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Posts posted by HMATE.co.uk

  1. First of all, Welcome hmate to Xisto.
    My name is Josh, im 26, and a medical professional from Los Angeles, Now residing in australia. During my Internship my area of study, both for medicine and my psych thesis was Herpes Simplex, more specifically HSV-2, as it is prolific in LA.

    Ill be the first to admit too, i also have HSV2.

    it didnt really impact me at all, but i figure that comes from the fact that there isnt nothing i know about it, right down to a sub atomic level, and if i may say without offending you, 99% of all fears stems from ignorance (for lack of a better word) and/or a lack of knowledge on the subject. We as cognitive human beings are intrinsically (naturally) scared/fearful of the unknown, so naturally when you find out you have HSV2 (Genital Herpes--so much harder to say!!) you are filled with fear. Let me explain that fear, as much of it is just social stigmata.

    You Hear "i have Herpes"

    They hear: "I am a dirty s**T, MAN Wh**e, who cant keep his genitals in his pants and now i am a prolific spreader of a dirty disease"

    Nothing could be further from the truth. I got it simply because me and my wife were unaware she had caught it from an unconsiderate partner from many years back, as the virus can lay dormant for years. It is not a dirty disease, although it can look horrible (which adds to the fear of it) it simply lies in your lymphs, sheds, becomes active for a few days-10 or so...and begins the viral cycle again....as with most virii, everytime they are transmitted from one host to another, they change on an atomic level, and there cycles, strengths etc change...you may have a non aggressive strain, that pops up only once a year etc...and isnt too severe.

    speak to your GP, as although i am Fully medically qualified, the internet is hardly the medium to be taking advice from, but speak to your doctor, get some anti virals, get topical creams for outbreaks, and always use condoms with partners, and be open with them about your herpes, and you will find 9/10 most people are accepting.

    if you want more info, or need to chat to someone, my msn is cabraamor@hotmail.com and email is joshuawood213@gmail.com, id be happy to educate you, help you with whatever problems you may have. I got lots of info on it, but PLEASE although i am a doctor, my advice here is no substitute for your own GP...that goes for anywhere i will post on here... :D coverin my *bottom*!!

    as to address your issue, i am sorry to hear it had/has affected you psychologically. but rest assured, although permanent, it is a non life threatening disease, that is completely manageable, and you can, if you treat your lifestyle and body right, make sure you only have outbreaks every few years or so....again contact me for a chat if need be.


    Well thankyou so much for taking the time and effort to respond in such a positive and informative way. I must say you have helped and it helps to know that you're not alone. I will note your addresses and might make contact if that's ok?

    Cheers again.

    Mark. (UK)

    (Any advice on all the lipomas which have also appeared in various parts of my body......lol.... Doc says not to worry about them!)

  2. HSV? I have never heard of that, except in color level adjustments :) I've been wondering if you didnt make any mistake there maybe you meant HIV or HPV and then I googled for HSV and it made up for my stupidity, HSV is acronym for Herpes Simplex Virus! And yeah unfortunately I have oral herpes, all my brothers have that and when their mouths popped I would make fun of them, then one day I had a bubble on my lip and asked my big sister what it was and she said I had the hespes tooo ewwww... and then I asked around and a lot of my friends also had it, they said the sores are likely to appear when the immune system is weak.


    Even though I never seen a doctor, i think i have the HSV-1. Everybody I showed it to said "yeah, you got herpes now". It made a short appearance just once in my life. I put some aciclovir on it and after one week it went away.

    I have a friend who got the genital type from her boyfriend, i read on the page it was quite painful. And it was very painful for her too amotionally speaking because, well she had been having unprotected sex with her boyfriend (condom ripped once, then after that they just decided to wear none) and then, the symptoms striked, and she didnt know what she had, and the doctor said it was herpes, she was so sad :) And then she needed to find out who she got it from... and tell her boyfriend. She called one other ex who she been intimate without protection, and he got tested for it and he didnt have it. So she had a big arguement with her bf because he passed it on to her, turns out he knew about it, but he said "he was exposed to the virus and got treatment for it" the bastard didnt know (or maybe he knew) there wasnt a permanent cure for it, and didnt tell her about the herpes thing when they decided to have sex without protection. I was pretty angry at him too, all of her friends who knew it were also angry, and then, turns out, some other couples friends of mine have genital herpes too! I wish they had a cure for it. It's sad to know you carry a virus that has no cure, my friend was so depressed, she said it hurt so bad she coiunldnt sit, she missed some classes back then.

    great response and thankyou for that. A cure would be brilliant but maybe the drug companies wouldn't allow that as they make so much cash from drug sales ie valtrex aciclovir etc.

    Have you seen the utube video re the potential cure?
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