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About websey
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Hey Guys,To be honest, I run Windows Server 2003 R2 on all my computers wether home or work, whether desktop or server.The reason is we have a lto of freelancers come in so we lock all users down so they can only do the bare minimum, I have refused to allow autoplay on any of my pc's and also refused to allow any form of USB attachment with out sysadmin privalages ! lol ffs the cd drive doesnt even work To be honest the operating system is only as secure as people allow it to be....If you have a computer and run around all the dirty little infected sites with out any protection you have to expect this to happen...So yeah any way...As someone said above the reality of you getting your system remote hacked is very unlikley and what would be the reason to be honest, just remember to keep up to date with all your site security updates...Any way laters allwebsey
websey started following Urban Terror League | Is Alive The League is alive
Hi Guys, I posted recently in refernece to starting up a Urban Terror League.. Well it is all now a go go go I am a member of the clan morbidWRAITH our site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (hosted with Xisto of course ) Although we at <MW> are a gaming clan we are also trying to get a bit of a community going as well, Here in England it seems that the whole Lan scene has died off a bit and as such we are going to be starting a regualr event on the the south coast of England, Although as a clan we are mainly a Urban Terror focused group we also plan on having our dedicated server (specs at the bottom) running a COD 4 / 5 dedicated and also a left for dead dedicated But anyway just to start building the community side of things up we are going to start hosting a FFA UrT league via our community site ! Below is roughly how it will run but of course people can suggest idea's and I may take them on - We will run 1 evenning a week FFA official match on our dedicated server based in Berkshire - The server will be up all week and stats will be tracked but only those from the match evenning will be counted - It will not go on Frags it will be a top 5 system so 1st place gets 5pts 2nd place gets 4pts 3rd place gets 3pts 4th palce gets 2pts 5th place gets 1pts - Not sure whether it will be 1 or 2 maps or just set amount of time on a random map - You must be registered on the community site as you will have to upload demo's and it will all be linked with your profile page. - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the web site to register at - <MW>Ins@tiable will be admining the events so if you have any problems or queries you can get hold of her ! You can get hold of me via IRC #wraith.clan on quakenet or via my isntant messenger here Anyway laters guys websey Server Specs Dual Athlon x2 5000 4gb Ram 1tb Hard Drive 2 Gigabyte Network Cards (1 up 1 down) 2 x Cisco 24 man switches
Yeah maybe ti would but there are always to catch out the n00bs who do that...To be honest it would save on my site going down once evry few months...but alas it looks like i have aquired myself a dedicated server so I may be able to move everything there although I dont think I will stop posting here as my MyCents would still build and then I could buy myself a few years of domains :Danyway good luck allwebsey
lo mate,Well to be honest I had a hunt around the net the other day and come up with a pretty good program that I dont ahve $130 to buy :9its called site grinder and what it basically does is takes any photoshop file you add a few little tags on each layer and it converts it all to html / php / javascript / flash lol and i think i heard somewhere if you have sex with it you no longer have aids !! but i could be wrong on that last point...But seriously mate if you have the cash do it I was going to because im lazy and cant be arsed to code any more but google it find out what you thinkalthough I must say it is pretty poor demo as it watermarks the whole page (but i think i have found a way around that ) but have a look if you like message me and i will tell you if it works or notlaters websey
Hi FlasclocksThanks for your kind words..I realised I went onto a bit of a rant in the last post and thought I might of offended you which I hope I did not,You are right though I do paly wolfenstien occasionaly and the fact that you are paying in euros is even madder as the exchange rate etcBut generally I think that the best thing to do is stick to open source software and games, the fact a lot of open sourrce stuff is multi platform native as well (runs on windows,linux,mac) all the same is amazing I really take my hat off to all bedroom coders everywhereAlas I have not tried Halo yet I will look after posting this, Cheers for the heads up on it...Where abouts you from anyway mate? Mite re-download enemy territory and come and frag you abit :Dwebsey
I know you cant,But i would really appreciate if you could !! seeming though I host my clans community site on Xisto.com and am not always about due to business / family commitments (also a rubbish isp) and I think it would be great if my clan members could post and then pay me x amounts of mycents $ a month :Dlol it would also mean that I could get a bette hosting account and do some of the things that they want me to do such as add videos of matches etc to the website...Come on site admins tell us why we cant transfer the money !!lol also it would mean they could all pay me money and i could actually get the VPS i have been hoping to get for the last 3 months (or whenever Xisto announced it) alright laters guys..websey
Aye,I must agree that quake 3 has the best Mp over the rest of the series well minus quake one with grenade launcher :Dbut generally this is the problem with games developers they bring out a new game in a franchise and they try to improve on something that is almost perfect any way....If they had brought out quake 4 with the same MP as quake 3 just nicer GFX etc then it would be a real ownage sort of game although as i pointed out above that is very rarley the case :DAnyway thats my piece on it :DLaters
Quake Or Unreal 2 similar games which do you prefer?
websey replied to tasty's topic in Computer Gaming
Hey Guys,Definetly love the quake games over unreal, Mainly due to the fact one of the 1st pc fps games I bought and played was quake (after doom of course) I loved it from the moment I started the single palyer right through the endless nights me and my brother and stepdad fragged each other till our fingers bled and ou throats were horse from shouting so much :DAlso the more recentish quake 3 engine I love it, I still play it as well as Urban terror which is a standalone mod based on the q3 engine http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is the homepage it is free to download and free to play :DAlthough it is nothing like q3 in the fact that it has semi realistic weapons although based more on hollywood realism rather than real life realism...In my opinion one of the best free games available...Anyway back to quake !! I remember when fort come out for quake that was amazing and then you had action quake 2 as well another amazing mod...Dont get me wrong though as Unreal is a pretty good game as well but i think quake just pinches at the end as it was a bit more original than unreal in the fact it was there first :DAlthough I have to admin i love unreal for the speed that it seems to just have, complete madness sometimes,Anyway thats my bit on it and i love it so :Dlaters -
Hi Mate,Yeah I agree wolfenstein is a great game ! I even have the first one still installed on my p3 laptop (wolfenstein 3D)But I disagree on COD being a good game, Not for any reason other than the fact that the franchise ahs been done to death ! I used to play COD 2 and I liked it for awhile but it is very same - y as in there is no differnce between COD 2 and COD 4 other than the story line and GFX... They have not brought anything inovative to the series that you could not get in a different game before hand, This is why I like free gamesThere are no board of directors to please no one expecting this or that in the cash sense, most of the people who create these free games are bedroom coders and as such they are unique. for instance look at counter strike before valve took them over, it was an amazing game and there was nothing wrong with it in the sense that it was played and msot people enjoyed it, Also it was free Now look since valve have taken it on and you know have to Buy it, what is that about.. Nothing has changed (well it is now run on the source engine) but it could of been even if valve didnt buy it, The same with Day of Defeat I loved that game but I no longer play it because when i started it was free now i have to pay for it thats a rip.I suppose what I am trying to say is that I value Urban Terror over COD or CSS or DOD because it is done by the community for the community if the community asks enough and the developers like the idea they will incorporate it into the game.Look at the variety of game modes as well (TDM {team death match}, CTF {capture the flag}) (Bomb {basically CSS for free again}) (FFA {free for all},TS[team survivor})Thats 5 different game modes all for free the anti cheat community is amazing its just greatI know the GFX arnt always great but come on they are working with a ancient engine to be honest and as you say yourself you love Wolfenstein so why pay the 30 odd quid for a new re run game when for free you can get an amazing game as it is,I know this is a bit off track but I dont play World of Warcraft I played Runes of Magic a free version of WoW which is great,I am not tied down to any monthly amount and if I want this or that I can buy it if I want if not I get the whole game for free and miss out on some minor things...Any way im getting off point know and yeah any way Nice to discussthis with you matewebsey
Hey mate,Where are you based ? UK, US or Europe ?I am normally online most days between 5 - 11pm GMT on the servers named above, and am always willing to help new players learn a few hints and tips of the game. You can always catch me on the forum as well t our site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I am one of the head admins for the clan and I must say all the clan members tend to abide by the same rules as me..There is also a large admin presence on the servers as we all play on them regularly and we range in our game modes ! (maybe that was another thing you didn't enjoy the game mode) If you do come on our servers just look out for people with <MW> before there name and say <MW>websey said to start playing on the servers Do you use chat programs like xfire or irc ? if so add me on xfire (webs3y) or join our irc channel #wraith.clan on quakenet if you have irc already you can join by copying and pasting this into the address bar in your web browser irc://irc.quakenet.org/wraith.clanJust PM me if you drop by To be honest I have never been one for the call of duty games I don't know what it is....Wolfenstein is a good game a purchased it years ago when it was retail... But I do tend to like most games based on the q3a engine anyway...Well I hope that if you do give it a go again you can come and play on our servers and we can have some good games anyway have fun & good luck websey
World of Warcraft Aint Bad To be honest i agree with everyone on all points, I know it is a bit of a cop out but that is how it is, I dont play WoW anymore not after my trial ! reason I dont agree with forking out x amount of ? a month , I am more than happy to play my free MMORPG's such as SilkRoad Online (although trying to get on a sever of late is madness) or the latest one I have picked up Archlord, The reason I also prefer the free to play MMORPG genre is that if you what this special item or that special item I can just buy it, And even thought there are not monthly fee's a lot of these games still manage to run very good servers that dont lag half as much as WoW servers I agree RayzorEdge that Diablo 2 killed of the hack 'n' slash genre in a way but to be honest if I want a fully immersive RPG I will play on my home console such games as Final Fantasy, Valkary etc But look I know it seems that WoW is complete rubbish but that is one persons opinion or 2 in this case but you know people are like sheep and as soon as there is a lot of hype about a game people will play it, Even if they dont like it they will defend it to the end because that is ho the human race is... At the end of the day stay away from WoW and come over to a better RPG, But if you liked the game mechanics of WoW and just not the lag etc try out Runes of Magic which is pretty much WoW but free anyway good questing guys websey
Yeah tis alright,I like pretty much anything to do with pokemon any way since i was a kid and started playing pokemon red and then collecting the trading card game, but to e honest at 22 I am now a bit old o be doing that or so my girlfriend tells me lolBut yeah good link guys not a bad game, in fact to be honest it reminded me how much i liked pokemon and as such am now playing through all the games again :DWell thanks for the link and see you laterwebsey
Hi Mate,I am sorry to hear that you do not enjoy the fast paced nature of the game although I must admit I dont find it any faster than q3a to be honest or even some other games...But then again I like to be on the edge of my seat screaming at the screen :DAnyway keep at it you mite like it in the end
How Efficient Would A Trap17 Vps Be for a gaming server
websey posted a topic in Web Hosting Support
Hi Guys,This one is mainly aimed at the hosts of Xisto.com Basically I will be renting a VPS rom yourselfs mainly for multiple websites etc, But what I would like to know is the specs of your VPS as there is not that much on thee https://xisto.com/ websiteSuch as Proccessor :Connection :Also how many VPS do you host on each server ?would I get a whole core to myself or would I be sharing ?Would I get a set amount of processor cycles ?I know these are all small questions but I would really like them answered To other members of Xisto.com Have you got a VPS hosted with Xisto.com and are you running a game server on it ?If so have you got an ip that i could ping to get a ruff average ?What games do you run and how well do they run ? If this is a repeat of another topic I am sorry just seems that the information is not on the site...Cheers guyswebsey -
Hi Guys, I dont know how many of you play Urban Terror, The mod for Quake 3 Arena but I am thinking of setting up a 1v1 FFA challenge ladder. Basically it will not just be a 1v1 match I will set up a server (I currently have 3 based in the UK) and as many people as they want can join the game I will post the IP and Pass on our forums at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you basically set down challenges to each other lasting a week. So however many times you meet each other in a week you then add all the points together and you have your final score, for the americans amongst us I can set it so you can have the server to yourselfs through out the night (uk time) as this is when the servers are most empty. As I said just some thoughts at the moment and I still composing the whole mechanics of it as well as coding the leader board, but any input would be great. If you would like to try any of the servers the IP's are posted below Multiplay.co.uk :<Morbid Wraith>UrT TDM (No Longer Active as Moving Hosts) IP : Location : London, UK Server Admins : Byta, Ins@tiable, websey, BobT and others. <MW>wraith.org.uk: CTF Server 2 IP : Location : London, UK Server Admins : Byta, Ins@tiable, websey, BobT and others. <MW>wraith.org.uk: TDM Server 3 IP : Location : Berkshire, UK Server Admins : Byta, Ins@tiable, websey, BobT and others. I also have a VPS server that I could possibly set another server up on if I get enough people wanting to play, for the 1st season there will not be any prizes but I am in talks with some companies to see if they will sponsor the league and if so what they would be willing to sponsor us with But if you would like more info either reply to this thread or you can email me at websey@wraith.org.uk Anyway Cheers for reading and hope to frag you soon websey