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Posts posted by Froglok

  1. To be onest if they were not books they would not be computer games because that is what most films and games are from maybe not directly. For example alot of games use creatures called orcs which are in books like lord of the rings. Also Sci - Fi games oridgonate from books so people who read books are justplaying the games of old :o i read books na dplay games does that mean i am a 'GE'?

  2. For one everquest 2 is too expensiveAlso CoH is a really fun game which doesnt cost as much as everquest 2 and tbh everquest 2 is boring -.- if you want to play a game like that play lineage 2 or wow they are similar and more exciting so tbh do not critasize a post that is just telling people what a game is like.

  3. i agree totally just the other week i got a dvd and it took me 30 minutes to get threw 2 layers of packaging and then just to mock me they have the stupid plastic wrapping which u need long nails for why do they expect us all to have long nails god damn them grrrrrr.Well im done and i also agree with the others.And the light bulbs that is totaly annoying i mean yesterday i had to put a new bulb in my light and i dropped it in the box and smash lol if it had been in the DVD packaging it would have bounced back and into the bulb socket its self lol.

  4. City of heroes is a MMORPG which is set in the fictional city of paragon.


    One of the best features of this game is the vast amount of different combanations for the look of your super hero. Heres what you can change





    - First you chose your style there is normal which is just a face and hair then

    there is mask/hair then also full mask and various sorts of helmets


    - Then you can change different parts of the helmet like different sorts of

    medieval helmets etc .


    Upper Body

    - Here you can change your upper body like chose from tight shirt, baggy or

    armoured there is more.


    - You can then change your upper body to have different patterns etc...


    Lower Body


    - First you change to what type of lower body you what basicly the same as upper



    - You can then change your lower body to have different patterns etc...


    Getting Started


    First when you start you get the option to do the tutorial i advise that you take this because you get a lvl and a bit out of it.


    When you have finshed this first you should do a few mission for you contact. Then you need to seek out a team this is because it is alot easy to gain levels while in a team.


    My Ingame name: Electric


    Price: RRP: ?29.99

    Monthly Cost: ?9

  5. Ive seen yellow, pink, red, green and blue ones now!


    I know yellow is for cancer and blue is for bullying... what are the others for,

    someone told me the pink ones were for gay rites, lmao :)


    There are loads now even more than that there is peace ones and also a band for every disease you can think of lol i should know my stupid nieces have about 15 each all different. but they only get them bcos its fashionable XD

  6. I have to agree to disagree with you. Xisto forum covers everything what a normal forum should have. In fact if you see Real life world section you can always create new topic in any of the sections. From sports to health, music everything is there.


    i agree and i would also like to add when i cant find somewhere to post i just keeplooking and eventually i find one :angry:

  7. Okay theres a new virus going around MSN, I thought only my dumb friends were the ones accepting it, but turns out its across the nation. So I dont know if you've got it and deleted it, or was smart and didnt accept it. Well it goes by (as far as I know) three names. There like "Frog something something blender" "My new photo!" and like "Me and my lesbian friends!". Its a 17kb file, so if some1 in your list tries to send you one the those, DONT ACCEPT! It goes into your list(takes total control, so you cant do anything) and sends itself to EVERY1 in your friends list! And again, you might get this file, and you might not. But it is smart to always be aware.

    It may also be something like really funny pic or something like that but we have been warned not to get onto MSN messenger.

    Keep on the lookout for this virus and they said they would have it fixed in a few days.


    Thanks for the information dude :angry:

  8. I'm just curios as to what everyones opinion on this subject is. Do you think that there are "Aliens" out there in space somewhere, or do you think that earth is the only planet with life?


    My opinion on this subject is that there are "aliens" out there in space. i mean, c'mon, go look to the sky at night, and note all the stars there, and all the stars beyond those, and the ones beyond those. How in blazes could we on earth be the only life forms in the universe? Not all aliens are hostile, not all freindly, and i'll be damned if we're the most primitive race of them all. but it's my opinion that there are aliens out there somewhere, waiting to either welcome us or blow us all up :angry:


    anyways, lets hear it, what are your opinions\theory's in this subject? :blink:


    i think aliens do exist and i think they are among us tbh how would we know if they were or not they could be your work mate or your best friend there is no wat of finding it outi think if they where like us i would be like 3rd rock from the sunb ut without the obbviousness.

  9. Thats quite scary but you cant really blame all of it on the suiced bombers etc.. some of the blame falls to america and england and other contries which ar einvolved if we had not went in this owuld not have happend also it would have been better for the people of iraq to over throw saddam but alas america had to go in guns blazing -.- stiring *BLEEP* between everyone in iraq.

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