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Posts posted by deadmix

  1. There is a wide range of templates on the net I don't see what makes this website different nor bigger than the ones on the first page of google for the query 'Free web templates' Please would you like to explain and give more information.

    i agree with you, the free web template keyword in google will give you a lot of websites to choose from, but at this 2 websites, there is all kind of templates that the webmasters, web designers or simple bloggers users can use for them future website or blog.
    what i like in them also is that you can find all the platforms at one place from css and simple html templates to CMS (content Management System) scripts templates such joomla, wordpress, php-fusion..etc
    another point which make a difference is that all the themes and templates are under Free License GPL or Common Creative License.. so to use them is 100% Legal.

  2. hello
    it's a good thing and i agree about Joomla, cos you can get a lot of Friendly SEO plugins to use, plus there is a huge community to help you and huge templates and themes which you can use.
    You can also use Wordpress, it's a nice and easy to manage Blog platform...

    Here is a source of themes and Templates which you can use :


  3. hello


    yes i got such projects also to make before, and i fon't agree about Frontpage.. it's cool and good, easy to use for beginners, and talking about the image Path.. You don't have to Work with the Standard way, mean : C:\Documents and Settings\shadowx\My Documents\Website\

    It's NORMAL that it's give you this Path because Frontpage take it as a Root Path...


    But if you creat a Directory at D: or C: , Call this Directory Whatever you want to, it's will work Perfectly, i Do Always Use Frontpage and since more than 6 years.


    So, the easy fast way is Downloading a Template and You edit it, as long as it's Allowed to do it hehe.


    The Second way is like you said : joomla, it's good Way and there is also a lot of themes to working with hehe


    here some links which can help you :










  4. hello there


    For a Project like that, the good thing to do is using a GNU CMS (Content Management Script) Which is Easy to install and to manage, You can also find a Templates which you can use According to this Content you want to do.


    i advice like other wemasters can say : Joomla , it's Free, Easy to manage, install and edit :


    You can download it from here :




    You can find a Free Templates to use here :





  5. hello
    i think the good way is to download the lastest stable version of joomla, and install it at Xisto, it's more secure, then you will need to install a template with your choice and you do everything by your self...

    you can see here : http://templates4all.blogspot.de/ it's provide the Joomla script and more than 200 joomla template, and im sure you will find a suitable one according to the content you want to make at your new website and goodluck ;)

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