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Posts posted by Tsukimoon

  1. Seeing as I've had close Internet friends for ages now, I was thinking about this quite alot. Why do people see having online friends as so bad? Especially if you balance the internet and real life, what is so bad about it?
    I find that my Internet friends can help me through some problems my real life friends can't because they have never experienced what I'm going through or just give useless advice. My mum asks "Why waste your life on a chat room or forum talking to people you've never met?" My answer to this: Friends are friends.

    True, not everyone online you talk to can be trusted, it's your choice/risk to meet and talk to people online, but still. Heck, the fact that we are even here in these forums is because we wanted to talk and get to know people who share a similar interest in Pokemon, as well as many other things. Also, an online friend of mine left one day saying we were "avoiding reality" - I don't see what's so bad about it, as long as you're balanced (I'm semi-balanced, but definitely not anti-social).

    I'd like to hear your opinions on this.

    Its often easier to relate with online friends, because you see their attitude in their typing and you don't have to guess by their looks if they are freind material or not. I'm not sure why otehrs would see online friends as "bad."

    I've had online friends for a while, and they are easier to talk to then "real" friends at time. They're also more avaliable.

    I guess it depends on what a person is used to and their life experiences. You can't make an online friend if you don't trust any part of the internet.

  2. Norton Internet SecurityThis me is venting

    Today all my programs that uses that uses the internet
    Were not working for example the browser wouldn't pick up on the connection
    So I rang my internet provider to see what the problem was there way no problem at there end so they asked me if I had any anti virus programs I said yes they asked me to disable it so I did and wow the internet was back on so they internet provider told me to call Norton and tell them what is happening so I did was on hold for about 30min
    Got to the operator and was telling them about my issue we tried all these things to see what they problem was and they couldn't help they said it wasn't there product but really it was because the only way I could get on the internet was disable it I told them that but they just kept making excuses and sending me to different departments so I got feed up and hung up
    So now I want to vent my anger lol

    What dose Norton Internet Security Really secure?
    Nothing I got a lot of virus a lot of hacks they say they protect us from viruses, spam, phishing emails
    To be honest they don't protect anything

    Is this rhe right solution for you?
    No it is not

    How Did it work for you?
    Didn't work good I don't even know why 350 million computers have this software

    Would you recommend out software to others?
    No I will not if you say it protects your pc then it should

    Norton = not good! My in-laws had it and had viruses every month! Ever since having Panda Internet Security installed, they had few to no problems. Once or twice a season something may try to get in but it doesn't get through. And this is with a 30-day trial that expired. Imagine if we had actually bought them a yearly subscription? :)

  3. Some are controlling because they are trying to help you. Like perhaps your parents did when they didn't want you to overeat candy. They didn't want you to end up sick with diabetes or a tummy ache.Others are controlling because they think they know what's best for you and are trying to make sure you understand this. Remember the pushy Christian/Catholic/Jehova Witness that is trying to recruit you? They are a good example. Maybe what works for them doesn't work for you and they can't understand it.Others just don't know how to research their opinions and don't know research is necessary to make sure one is right. They then push what they know, unaware that there may be a study that says otherwise and has proven them wrong. But ignorance is bliss, right? :)

  4. College is so stressful, ive barely got done with my second week and i already want to kill myselfIve been in the most horrible mood all this week

    i hate waking up early
    i hate not being able to sleep (i go to sleep at 10, wake up at least 4 times in the middle of the night and wake up at 6)
    i hate being cranky because im not eating (ur supposed to gain 10 pounds your first year? i just lost 3 in two weeks)
    i hate having to wait through horrible lectures

    i hate people coming up to me trying to speak to me in spanish, i know spanish, but come on, cant you at least TRY to speak english? if i did, why cant you?

    i hate the weather, yersterday it was 116 degrees in the part of san diego i live in

    i hate feeling like im going to pass out the whole day, then getting home to more stress, everyone wants something from me, dont they understand college is stressfull enough?

    i hate not really having anyone that i know in my classes, why are the friends i know who go here, so stupid? i mean seriously you passed 4 years of high school and you land yourself IN MATH 45? MATH 45? seriously? (i was looking at my friends notes, and im not kidding you, it was adding fractions)

    i hate being the youngest person in all my classes.

    i hate how much homework i have, everyday, type this, type that, and i dont have ink, i wonder what my grade is.

    i hate guys.

    i hate the way the buildings are arranged, im always so lost, i hate walking in circles in front of people.

    i hate people calling me by my first name.

    I guess im just going to have to wait, maybe things will get better with college, who knows, maybe once i find a reason why i like to go, or a reason to go? how was your first year of college like? hopefully not as BAD as mine

    I was a stranger my first year, and I had to learn to step up my effort at three different times to face three different difficulties of classes. It is stressful, but its better to stress a few years in college than work in McDonalds stressed out for the rest of your life.

    I've learned to clam down, and try to find help when I need it. I didn't look for help and managed to do very well, but I never had any time because I was trying to figure things out myself. Now that I'm a tutor, I wish I had gone to the college's tutoring lab to get help. I would have saved myself lots of stress!

    As for remedial classes: This occurs when a student remembers stuff for a test and forgets it afterward. Students like these end up in lower classes because they didn't really learn and didn't study for the placement exams/ACT/SAT/CLEP/etc.

    Just keep working hard and you'll make it!

  5. Although I agree that a person should learn the language before moving to a country, I have become aware that it isn't that simple. Many people in foreign countries cannot access the internet or other valuable resources that can help them learn the language. They can't access tutors because they don't have the money to. The lack of money sends them to the United States to get a better life.Now imagine you're in their shoes. You can't afford to live or send your kids to school. Someone offers to take you to a better country to make you a citizen in the next few months. You don't know the language but you decide to agree. After all, you can barely live with what you make in your current residence.Once you get there, you find you can't communicate with people, and it frustrates you. You want a job but can't get one that pays bills under 60 hours a week without knowing English. You have to work to death to live in a slum, but at least you have a home and some food, unlike in your native country. You want to learn English but are afraid you don't have the money for services to learn, you don't have the time because of work and your kids, and you may even be ashamed because you are barely literate in your language. Maybe if you find a family to help, you can help them get to these ELL services? With the support they may be able to convince others to learn. Then they can learn together. In other words, you can make a difference and help people, but remember to first find a family that wants the help. You can't change some that is afraid to change.

  6. C'mon face it, video games are a complete waste of your time! Every time you turn on your console you should be asking yourself "Is there something better I should be doing with my time... like reading a good book... or watching a good movie... or flirting with a beautiful girl? Do I get anything out of this, does this make me a better person?"

    I've learned that even when you work hard and get things done properly, your mind still needs time to relax. If you don't get a bit of relaxation time very week, you will stress out and forget things. Plus you will have health problems like ulcers and high blood pressure.

    I've learned that games, along with movies, television, and reading can be beneficial ways to relax, so long as you make sure to keep your life straight and don't overdo anything.

    Perhaps there is a certain reason you dislike games in general?

  7. i have learned from a source that Mobile phone can cause Cancer!!! is it true ??

    According to Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, cancer is caused by creating an environment for a certain fluke (parasite) to live. If your body gets too many of certain alcohols, like ones with "propyl," you will be more likely to develop cancer. Keep in mind this research isn't "mainstream."

    However, I plan to study cancer in the future. If I find the answer and I remember to, I will get back with you on it. :)

  8. Hey,
    So, for starters, this isn't an "I hate my parents thread." I mean, I don't like how they act a lot, but I'm more annoyed at a recurring pattern of behavior in my family...Basically today I have been working the entire morning in the yard while my parents and older brother, who is renting out a room in the house after college, went shopping for some supplies for a home improvement project. They're gone about 90 minutes and the entire time I have been edging and mowing the lawn. I go inside and get a drink, and they come home... I come out to help unload the car and my dad starts yelling at me for leaving the lawn mower out and being lazy and stuff... when in reality I was just leaving the mower to cool before I cleaned it...and he ended up just getting really annoyed and yelling over nothing...and eventually everyone else just got pulled into it and I left.
    But it just really annoys me how everyone in my family always gets angry over something that isn't even a problem...And they always want to take it out on me. :)

    If at all possible, you could have told your father that you were waiting for it to cool. You could tell him how long you had been waiting. Next time, prove that you will do this in the amount of time you said you would this time so they know you aren't lying.

    Often, some people come from cultures that don't trust or believe their children. I've seen this problem with my husband's family but not with mine. There also may have been times when your parents didn't judge you as responsible, so they may have been less likely to believe you this time. I've seen this as the case with my husband, who tends to "forget" his responsibilities often. No wonder his family didn't trust him to get things done!

    Also, communicate with your family! Find out what they want you to do for the week and get it done early. This way you have your chores done and can spend the rest of the time on yourself. Note that getting everything done early may not be fun at first. But once you see how it feels to not worry about getting things done, it'll become addictive to get your work done early.

  9. Hai Boyz and Gals how many of you've used online Love Calculators/Meters to calculate the percentage of the probability of your Love, Share your experiences and tell whether the predictions were true in your life or whether the've gone wrong.
    As far as I am concerned I've got 91% to 99% with a Girl I like, but I've still not yet asked her out. Based on the results I'll have to make a decision.

    These calculators don't look at true compatability. They don't know what you like or what your potential girlfriend likes. Instead of worrying about what it says, think about how you will approach the gir.

    Will you be polite?

    Will you communicate to the point where all akward moments are discussed in private so that nothing happens "in secret" that may make either of you mad and break up?

    Do you both believe relationships work the same way? As in, do you both think that you should be exclusive to each other or not?

    (Also, its great to research what you want to know. As in, look through resources from experts. Do love psychologists say these work? Why or why not?)

  10. ok i found this very interesting and scary, we are learning about the Mayans in my history class and according to them, this life cycle is going to end in december 23, 2012. The only reason why its scary is because withuot any technology, those people wre only 30 or 50 seconds behind at time,dates etc.. and they were not even as advanced as we are now, so should we really believe that? it's kinda scary but also very interesting. what do you think? is it gonna happen? another fact is that they counted dates and times by stars , and everything that had to do with nature..

    It's hard to tell if they were right, since we're not sure how they measured this. However, I have heard that there will be some celestial collision around this date, and that bothers me. It doesn't absolutely mean the world will end, but then how do we know what will happen when these "things" collide?

    How about we come back January 2013 and discuss it, if we're still alive? :)

  11. I'm interested in learning about other country's lives in schools! Here in the Philippines, we go to school (at least high school) from around 7:00 AM to 4-5:00 PM. We don't change classrooms; the teachers do. I've been to two schools before, actually. One had mixed Chinese and English classes, while the other one had English for the morning and Chinese in the afternoon. The previous one, we didn't have any lockers. We just brought a box to school and that's where we keep our books. In my second school, we have lockers.
    Well that's as much info as I can think of about high schools in the Philippines!

    What about the systems in your school? :)

    I was a homeschooled student. I paid to join a school by mail, and they set me two subject books at a time. I studied, did my exams, and sent them to be graded. Once I did that with all 8-12 exams, I would be sent a new subject. Then when I finished all of the subjects with grades of 77% or higher, I graduated. It was ridiculously easy!

    I joined a school-by-mail because I couldn't tolerate the kids at my public high school. Apparently being around the middle-aged and elderly made me as intolerant to immature behavior as the people I knew. Plus, I was moving to a country where no fully English schools were available so I needed to find a way to graduate for when I went back to the states.

  12. For those of you who have lost friends to vicious "Wow" addiction, you'll find some sympathy below in the form of a YouTube. The news short tries to make a strong analogy between Warcraft addiction and more well-known deadly addictions, such as drugs and alcohol. We even get an "addict's mum" breaking down into tears, bewailing the tragedy of losing her son to WoW.
    For those of us who actually know something about the game, this is either hilarious or frightening (in the sense that stuff like this tends to whip the parents and legislators into a bit of coercive frenzy). After all, we've been dealing with these accusations since the days of Pong...Sigh. When will people stop blaming the medium instead of looking at the true cause of these "addict's" problems? I think a good place to start in this case, for instance, isn't WoW, but rather this kid's oddball relationship with his mom!

    There are even websites that state how to break this addiction. Here are some tips from various websites

    In my opinion, something becomes an addiction when it interferes with the rest of your life. For example, if you don't go to work, clean, or do other things you're supposed to do because you're playing the game, then it's an addiction. However, if you can play the game and manage your life well, then it's not. Instead it's a hobby.

    I'll admit, I may be biased because I play World of Warcraft. However, note that I am also a 4.0 student graduating in my second year of college so that I may attend a four-year university. I am in most of my college's organizations and I participate in many of their events. I even have a job as a tutor at that college. I've seen other students that have jobs with fewer hours, an easier and smaller class load, and that don't cook for themselves that don't play WoW and are failing. So games like WoW aren't the only factor. (Personally I believe it's based on how well the child was disciplined when growing up.)

    And after all, it's nice to know you can get together with others if you're stuck at home on a rainy/snowy day.

    In fact, you can even take friends from life and play these types of games with them. You may plan to go to the beach but then a thunderstorm comes in. As a group, you decide to go on WoW and "run some heroics" or "do a raid" or even "try for some achievements." You'd still be spending time with the same friends just in a manner that the weather would allow.

    Another thing I'd like to note deals with psychology. The system has measurable goals, with exact rewards that can be accomplished. Everything is outlined for you so that you can get it done, and you have an enthusiastic group to do it with for awesome in-game rewards. In life, you have to learn to make plans that work, take time to find out if you have the ability to get things done, hope that you can do it alone or get a team to help if needed, and then hope at the end you get the desired result. If the world were more organized and we knew how to make plans to get things done, people would be getting tasks done instead of working on these games for hours at a time. Now to see if we can get the world to start planning piece-by-piece...

    (Sorry about the rant! I feel that these "addictions" are looking at a game as the thing to blame and not other factors!)

  13. Why are they so unconsiously mean to guys?They break my heart too many times for it to be good......

    It depends on what you did and what the girl(s) did. There are many actions that a guy can make to make a girl feel angry or uncomfortable. For example, a guy may whistle at a girl instead of telling her she's beautiful. Making a whistling noise is like calling a dog - it's disrespectful.

    Then you may also have said "yes" at a time when a girl wanted you to say "no." Like when she asks if her clothing makes her look fat. :)

    Perhaps you could elaborate on the event that made you post this?

  14. Okay, I'm just warning you now: This may be, by far, the dumbest topic you will ever read. So if you don't like reading the stupid random thoughts of an almost-fourteen-year-old, I suggest you navigate away from the page as soon as possible. :)
    I had a random thought today (supprising right? Lol, I know) :D

    Guys alway talk about how comfy boxers are. And I'm not a dude, so I wouldn't know, but I bet they're right.

    After all, boxers don't chafe, they're nice and breezy :( they can breath, they're not skin tight, and they come in awsome patterns (polka dots are my favorite!) and you never hear about boxers suddenly snapping and causing someone to almost go blind (yes, there was a woman who bought a thong and it snapped and cut her cornea.)

    And I wondered, why don't girls have girl boxers? And why do we pay $100 for a clothing item that no one should be seeing any way? And why do we pay so much for so little? It's funny how nothing that I do makes sense to me.

    I mean, we do have girl boxers, but most people wear them as like sofe shorts or something. . .

    And honestly, we're getting closer! Boy cuts!

    I just think that someone should start making a line of girl boxers. . . it would be rather interesting.

    I've seen bloomers for women, although I don't think that's exactly what you mean. :D

    It would be interesting to see boxers made for women. I'm not sure if they would sell well at first, though. Some would be skeptical as to how they would fell, if they're to baggy, and then what if the woman has a "womanly week?" :) How would that work with boxers?

    I have seen a girl wear what she said were women's boxers, once, as outershorts. Unfortunately I didn't take the time years ago to ask her where she got them.

    If a company did manage to make them, I would say they should try a "test sale" at a few Hot Topic stores. B)

  15. Hello dear friends. I want to know the normal age of a child to reach the milestone related to speach. Is 18 months sufficient for a child to start speacking or he should take some more time. I would like serious and medically proven answers. Please do help me. Thank you in advance.

    I wouldn't say i have any medical proof, but I've heard anywhere from one to two years. A cousin of mine is starting to talk often, although her speech is garbled. She's a bit over two years old.

    However, I have heard from someone who was taking child care classes that different parts of different children develop at their own pace. If one child is developing faster than another, it doesn't mean that the other child is slow or going to become slow. It just means it isn't his or her time yet.

  16. i have been a Christian for years but now that Im grown up Ive come to question some of the things we do as Christians. I know that religions differ so bear with me if your religion does not speak in tongues.
    The bible mentions things about getting filled with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues. but my questions whether the tongues are real or not and how come they all sounds so different and you feel under pressure at church to speak in tongues. I just wanna know if this is something that churches do just to create their own identity. Does anyone know more about tongues and stuff. I would appreciate some open minded answers unlike the other religions that will accuse me of being demonic or evil or satan filled just because I dared to ask lol

    If you're supposed to speak tongues by first being filled with the Holy Spirit, I don't see why they should pressure you to. After all, it's something that takes time to happen. And if you don't, I wouldn't worry about it.

    (This is why I have problems with churches. It seems churches are more demanding than Jesus himself! But that's my little rant.)

  17. After all of the crying and worrying that I wouldn't be able to go to college, I realized that I finally had the chance to and took it.But my sis-in-law is making it a pain.She started the time she hit a deer. So the headlights weren't working well sometime afterward. Why should I be the only one forced to skip a class so that we can get home early? And if they were so bad, why didn't we take the other car? I knew car troubles weren't the reason, but I still did what she said because of fear of being kicked out. (I asked my last class instructor to 'let' me go home early.)Then I realized why she did it - she wanted to go home early to tag along with her mother to a routine doctor's appointment. What nerve!Today she claimed that she wasn't doing anything "important" in class and so she stayed home. Now she's trying to get me to stay home Wednesday because she thinks that its not important to go. (Au contraire, I find every day vital.)I am NOT going to lose my 4.0 because of her. Yet I feel like I owe them anything because my husband and I can't find jobs well enough to pay to get us out of here. I already sacrifice tons by doing whatever they want, including doing more than 60% of all chores daily.I want to get out of here so that this won't drive me crazy anymore! Somebody pray for me, please. :)

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