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Posts posted by Mordent

  1. I actually had a temporary lapse in judgement, thinking Micro, hmmm Soft, MicroSoft, and I'm like "wooo that's a good one, ..... oh wait.... DAMN!"...... yeah that one went by me for a few seconds hahaha.

    Sheer genius. ;)
    Looking at the .xxxs available, .com is (always) the favourite. .net has a nice sound to it, but alas, for most decent names it's taken. I'm not so sure why you're not a fan of .org, though. Any particular reason, or just personal preference (or lack of ;))?

    On a random site note: heckitstech.com is still available according to NameCheap. If you want it, take it before someone else does. ;)

    Also, I'm guessing .com.au is the Australian version of .com, similar to how .co.uk is the UK version?

    EDIT: Just had a quick Google, and found this. It looks a little out of date ("Page generated 356 days 12 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds ago."), but I can't imagine things have changed too much in a year or so. Thoughts?

  2. Heh, yeah, you've got to love it when someone's got an absolutely naff page where you want it. workmonkey.com hasn't even got anything to do with monkeys! Damned parked domains. ;)Out of curiousity, other than a few exceptions, anyone know if there are any restrictions on what the TLDs can be used for? .coms seem pretty universal, but what about .org? I seem to remember reading somewhere that it's generally for non-profit organisations? I'm assuming there's not actual law against using a .org (or any other) for purposes other than the norm, but I'm just curious.

  3. Ah, the good old name game...


    Assuming you plan on using "Chesso" as your alter ego (namely as a reference to you in particular), I don't see too much trouble in incorporating it somehow in to the name of your site. I use Mordent as both my username for a whole range of forums and games, as well as for my personal site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - nothing there yet, so don't bother looking ;)).


    Generally, I don't use Mordent as a "business" name, simply because I'd rather not have my friends meeting my business clients, and vice versa. The site I'm working on is workmonkey.org, the idea being a nice little place where those I'll affectionately call "type monkeys", "doodle monkeys", "code monkeys" (and so on) can offer their services (remember the idea of giving infinite monkeys a typewriter each, and sooner or later one of them will write a copy of Hamlet?). Note the complete and utter cut between Mordent and the monkey idea.


    Anyway, I suppose I'm rambling. My point is that I've always been pretty useless with names, but whenever I try something new I start fresh with whatever I like the sound of first. Don't feel confined by "Chesso" unless you've a reason to do so. ;)

  4. I stumbled across this little gem the other day, and wondered if anyone else here had tried it. For the majority of people, it looks like it's a FPS with a few twists. Think Age of Empires, but with players controlling the units, and one commander who oversees the building and ordering. It looks pretty good so far, and there's a lot of servers still running the game. Just so you know, you virtually need to download a certain patch before you can get playing, so make sure you do that before moaning about being unable to join any games. ;)


    As the sequel is out I expect Newerth will die off, but as it's now free to play it'll probably join the many freebie games out there which still keep a decent community. Anyway, if you see someone called Mordent running around and dying a lot, it's probably me. ;)



  5. gunz is a great game too.. i was recommend it.. in other post...the game is really great.. fast good graphics.. and death body's everywhere. and the arcade mode is good u can fight with npc's and win special items and money...u can fight with the boss monsters this is really big and strong is a real challenge....
    play good.. not be a hacker plz ^.^u

    Actually, that's a good point. When I last played (pretty avidly, I might add ;)) there were a ridiculous number of hackers around. Before I forget to mention, all hit detection is done server-side, so you have to take in to account both your own ping and that of your current opponent. Not an easy task when I rarely get a ping below 200ms. ;)

    Still, regardless, Gunz is definitely an entertaining game, where skill is the key factor.

  6. Wait..."are" as in "car"? So that'd be like the "ar" in "charcoal", then? I still maintain that this debate is a little pointless, as not only will national dialects of the same language alter our pronounciation, but regional dialects do as well. That said, those who don't live in a country which has English as the first language will always be at a disadvantage, as we have people debating about how we say a word using other words that we all pronounce differently.Anyone care to upload an audio file somewhere of them saying the words "char", "character", "charcoal", "car", "care" etc. and identifying what country you're from? It should help clear things up. I'd do it myself, but my mic's a little too buzzy to help matters, and it'd probably only make things worse. ;)

  7. ijji have a whole series of games very similar in style to this. I've only ever played GunZ, but I hear the others are similar in terms of the idea of the free accounts (being the majority of them, even a fair portion of "long-term" players) making up the bulk and the premium accounts getting snazy, shiny, custom items etc.


    Either way, I'd personally recommend GunZ any day of the week. *shrugs*

  8. Before I forget to mention it, I assume you folks know what deja (with the accent that I can't remember the code for ;)) vue is?


    I've always been intrigued with it, and got a huge spurt of it today. It's really weird when you could swear you've seen exactly the same thing again. Still, I suppose that's some trick of the mind or somesuch, rather than something a little less easy (or perhaps moreso ;)) to comprehend?

  9. Hehe, that's some pretty major thread necromancy. The last posts were over two years ago. ;)

    Anyway, regardless of that, there's some pretty nice little factoids (I love the word) in there.

    * Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour

    I can see the hospitals filling with people trying to lose weight, as well as a few brain cells, now. The next thing I want to know is who worked out how many calories it takes? ;)

  10. Meh, personally I prefer to install an OS properly than to try and use a removable version (such a Live CDs with Linux). I never have more than one OS on a computer at a time, simply because I'm not a great fan of the way in which they do things differently. Sure, they'll probably work fine, but anyway...Ideally, I get a full OS (namely not DSL) and have it on my computer straight after a format. I like to keep it tidy, so knowing that I don't have lots of little files that might intefere with each other (even if they don't intend to) isn't a nice thought.

  11. Oooh, nice. There's a fair amount of stuff out there that basically involves eating away exposed areas of your worksurface. Take PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) for example: I've got an old book about how to make them at home, at you effectively buy a piece of silicon with a thin layer of copper on it, then draw on the copper side where you want the "wires" to be using a form of protective coating (I forget exactly what, but the point is that wherever you draw it protects the small area under it), then remove the rest of the excess copper with some nice little acid/solvent thing.Yeah, my exact knowledge of how it works is a little limited. Remember that I'm an electronics student, not a chemistry one, so I don't really pay attention to the details. Combine that with the fact that I've never actually made one in that way myself (simply because there's better ways of doing it these days) and I like to think I'm excused. ;)Still, the concept of creating a horizontally mirrored "negative" has been around for a long time. Printing is an obvious extension of it, and it can be pretty rewarding. I made a nice little ink print for an art project, and it turned out pretty cool. While I'm talking about it, you know you can (if you're feeling clever ;)) do a series of etch/print cycles with the same plate to add different "layers" of colour to your work? It looks pretty cool, but it definitely takes some practice.

  12. Heh, nice, but I agree with yordan. For the record, my current vote for Windows XP is only because I currently have it. I'm looking to make the switch to Linux. ;)Anyway, remember that certain combinations go well together. For example, if you buy a new PC odds are you'll end up with some 30 day trial of antivirus XYZ, which you use until it runs out. Remember that popularity doesn't mean too much about how good the product is (within reason). Also, thoughts on putting up the option for firewalls? I know I use a generally unconventional one. ;)

  13. Nice, I especially like tip 10 as I've been wanting to organise my bookmarks in to something other than alphabetical order. Other than that, the shortcuts/hotkeys at the bottom had a few useful bits in (they're not actually in the main article itself, they're posted in the comments/reviews), although I already knew how to open a new tab with the keyboard. ;)

  14. True, but I'd still like to get a more "official" view on this. I've made a backup of my site, so if something does go wrong I can always get it back, but I'd love to know what each little part of the hosting (when first created) does. Do bear in mind that it could be a pretty lengthy post, getting you a good number of hosting credits. *hint hint* :blink:

  15. Fair enough, I'll leave them there, then. What about all of the stuff in the subfolders, though? As an example, in public_html there are a stack of files/folders with "_vti_..." in the name. I gather they're something to do with MS FrontPage, but if I don't plan on using it do I still need them?

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