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Posts posted by Eye_of_Wonder

  1. One time, I received an Email that i knew wasn't kosher too.The scammer wanted me to help her bilk this deceased rich guy's account out of several million dollars.All in exchange for just $5,000 of the loot.At first, I was going to just delete the message, but decided to do some cross-checking of it first.The bank was real, so I pretended to fall for the scheme.Soon, the female scammer gave me her 'name' and position title (she claimed to work at the targeted bank).I emailed the bank's customer service and give them a rundown of the correspondence.After that, I broke off contact with the lady.Either way, her scam failed. :lol:NOTE: She never recieved any of my personal information; my email account had only pseudo-information to protect my identity. My mother had suggested that type of account setup, and I had been smart enough to follow that advice.Oh, another scammer tried to trick me out of my info. He refused to seek help from Amnesty Intl., yet insisted I give him my information. That was a political prisioner scam, by the way. It didn't work, either.Lastly, I've recieved a few of those email-type scams in my Postal Mail before. Yeesh.....

  2. The one thing that really miffs me is that some people are apparently of the belief that a disablity must be a physical and obvious one to deserve proper treatment from anyone. I know that people are entitled to their opinions (no matter how biased), though.Here in Maine, people with mental disabilities have been targeted by the legislature and governor for most of the budget cuts in services,even though the cuts will cause higher costs from people needing more intense care/intervention.I hope for a better situation under Obama, but I'm going to actively work towards a better system to be sure.

  3. While looking over my Election 2008 Absentee Ballot information, I noticed something rather odd in the Maine Treasurer's Bond Issue Summary.One of the figures listed was "Unissued Bond Payments" to be payed this fiscal year. Curious, I immediatly got online and went to the Treasurer's website to follow up on this information. What I discovered was that the current process the state uses for dolling out taxpayer's money is based on a contract-bidding system; each bond note authorized (AND payed for) by voters is offered up for bidding to contractors, which pays for those company's services to get the required project done.However, not all the bond notes get awarded through this process. The unclaimed notes are kept by the State of Maine, which then charges the full amount plus interest to the tax money the Maine Government collects from it's citizens.Currently, $200 MILLION in collected tax funds will be spent for this budget item within this fiscal year. However, that money is basically flowing in a loop. The Maine government is spending taxpayer dollars to pay off the taxpayers, yet we taxpayers will never see that money. Rather, we're repeatedly informed that WE owe that money to the contractors - though no contractor has laid claim to the money in question!With this kind of system in place, no wonder the State's in the red...(sigh).Musing Summary: Where did the unspent bond money go? We paid, but it's not accounted for...?ARE OTHER STATES IN THE SAME BOAT???Solution Idea: Press for change in the Bond Issue System; print bonds only AFTER the amount has been bidded on and awarded.

  4. Main Site Sections => Forums, Gallery, Free Web Portal Access, Site Information/Contact Info, Free Downloads Directory/Infobase.Desired Site Elements => Localized Site Search Engine/Bar, Login/Sign Up, Automated Feeds/Section Updates, Dynamic Page Generation/linking.Preferred Code Languages=> C++, PHP, ColdFusion, Javascript.Website Type: Dynamic Database-Driven.Specs: Windows XP x86(win32) OS w/ .NET Framework; SeaMonkey, FireFox, and IE7 Browsers currently installed.If anyone can give me any info about how best to go about this project, it would really help. I'm unable to purchase anything at this time, so information concerning no-charge options are preferred.To find out why I'm starting this project, please either PM me or read my Personal Statement on my Xisto User Profile.Thank you, and enjoy life whenever possible!

  5. I've lived with a disability my whole life. It's a mental disorder called Asperger's. It's also a mild form of Autism.When I was first diagnosed (before age 6), nobody believed I would ever be able to survive in society.I've proved them wrong.Asperger's is a real mental disability, because it delayed my social development drastically. But it didn't stop mefrom living with others. It just made it harder.Here's a list of what I've learned:1.) Some people might live according to their 'labels', but I've learned that such methods normally cause them to short-change themselves in terms of skill and social development/expectations.2.)People who have problems (no matter the size or impact) need to both ask for and accept help when it's available.Help is only available if you accept the fact that it's required, and act on that knowledge.3.)NEVER insist on handling your problem/disability on your own. If you are isolated in your attempts, they are more likely to fail. Remember: Nobody is EVER really alone.4.)If you have been given a disability 'Label', don't let it control your life. A label merely identifies a BARRIER, which can be overcome if you make the attempt to do so.5.)You're life is loaded to the brim with choices, including the choice to disregard this entire forum post. I can't force anyone to follow my advice, but I can at least make it available to others.Thanks for reading the above message. I hope it helps someone.

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