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Everything posted by ejohn

  1. i already have f-secure installed which apparently is very good. what i want to know is, is there any small utility software which shows me which all programs on my computer are accessing the internet. this way i can know if any trojan like activity is going on.
  2. there is no way i am ever going to know which all files have been lost! each file has to be manully restored so its out of the question. btw i have already formatted. but do you or anybody here know of any program which monitors which all softwares are accessing the internet. i dont want any more trojans in my system
  3. i deleted all refrences to wowexec.exe from the registry. but apparently (from info i got when i searched from google) it manifests itself in lot of filenames, most of which i have deleted. what i want to know is how can tinkering in the registry bring back all the lost windows files. is there anyway i can restore them without reinstalling?
  4. i can see why you were apprehensive of the grammar in your song. forget that and we have a pretty cool song ;-) just downloaded it. lets be frank, its OK. but i think you would be going right now
  5. i am not using any 16bit applications. msconfig is also missing. after some time on the net i get lass application error and soon afterwards a system message saying the computer will restart in 60 seconds. thanks for your replies guys. but i think the easiest way out is to format the computer. do you guys have any better ideas??
  6. the program i am refering to is wowexec.exe sorry i didnt mention it specifically in the above post though it is there in the header.
  7. i have this program which loads a long time after my system has booted. it eats up a lot of resources and closes all kinds of windows applications. ctrl+alt+del dosent work once it starts, i had to use other process managers to find what all programs where running. on searching for i get an impresion that this is valid windows file whereas there seems to be some mutant versions also. i tried deleting the files but astonishingly they reappear right in front of our eyes. within seconds another copy of the deleted files appear! :-| i have f - secure antivirus which dosen't pick it up. has anybody here experienced the same problems? any solutions.
  8. i have a basset hound and a labrador. they are really smart and make great pets. i hate cats though, they are so mean and demand attention.
  9. i think science and religion does not mix. you can never scientifically determine whether God exists. gimme a break! using probability to prove the existence/or the absence of God! i mean christianity is all about faith. blind faith. you just believe. no questions asked. if we were just a result of some explosion what purpose do we have. our actions dont have any consequence but the concept of eternity brings meaning to our life.
  10. hey guys i just got the idea from a friend of mine yesterday and being a gmail user myself thought it would be awesome if we could check mail from the mobile. in all the excitement i forgot to check the security issues. i guess you guys are right, the login information is free for the gmailwireless.com guys to see and that poses a serious problem. being a new user i was enthusiastic abt the whole Xisto thingy so i just didnt give it a second thought. i was just trying to blend in ;-( ) but if you guys are really concerned abt gmail's privacy check out http://www.gmail-is-too-creepy.com/. i know this is website is probably created by some grumpy yahoo techie but it sure does make an intresting read.
  11. i would rather email somebody rather than have a face to face communication because this way you can hide your weakness, which all these body language analyists look at! this way you can be a pleasant mystery!
  12. i favorite celebrity is Elizabeth Hurley. you have to see bedazzled to believe me!! by the way close on her heels is Halle Berry and Catherine Zita Jones. i think Linda McMahon looks really cute;-)
  13. when i am bored i usually go to bornsilly.com; its really cool or else http://www.santabanta.com/ check out its funny pics collection.
  14. gmail users can now download their email using their mobile phones. just goto to gmailwireless.com and register your gmail id. then point your wap browser to wap.gmailwireless.com and voila!
  15. my favourite would be the aston martin DB9. i dont think i will ever get hold of one of that so i have to say i would be migthy pleased with a ford explorer!!
  16. my fav. book is "The last detective" by Robert Crais. what a book!!! its really fast and the plot is cool. after that my fav would defintly be the " da vinci code"
  17. i use for more than 6 -7 hours basically for playing chess online (which is really addictive)
  18. i too have a dial and i am happy with it!! i know its really slow but i haven't used a >56k connection so i dont know how the real thing is. actually i refrain from using a fast connection to save myself the anguish of realizing how prehistoric my connection really is!! but btw there have been some improvements yahoo.com now takes only 2mins to load!! it was a lot worse. any suggestions to tweak a dial up??
  19. the best chess server right now is chessclub.com but its not free so there is an another alternative freechess.org. you get to play real guys from all over the world and its really addictive! but you prefer to play against a computer on the net go tojester chess. its a fairly strong program!
  20. hey guys my first post here!i wanted to know which software is the best antivirus and anti spyware software there is in the market. i use AVG but it sucks. couldnt detect anything and my comps still behaving like sh*t. it is infested with trojan and it hogs my resources like hell. my broadband is choked!! can somebody HELP??!!!??
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