star Online for example. They mod weapons to look like weapons from Final Fantasy and Dragonball Z, they are maxxed out but they arent like completely unfair. However hacking the game is a different story, like in Halo making your team invincible or inf ammo. That is unfair and I bleive it should be stopped. But there is nothing you can do about it.(AWith the exception of choosing not to do it yourself) So all I can tell you is yes, modding is fun and should be allowed in a moderate setting. But overuse of this feature to self benifit in ranked games is wrong and immoral.

  6. Well I would just like to fill you in on one of the best programming launguages i've ever used. its called Ruby, and is used and made for the popular game maker Rpg Maker XP. But just when I thought that it could only be used in Rpg Maker XP I found out I was wrong. See RGSS(Ruby-Game-Scriptinh-System) is in Rpg Maker XP but you can use normal Ruby to develop programs. Its increadably easy to use compared to C++ and can be used to make high end or low end programs. To find out more about it search for Ruby, SciLexer. Or ask me and I might host the program on my site. Also looking for Rpg Maker XP is a good way to learn to script.

  7. I may be the underdog here but I think that FF8 is the best. I mean the story was awesome (war/love/epic) and the characters were very distingushable in personality, the graphics werent just good, they weree a whole new art style for the FF series. I loved the battle system including the "Junction" command. The way you used summons and magic to strengthen characters. I also loved the music, the intro music, Liberi Fatali, was awesome. I loved the gunblade and the cool attacks it did. I think it was the best and this is coming from someone who has played all and owns all the final fantasys in english and japanese(which I can read some of hehe)

  8. Well there are rumors that this game might not come out, and there are rumors that it will. But my top favorite is Final Fantasy VII for PS3. In my opinion this is definately a system seller. Everybody loves FF,(and if you dont you can burn in hell lol jk). So Im sure that sony will get lots of fan base from this game alone. I think that FF is to Playstation as Halo is to Xbox.

  9. Everyone who heard of .hack//infectioo, .hack mutation, .hack//outbreak, or .hack//quarentine know what its about. A MMORPG called "The World" is being played and a boy named Kite is afflicted with a Data Drain Bracelet. This device is used by hackers, but in his case he uses it to destroy invicible bugged monsters in the game. Well the people at Cyber Connect 2 and Bandai have decided to make a new game. The story takes place years after the fourth dot hack game and is apptly name ..hack//g.u.(grown up). The story is unknown as of yet but the game promises to be more of the same goodness weve seen so far in the series. Rumor has it also that a actual MMORPG based off the .hack series is undersdevelopment. We can only hope.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    I'm reversing the description with your title, because title is very important ;)

  10. Actually I like this Rpg. The graphics arent bad, that are a type of style. Like FFTactics arent bad theyre a different style, but thye reason the graphics are like that is because the game is flash-bsed. This allows alot of stuff to be possible with a lot easier method of doing so. Overall hes right though, if your looking for a game where graphics are the "hook". Look somewhere else. But if your looking for a cheap, mmorpg, with a tactics battle engine and you like the graphical art style then feel free to check this one out. Also as far as pay-to-play goes this game will charge $6-8 per/month in USD. But there will be a free version(with limited features) available also.

  11. Yeah just make games...personally I love Rpg Maker Xp the best...I am working on a cool project right now...its got the Limit Break system from FF7 in it. Also Im adding some other cool minigames and stuff. PM me qith any details, questions or comments on Rpg Maker or my Rpg development team, [Tri_Ware] Corp.

  12. lol...Okay I won't but please help if you can...see the reason I need them is im making a game with Rpg Maker Xp...and in battle the characters are here:

    Posted Image


    I need the white box around them to be trans so I can put them in place of the default charas. I used to have a program....that let me pick a color on the pic to make trans and then it did it for me but I can't remember the name. Also I will put the persons name in the credits of my game.


    Also if you like what you see then feel free to contact me in a pm or visit my forums (in my sig) to join the [Tri_Ware] Corp. development team.

  13. Awesome...I would go see it...definately. Yeah I like "The Dressing" Its the episode where the HUstling Tom Turkey toys think they a rogue turkeys from the future when they are really just animatronic things like at Chuck E Cheese...lol...theres one part where the turkey eats some taco pie and he says all slow like " that last bite....it ...reminds me ...of.... A SEVERLLY LONG STORY ABOUT THE CHICKENS TAKING OVER" lol awesome...I also have another question. Who is your favorite Character and why?

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