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Posts posted by harrison858

  1. Real-Time Strategy (RTS) is always a good genre to play, especially when you have many units to choose from.


    I used to play SAGA, an RTS that features several factions where you make a "Nation" based on one of those factions.


    Now, I play BattleForge by EA Games, which is a free-to-play RTS but you can opt-in for a free premium account. You also need to buy 'booster packs' to upgrade your 'card deck'. A good choice if you have the extra cash to play but for an average teen who doesn't have the money, then you're basically playing against premium accounts on your free one.


    Posted Image


    A relatively large download is required, however.




    There's also a quite interesting RTS that I've been playing for some time. It's called AntRush, and it's a free-to-play ant RTS that features an offline campaign mode, or online play with other players or Artificial Intelligence (AI) or "Comps."


    AntRush has four playable ant classes (Gliding, Leafer, Slave-making, Termite), each with its weaknesses and advantages.


    The community is relatively small with a few active players. The development has been slow recently but it's still alive.

    Maybe this post will help bring new players there, haha :)


    A very small download is required; this game is not CPU or GPU intensive.


    Posted Image




    BattleField Heroes is a shooter game that I'm also playing, when I get bored. It is also by EA games.

  2. Equality of rights is one thing. I believe that men and women should have the equal amount of right to their race, religion and social practices.However, equality to the extent of roles in life are not logically possible. For one, different cultures have different roles for their gender. Maybe back in the day, men were off to war, and women stayed home all day cooking, cleaning and healing their injured soldiers, whatever.Times are much different now, and both men and women have to work to make a living. To do their fair share.Women DO need to take at least a little bit responsibility for finances. They're the ones shopping all the time, right?And men DO need to take responsibility of at least a little bit of house chores, at least to the extent of keeping his own room clean, or something.

  3. Too many accidents have been caused due to drunk, cell phone use, distractions etc driving. For one, Usage of Mobile phones, messing around (looking/reaching into the back of your car for something) should be banned whilst driving as it can also cause an accident. Talking while driving (aslong as you KEEP AN EYE ON THE ROAD) should not be effected.

    Im comfortable with the two hands on a wheel rule when driving.

    It should be okay to talk, just as long as you have an earpiece or wireless headset to use while driving, so that two hands are on the wheel at the same time.

    Talking while driving is okay, Texting is not. <--- NO EXCUSE for texting while driving. Thats just like using a hairdryer while in the shower, sticking your hand into an electrical socket, or drawing while riding your bike...

    Should be common sense not to do these things. Things happen when you least expect of it :)

  4. Nope, I do not believe in online dating sites.If you cant find a decent person in life, then I guess theres just no place for you.The screen cannot hide who you are, and you shouldnt allow it to hide yourself. Go out there and be the person you are, and make an appeal before your impression age is over. Love does not float through online chat rooms, neither does it in text messages. Why do you think girls prefer to be called than texted? or guys?Texting/messaging with words is only hiding your personality.Dating sites are fake.Anyone can answer questions about themselves faithfully and truthfully (or not) to get real results and to actually meet someone in real life who actually understands them, their capabilities, their accomplishments and capacities of love (OR NOT, BIG TIME).I believe dating sites are major set-ups, the site just wants your money, and nothing more.Aside from that, who is the crowd on the site?Ill tell you.... 50% Robots/Generated chat programs, 45% Sick people, and 5% people like you and I.In conclusion, dont use dating sites.Go outside, meet up with your friends, and let yourself and your life steer your path, not the computer.

  5. To my knowledge, a number of states have banned text messaging while driving, and I think it is a good idea.It SHOULD BE BANNED, because texting teens and even some parents are putting innocent lives in danger on the roads, highways, and even in School Zones. Texting causes a distraction, whether it is not paying attention to the road ahead, speeding above the limits, not paying attention to traffic lights, and speeding. Did I mention Speeding?People should know better than to text or play will their cellphone WHILE driving. It should be common sense.Its becoming a real problem, and I think this law should apply to everyone in the country, and to make it a federal law.I see no disadvantages of it becoming a federal law, as it should apply to every state and should be common sense when it comes to driving, putting you and other people in danger.What are your views?

  6. Well.. so hes not really fighting it, is he?Hes just simply asking for a reduce.Fighting would be like... taking a real defense. And I agree, simply asking for a re-trial is not going to do much.Also... $22,500 to me is ridiculous for one song.Law should have it max. $1,000 per song to get it real. Its not like this one person is causing the whole music industry to decline.Then again, I have never knowingly downloaded pirated/illegal software, so I dont know how the court cases are specifically.

  7. Ever since I watched "Super Size Me," I began to eat at McDonalds less. Maybe now max is 2-3 times/month.However, I do believe that there are a good amount of idiots out there who sue McDonalds for "making them fat."Get some common sense, people. YOU'RE the one who made a choice to eat there, they didnt force you to.And its not like you eat at McDonalds once and increase your size and weight by 2. Its the people who frequently eat there, or ANY fast-food restauraunt more than 2-3 times a WEEK. 1 word: Choice2 words: Stop Now3 words: ITS NOT HEALTHY.Eating at fast food restauraunts is an okay thing for pleasure and incentive, but not for eating until you are bloated.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*I do agree, however, that kids are being more exposed to corporations like McDonalds due to marketing targeted to lower age groups.My baby cousin is 2 years old and he can say "McDonalds" with no pronounciation issues whatsoever...Its up to the parents to decide what their kids eat. Parents need to teach their kids how to control their eating habits.And guess what people?McDonalds is a RESTAURAUNT. They need to make money, that's their role and duty in society: To feed people.You're a HUMAN, not a robot. Think for yourself! Make better choices!

  8. hmm... well not an MMO but Runescape was one of my first RPGs.Runescape, in my opinion, is nothing compared to MMORPGs :)I joined when their graphics sucked, about 4 years ago... it sucked. Yup.So I quit when I saw an ad for Bots! by Acclaim Games. Again, not really an RPG but it was massive and addictive until you got to like level 75... then I quit.I participated in several forums, and joined a wi-fi battle clan for Nintendo DS/Wii. Then someone recommended for me to play Fiesta Online, a true MMORPG.From then on, I was playing Fiesta Online, until I eventually grew tired of it.Heres my story:I started Fiesta Online as a fighter, then someone told me to become a cleric, so I did. After all, fighters were boring in lower levels, and cleric seemed like a good class and fun because you got to heal other players in their needy times :D When I got to around lvl 30's, I joined a clan... and found out that I've added wrong stats to my cleric... I added a few Dexterity points (for archers). Oh noes! :(It was my FIRST MMORPG so I guess this is what most n00bs go through, they add to wrong stats and stuff.Luckily there was an event and I was able to win a cash item to reset my stat points ^^At around lvl 45 on my cleric, I joined a clan. I've always been good at administrating and overseeing members, so thats what I told myself I wanted to do.. be a guild admin. I earned it by making a freewebs site for the guild (lol).Also around this time, the cleric population was like 60% of all players, and nobody needed a cleric. It was ridiculous, all the lower level clerics got parties because they "consumed less exp"... whatev.So then I made a mage. Got it to lvl 2x and stopped because class change was too hard.But when I got to like level 60 everything for clerics became boring, so I quit.After a few months, I came back. Eventually got my cleric to lvl 7x and mage is at lvl 6x right now ^^Fiesta Online was fun, but now with all the new [GM]'s and new items, low-lvl bonuses and the class change is like 2 million times easier, its boring. The n00bs who play it now are loaded with free cash items that they use. Such privilage that us higher levels didnt have. They level up 50x faster than us and call us "noobs" because we're still at this level.So I quit forever.Ive made quite a few friends, though ^^

  9. Hmm... a remote control finder...What about a T.V. finder? Incase you lose that too? :PI guess people have not done this to T.V's yet for some reason. The companies are probably thinking, "If my customer loses his or hers remote then they would be forced to buy another one! mwahahaha", or something on the lines of that.A remote control finder isnt a bad idea, but it could be a waste of resources... you'd be paying for a remote control finder that's built in, instead of simply putting away the remote in a designated spot on a table or something.So, Couch Potatoes, Beware!

  10. well, STRANGE the only word i can think of while my mouth is still wide open while my eyes are squinting, looking at the words i just read. to each their own
    wonder what their kids are gonna look like.....

    For all I know, he could just start telling the game designers to draw his "kids" into the game.

    If he's rich he could probably get them to do that, i guess.

    On a side note, he marries this in-game wife.

    So what happens to all the other people who have Love Plus on their Nintendo DS with the same exact character, avatar, and Artificial Intelligence?
    Is he going to sue all of them for kidnapping his wife? xP

    Just as they say, possibilities are endless... literally.

  11. I'd have to disagree on the idea... but technically it is changing.The definition of fun does not need to be forcefully changed. Time is changing the definition of fun, not the parents, not their friends or family.The definition of "fun" throughout history has always been changed, and will always be changed as time progresses. Its a natural way of changing the definition of fun. Its also natural that every generation says "ok, we need to stop. Too many things are changing... lets go back to the way it was."If everyone wanted to take a step back, would we advance in technology and academic knowledge and discoveries?The world is naturally changing. The world changes with time. People change with time. Technology changes with time, and fun changes as our technology advances.In the colonial days of the United States, children used to play with marbles, they used to play with hammers, they used to help farm and build houses. That was all they had to do. Nothing else "fun."Before the computer ages, we used to go to the beach and build sand castles and whatnot. Not like we dont do so today, but we do so less often :PNow, we are stuck to Online gaming, console gaming, and multiplayer games, in the Technological Revolution.Let us all be involved in it, and not try to change the definition of 'fun' forcefully, but naturally as time progresses.

  12. Skipping class intentionally is not a good thing to do, unless you have a very good reason for it. Generally, it means you miss out on the work and the things the teacher is teaching you, and you may also miss out on assignments or projects. Sometimes classes may be boring, or drab, but you still have to participate, even if it's sitting down and sleeping.
    I still don't like the idea of skipping class, and thus, I have never.

    I totally 100% agree with this.

    Even though class is boring, dont skip it. You might miss out on important things your teacher is teaching, especially in math/science, and history.
    As for english... I know how you feel. However this is pratically unavoidable.

    I, personally, have never skipped class intentionally. My only excuses are important appointments (not made intentionally), check-ups, getting sick (such as the cold or the flu), and if I ever injure myself (hopefully not). :P

  13. really yes..global warming is an enormous cause of disturbing harmony on the earth.but i want to know that how much time will it take to completely melt the pole's ice.i mean how much time will it take for us to be completely destroyed???i think either we don't want know the story and mood of nature or we are riding ourselves far from truth and don't want to accept the truth.

    Well... I doubt it will be during our generation.

    If current pollution rates are steady, I'd say 2000 years?

  14. Official Article: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (December 15th)


    Some guy named Ramesh Raskar at MIT's Media Lab made a prototype LCD Screen that can sense the object or objects infront of it.


    It works similar like a touch screen, only, you dont have to touch it. There are 2 cameras, with many "pinholes" that act as lenses, to see the object infront of it :P


    Your hands can dilate the image, Zooming in or zooming out, by simply moving your hand closer or further away. They can also rotate the 3-d image by moving left to right.




    Another cool feature about this is that if you place a 3d object infront of it, and start rotating, moving it side to side, up/down in every direction, it can scan the object and make a 3-d figure out of it!


    Imagine what this could be used for!


    It would be easier to form a 3d object, whether its in medical or gaming. Or gaming. :D


    Watch the video :P It gives a brief explanation.


    Pretty cool, huh?


    What do you guys think? ^^

  15. Dear friend I am a classical dancer for many years now and in school days only I have started performing on the stage. No that I am very confident on the stage but it was not the same in the beginning. When for the first time I came on the stage my legs and hands were like shivering, I still remember the first day when I was on the stage for my morning assembly thought of the day. On the stage itself I was scolded by a teacher and I was very nervous. When I went back to my home I narrated everything to my parents and they guided me a lot regarding increasing the confidence on the stage and ultimately boosted my confidence. Like this slowly with the help of practice today I am fully confident person on stage. I should say I am more confident on stage than when I am not on stage. So what I have learnt from my experience is that you have to follow the under mentioned points to be confident on the stage, and that is -
    1. Practice
    2. Practice
    3. Practice
    4. Practice
    5. Practice

    Best of luck dear friend.

    This may be true, but too much practice can add a stress buildup. You may feel confident on stage after you keep practicing, however, you will tend to have a buildup of stress, and just crash on stage in the middle of a performance, if after you've did so much practicing you mess up once.

    I guess this works for dancing, but as far as singing or playing an instrumental solo, You have to practice AND have some Anti Stage-Fright method that you use :P

    And for this i suggest not to stare the audience in the eye ^^

  16. Before I go out and watch Avatar - 2012 I will definately read reviews and see sneak peaks, and hear a bit of audio.Then I will go out and see the move :PAs for the 3-D part, Im guessing that this movie will have some good animations. The characters, from what everyone else has been saying, seem to have a kid-like mind and emotion. That would be the only reason for me NOT to see the movie.---As for 2012, my Science teacher says its a bunch of B.S. (Bad Science) lol.

  17. how do I build confidence to face the crowd especially on stage performance.

    Hmm... well tell me:

    What are you performing?

    Not every method works because it depends on what you're doing.
    Also, are you up there alone, or with a group of people?
    How are you standing, In a line, or isolated amongst the stage?

    Building Confidence:
    1. Try practicing what you're performing infront of a mirror, several times. It helps.
    2. Then, try practicing what you're performing to your closest friends, (max 5), and let them share their opinions. Dont just practice it infront of anyone or you'll become nervous.
    3. Record yourself and see how you do. The replay and notice the things you're doing right, wrong, or are you just too nervous? Share it with friends.

    On stage (Applies to most cases):

    1. Dont stare the audience in their eyes because then you'd realize there are hundreds staring back. This causes nervousness :P
    2. Be confident. I know you're trying to build confidence, but make sure you know what you're performing before you walk on the stage. Know it by heart, and do not stumble upon your lines (or notes). Once you mess up once you become nervous and tend to mess up more.
    3. Dont doubt yourself.
    4. Stand/walk/run loosely on-stage. Dont become stiff.

    Performing amongst your friend HELPS a lot. They will give you unbiased feedback, and will not laugh at you because they are your friends :P
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