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Everything posted by wushu151

  1. As a matter of fact, I have no doubt in my mind that the dragon existence theory was tweaked slightly too much. What I believe is that dragons actually did roam the Earth, I also believe in defense mechanisms built into an animal. For example, the stink bug: When provoked or threatened it lets out a spray that is dreadful to anything. Just like the skunk. Then their is the snakes, their are some snakes that spit out venom in defense from the hunter or for the snake to be the hunter. So in other words, I believe the dragons were actually a giant lizard that had wings and flew and its defense mechanism was not shooting or spitting fire. But shooting stomach acid, if you think about it. Acid is a substance that burns food. Perhaps the dragons defense mechanism was the ability to shoot its own stomach acid to catch pray or defend itself from hunters. Which is why people would believe that the dragons actually shot fire out. Makes somewhat of sense. If you place your mind to it, you can figure out anything..... All you have to do is think clearly and think of possible solutions. But I believe my theory to be a fact. And another fact... For those of you claiming that the big bang is what created the Earth, Your wrong! The big bang didn't create the Earth. The big bag is the phenomenal beginning that created the Universe, and the left overs of the universe was what created Earth and our galaxies.
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