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Posts posted by DanManIt

  1. I like reading about technology and news in forums. Although that is the main reason why I join a forum I usually enjoy talking about other off topic stuff in the "General Discussion" board. So you should probably try to have a pretty good range of subjects in your forum, but try to focus more on one main point in the forum (may it be traveling, anime, whatever)

  2. I bought a Creative and I like it a lot. Mine is a 30gb model. I got it on sale for 190$, so it was a deal. Creative's players have a better sound quality than the iPod's and most anything else for the matter.The only reason that I don't like the iPod's is that they don't support WMA media format. I really don't want to change all of my files and lose some sound quality in the process, so the iPod wasn't worth it for me. But if you have yours in a format that the iPod's accept I suggest finding a person or a store where you can try both of them out to see which one you like better.

  3. I use both headphones and speakers.I use speakers when I am alone or there isn't much background noise. I use these when I am at home.I use headphones when I am in a loud environment. I use them mainly for the bus rides to and from school and when I go on vacation.I am planning on getting some noise cancellation earphones. Is there any that you guys can recommend? My price range is $30-50.

  4. Danieluchis, its about 2k. I bought mine for 1k, if I waited 2 more months I would have had enough to buy one. Dam, why does technology have to advance so fast, it makes my 1GB ram and 160GB harddrive look like a thing of the past. Arrg.


    That's just for the regular system specs. If you want the 4Gb of ram, 500gb hard drive and a dual core proccessor it brings the price to over $4.5 thousand

  5. Well i dont know if any of you have ever heard or read the Anarchist Cook book, well, in it there is a way to beat the vending machines and still get your moeny back, i wont post how to do it on this forum, dont wanna get banned, but there is a way, i have never tried it personally, but after reading the procedure, it sounds like it would realy work.


    Just a thought.


    I have read this, I never tried to get it to work. But I also think that it will probably work.


    I also don't like vending machines. They never accept my money because my dollar is always too crumpled for them to accept it, the prices are overpriced, a lot of times they are out of order or out of stock on the item that I want. Stupid machines.

  6. Ouch. That sucks. I used to have a iriver 128mb mp3 player for a while, but now I upgraded to a nice Creative 30gb. It's nice to have a lot of space. I suggest that when you buy a new player to get one that holds at least 10gb. This way you won't ever need to buy another player because you filled yours up.I'm not really into iPods like a lot of people. My Creative has better sound quality, was cheaper, and it holds more than an iPod or even an iPod mini for the matter.Also, I don't like that the iPods don't support WMA, which is the format I use.

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