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Posts posted by Phyre

  1. I'm not very picky when it comes to food...if its cooked and I'm hungry, I'll eat it...but here's the top:Pasta [ANY KIND AT ALL....from spaghetti to pesto tortellini]Salad [Yep..just generic salad...with italian/sesame seed dressing and croutons...]Chicken [Grilled, Fried, Baked, whatever]Noodles [From instant to Japanese Udon]Mexican Food [Virtually anything]Basically, anything spicy and/or salty...Tabasco's the best condiment ever :D

  2. Filters are usually something you want to stay away from when creating sigs. There's many people out there that just go crazy with filters and make a sig out of that, but it doesn't look half as good as a sig that was brushed. Don't get me wrong, filters are handy and are extremely helpful, but they are mainly used for the likes of photo editing and texturing. The only filter I use with most of my grunge sigs are clouds.Johnny: How is it possible to make a sig without even touching the brush tool? o_O

  3. I say the first one the best...It matches with Samus' suit....seeing a purple Samus is just kind of weird...I think it's a bit too bright/glowy [i'm fairly sure that's not a word..but it seems to fit with what I'm trying to say...] Try knocking the brightness down a few notches. Of course, it could just be me...I like the darker end of the spectrum...Off-topic Question:: Whats that font you're using in your current sig?

  4. The sig itself is simplistic, but nice. The text is the only problem I see. In addition to Cool Freaker's suggestion of an outer glow, I would add a white 'Satin'. Play around with the different contours and blending modes. I reccomend using 'Lighten' for the blending mode, and select one of the more squigglier[is that even a word?] contours.

  5. Sure speakers are louder and have bass. But I can never fully enjoy my music with speakers loudly blaring and subwoofers thumping. The sound seems to get all distorted. With headphones, I always stumble on new parts or lyrics that I've never even noticed or heard before with speakers. I can focus on the music a lot better then if it was playing on speakers. Everyone has their opinion, so there's no wrong or right fffanatics. I happen to use headphones with everything, whether its gaming, audio/video editing, or just listening to music.

  6. That same thing nearly always happens to me as well elvenmil. It gets kind of annoying. As for chatrooms, there are some Flash-powered chatrooms out there that you can implement on a site. I can't name any off the top of my head, but I know for a fact that they do have them somewhere out there on the net...

  7. Many die-hard SW fans would still go watch it in theaters, even if they had the pirated copy. And as boyCradle said, all that merchandise isn't cheap...he probably wouldn't lose MILLIONS, but just a couple hundred I would think. I have seen 2 BitTorrent sites having some Star Wars Episode III .torrent files on their trackers a few days before it was released in theaters. Of course, those sites were immediately shut down by the RIAA and MPAA. I believe they were the preview videos that Buffalo was talking about.

  8. Forget the speakers. Just get me a pair of quality headphones. The music sounds better with headphones. And I'm nearly the same as you twentyinches. It helps me relax, and blocks out all the background noise. I have a pair of Koss "The Plug" ear buds, that are like headphones and ear plugs rolled into one package and have a noise-cancellation factor, and I use them all the time. I always bring my headphones with me when I go on a jog or go to practice...though my noise-cancellation ones aren't very good of a choice. I nearly got ran over the last time I had them on during a run..I couldn't hear the traffic...

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